
CKY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

>> Good morning, manitoba. It is 7 o'clock on your may 24th morning. Thank you so much for being with us here on ctv morning live. Coming up at 7.52, soon. A few months now since the federal dental care plan has been put in place, only a few people qualify right now this point as it's getting phased in and more people will eventually qualify as time goes on. We're going to get an update from the manitoba dental association on how the program is going so far in this province. We're going to find out more details about that. But first, your headlines. A weather warning, how much rain is expected to touch down in southern manitoba today. Plus, rules for rents raises what changes could be coming to rent increases in manitoba. And slow and steady light group of girls were racing each other at a U.S. zoo. Haha. Well, they would be moving too fast in this are and they probably be love and all those puddles out there gather and we're just hurdling under their little shells try. They're not a fan of all that's rained like I'm not. But I know many parts of the province are needing this a much-needed drink. >> This morning and it's likely didn't and can continue for the next day or so to come. Currently, it's 5 degrees raining. Could you tailwinds of the northeast at 30 kilometres per hour. The barometric pressure is falling and the humidity sits at 96%. So as you can see rain rain go away, not for a little while. This man that system here to low pressure system, that's what's responsible for all that rainfall we're seeing in southern manitoba. And it's likely even continue for the next day or so to calm. As I mentioned, it's triggered a number of rainfall warnings as evidence here, not only here in manitoba, but also to the east there in ontario. So for us here in winnipeg and in south central, manitoba, you can see an enveloping U.S. likely to bring about 30 to 40 millimetres worth and even more to the west about 40 to 50 millimetres. And as you can see, those little blue sections that can be mixed precipitation for you, likely that rainfall will continue off and into the overnight hours. Another 10 millimetres could come and then 2 more periods of rainfall as it does start to push out of our region. And then into the afternoon, it should lose steam, leaving a little bit of sunshine for us to enjoy, but not much in the way of heat. And then sunday, finally we're getting some sunshine. Let's talk about the temperature, shall we? It's not going to be done to terribly warm. Are looking at a high of 8 degrees, considering 21 is a typical seasonal high for this time of year. We're not doing too well. Same goes for us tomorrow, 8 degrees, but we shoot up on sunday. 18 monday, we keep the heat will lose the sunshine and get that rain back. But things turn around really nicely on tuesday and it's up up up from their 20 degrees. 25 28, respectively, on tuesday, wednesday and thursday. Plus lots of sunshine. Thank you, catherine. Heavy rain expected today has prompted the province to issue an overland flood warning for parts of southern manitoba. >> The interlake, the whiteshell lakes area and the city of winnipeg. This is what it looks like on the streets of winnipeg this morning with a rainfall warning from environment and climate change. Canada says between 50 and 60 millimetres of precipitation is expected for those areas today. The red and the sun went assiniboine rivers are expected to stay within their banks, but the province is warning people that high wind gusts may raise water levels by up to 5 feet along the south basin of lake manitoba as well as shorelines near gimli, victoria beach and the east side of lake winnipeg. One man has been left with more questions than answers after a wildfire blaze near his northern manitoba cabin. John cornyn has owned this cabin located near cranberry portage for 8 years earlier this month. A major wildfire began to burn near the community, forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people. Corden wasn't at his cabin when the file wildfire began, but her from a neighbour that has property may have been destroyed. >> Another kavanaugh were that has a cabin very close to playing for only up beneath that there is. 4 cabins on that gets are on island. And he said 3 of them were lost. I try to get information from conservation and they didn't really know much about it. They are, they're sending ground crews. >> Corden says he was told someone from manitoba conservation would get back to him, but that never happened. Now he's left wondering what happened to the cabin on sunday. The province announced emergency financial support for evacuees. Property damage from wildfires is covered by insurance. The province says the fire near cranberry portage is under control and residents are able to return home. If you've ever been to a concert, you know how expensive ticket prices can be. And in recent years, costs have skyrocketed. Now a major lawsuit against the world's biggest concert promoter live nation, which is ticketmaster's parent company. The U.S. government says the company has a legally maintained a monopoly and is vowing to break it up. Ctv's joy malbon reports. >> Call it the taylor swift effect. After the ticketing crash that kicked off her 2022 aires to are left fans fuming it. It's good to use to guide say that led to a congressional

investigation a year ago. Now the U.S. justice department and 30 states are suing, accusing ticketmaster and live nation. The concert promoter of illegally abusing its monopoly power by suffocating competition and gouging consumers. We allege that live nation has a legally monopolize markets across the live concert industry in the united states. >> For far too long, it is time to break it up. >> After a merger in 2010 live nation and ticketmaster have had a lock on artists and music venues, controlling 60% of concert promotions at 265 venues in north america. The lawsuit refers ticketmaster tax. You know, that long list of added fees, convenience fees, platinum fees, price master fees, no price gouging. Fans have complained for years, just has to recent caldwell. A swifty who flew to sweden with her friends to see their idol. It was simply cheaper. Toronto prices are insane. You in the nosebleeds was 3 grand in sweden. We got tickets, we got 4 seats >> For $500, canadian, she welcomes the U.S. legal action and well, canada's competition bureau says it's aware of the lawsuit. It won't confirm it's investigating. We always know that more competition is more choice for canadians were going to be very focused on that live nation calls the accusations baseless and absurd that we fundamentally disagree with all of these allegations. Live nation blames ticket prices on rising production costs and online ticket scalping. >> But the justice department is determined to break up the company in a legal battle that will likely take years. The manitoba government is planning new rules for landlords who want to raise rents a bill now before the legislature with set down a few conditions for landlords who want to raise rents above the annual provincial guideline, which is tied to inflation. Currently, landlords can apply to residential tenancies director for a higher rent increase and make their argument. The bill would limit such applications to cases where landlords face a sharp rise in taxes, utilities and security costs or where there they invest in capital projects such as plumbing and heating. The bill would also give the residential tenancies director. The power to order rent increases to be phased in over a number of years, instead of taking effect immediately. The bill would also expand exemptions to the rents guidelines, so that landlords who converting on residential properties to rental units can raise rents for 10 years before being regulated. These turtles are moving at a snail's pace. >> And steady wins the race for these turtles at the indianapolis zoo. The 45th anniversary of the plus 500 just wrapped. Was the winner with the grand prize of fresh fruit. All in all, a pretty nice treat waiting for them at the >> And take a look at the current traffic situation now along the norwood bridge, it appears to be moving. Quite well. I think it looks so drops on camera. It's hard to see, but it looks like it is moving well overall, lots of puddles out there, though, so take some extra time for yourself. If you see any problems out there. Let us know. Go to our x ph @ctvmorningwpg. >> Canada's s&p tsx composite index fell by about two-thirds of a percentage point yesterday and will begin today's trading day at 22,200 points U.S. stock markets also fell yesterday, but futures contracts were higher this morning. The long battle for control of gildan activewear, the big montreal-based maker of t-shirts and other apparel is now over and the unhappy shareholder that one of the company's founder, former ceo brought back has one that shareholder from named browning west said preliminary voting made it clear a big majority of votes would have been cast in favour of its position. And a meeting scheduled for tuesday next week. Yesterday, the entire board of directors guild and and its ceo resigned. They will be replaced by directors nominated by browning west and the former ceo glenn should mandy will return to that role. And the canadian dollar was trading this morning at seventy-two 0.9 cents us from the bnn bloomberg news room in toronto. I'm paul bagnell. >> Quebec now to and so they fail, it is bike month and it's hard to believe, but thousands of bikes every year are stolen. >> Rochelle 2000 bikes. Every single year in the city of winnipeg are reporting stolen. >> O that 1000 of them are returned. And of that under 10% of them are returned to the owner. Why is that? It's because folks are not registering their bikes. And the city has set up a website 5, 2, 9 garage so that you can do that. We're at the ranch all morning long. Of

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