
CKY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

I needed real help, and I found it. - I'm a champion for Toba Centre, and you should be too, because the need is real. (Dramatic music)

I'll show you the way. >> Good morning. Happy friday. It is may 24th. You're watching ctv morning live. Thank you so much for being with us this morning. Coming up, ainsley is telling us all about bike month. It is a happening this month, but there's a lot of different activities planned for june. So we're going to hear a little bit more about the important work that ranch does as well as some important reminders about if you are cycling or you just bought a new bike, how you can register your bike for free and why it's important to do so. But first, we have details on your headlines. Overland flood warning how much rain is expected to fall in parts of southern manitoba. Told to tear it down. Why a winnipeg homeowner is being told he can't keep his garages. And later, a rare glimpse inside canada's history. We get a sneak peek inside the library. Canada's archives bringing katherine dow. Now he's here for terri apostle this morning. Every you get stuck with the bad weather and some rain today. I was punching as he leaves town and we get hit with this deluge of rain, that breeze. Yeah, it's very funny. You can tell by the radar, it's yes, this is very strong. Low pressure system that has moved north from the dakotas. >> Bringing rainfall to a much of southern manitoba this morning, likely to continue for the next day or so to come of the details in a moment. Currently at 7 degrees east northeasterly winds at 14 kilometres per hour. Those will be ramping up their metric. Pressure is on the rise in the humidity sits at 64%. So yes, you can see this big old system has pushed the international border there. And he's really hovering around all of southern manitoba to the point that there are rainfall warnings in effect for the entire region, as you can see, and even a into a northwestern ontario in areas alike. Kenora and dryden. So expect some good ol boy here. Expect about 30 to 4 or 20 to 30 millimetres excuse me for us here in winnipeg and south central manitoba. And even more so 30 to 40 to the west of us to the point that it can actually also have some mixed precipitation there in western areas. So maybe rain mixed with snow, sleet lasting not today in southwest manitoba overnight. That will be the case for us, even though that system will be more in the way of rainfall for us, likely it's not going to taper off and lose steam until tomorrow afternoon's. We've got a rainy couple days ahead. So I that 30 to 40 millimetres worth likely another 10 millimetres could fall overnight before tapering off tomorrow. And again, that mix precipitation still possible for you in southwestern manitoba saturday likely won't to sunny. But then sunday, totally things turn around backtracking to today. It's going to be chillier 8 degrees considering 21 is our standard for this time of year. We're not doing too well. And we're likely not touching that for a couple days to come. But again, sunday, look at that. Lots of sunshine, double digit temperatures, however, that rainfall rejoins us on monday. Thank you, catherine. O winnipeg homeowner is appealing an order to tear down or scale back for garages because they were constructed without permits and they total close to 4 times. The allowable size. >> The homeowner on fraser road south of the perimeter is asking for a variance to keep the detached buildings as is they have a combined floor area of more than 3400 square feet. The city's planning department is rejecting the request. The owner has filed an appeal. The report says the applicant built multiple structures on the property prior to the spring of this year without an approved development permits or building permit application. It came to the attention of the planning department following a complaint from a resident. The report also says the owner has the support of his immediate neighbours. Ctv spoke to one of them. >> We should be able to live the way we lived for 20 years already. Why you coming in trying to change things, nobody's doing anything wrong. These are good people in these houses and the city's just going after everybody. >> The owner says removing the buildings will cause hardship as he lives outside the perimeter and he needs the buildings to store vehicles, recreational equipment and gardening tools. The owner declined comment to ctv news until after the hearing next week. It's not the only super size garage that's come to city hall's attention. A couple of weeks ago, the appeal committee allowed a 4200 square foot garage to stay on liberty street, south of wilkes avenue in charleswood that was also built without a permit and was 4 times the proper size. If you have ever been to a concert, you know, how expensive ticket prices can be. And in recent years, costs have skyrocketed. Now, major lawsuit against the world's biggest concert promoter. Live nation, which is ticketmaster's parent company. The U.S. government says the company has a legally maintained a monopoly and is vowing to break it up. Ctv's joy malbon reports. >> Call it the taylor swift

effect. After the ticketing crash that kicked off her 2022 aires to are left fans fuming it. It's good to use to guide say that led to a congressional investigation a year ago. Now the U.S. justice department and 30 states are suing, accusing ticketmaster and live nation. The concert promoter of illegally abusing its monopoly power by suffocating competition and gouging consumers. We allege that live nation has a legally monopolize markets across the live concert industry in the united states. >> For far too long. It is time to break it up. >> After a merger in 2010 live nation and ticketmaster have had a lock on artists and music venues, controlling 60% of concert promotions at 265 venues in north america. The lawsuit refers ticketmaster tax. You know, that long list of added fees, convenience fees, platinum fees, price master fees, no price gouging fans have complained for years, just has to recent caldwell. A swifty who flew to sweden with her friends to see their idol. It was simply cheaper. Toronto prices are insane. You in the nosebleeds was 3 grand in sweden. We got tickets, we've got 4 seats >> For $500, canadian us, she welcomes the U.S. legal action and well, canada's competition bureau says it's aware of the lawsuit. It won't confirm it's investigating. We always know that more competition is more choice for canadians were going to be very focused on that live nation calls the accusations baseless and absurd that we fundamentally disagree with all of these allegations. Live nation blames ticket prices on rising production costs and online ticket scalping. >> But the justice department is determined to break up the company in a legal battle that will likely take years. Members of the royal newfoundland regiment have arrived in france to bring the body of an unknown soldier home just. >> Purely catastrophic has only one I can. I can think of it. >> The body will be returned to canadian troops at a ceremony at bull mohamed tomorrow full mohammed was the site of a first world war battle in which hundreds of soldiers from newfoundland were killed or injured. The unknown soldier will represent more than 800 newfoundlanders who died in the first world war. Once it returns, the soldier's body will lie in state at the provincial legislature. He will later be entombed at the national war memorial in st. John's. People and river heights of another place to cool off this summer. This news spray pad and playground is now open on corydon avenue is located at the cordon community centres. Crescent would site the centre says it saw a significant spike in visitors at its river heights locations are in covid. And that hasn't eased up, prompting it to expand facilities at its other centre nearby. The caps come daycares come lots of people come to enjoy the space said it was always well love. So we're hoping that this takes a little bit of the pressure off that, but also brings people from areas that may not go to our river heights site may become from for their downcore done or somewhere for their towards grads. And we're excited to have people use the space. The project also includes new concrete pathways, seating areas, picnic tables, a bike rack. >> And upgraded landscaping. It costs nearly 1.5 million dollars and was paid for by all 3 levels of government. >> Taking a look now at the current traffic situation around confusion corner. It is raining and there are lots of puddles out there. So be mindful of that as you head out this morning. Give yourself some extra time. If you see anything out there. Please let us know. Good aurex page, @ctvmorningwpg. All right, we're going to go to ainsley. Mcphail knows on logan avenue this morning, telling us all about bike month and with the wrenches. Well, good morning. >> Morning, we are at canada, western canada's largest community bike shop. The wrench and a little cross canada bike month is. Is being celebrated, encouraging folks to do just that now in winnipeg, the green action centre is celebrating bike everywhere month. The wrench still is putting on the bike week in a bike to work day in june. That's coming up. So learning about what they do actually have a shop at the forks and they're going to be promoting some other things as well. Volunteerism, the social enterprise here and a bike safety, 2000 bikes every single year are reported stolen in the city of winnipeg. So it's 7.27. We're going to be learning about the most efficient way to lock it up. Ok. Thank you, ainsley. >> And then we're getting some new snapshots of the universe from the you could tell us go

check this out. The pictures show faraway galaxy star nurseries and a spiral galaxy similar to our own milky way along with the pictures, the european space agency also released its first batch of scientific data from the euclid. It's open to the public to use for their own research. Euclid launched less than a year ago with a mission to map the entire known universe. Just stunning images. Wow. >> Those pictures look I know we're in beautiful my hand. As you can see the all right now are tonight, either part of me. He won't be able to see the stars at all tonight new, that's for sure. Yes, it is, it is not the most pleasant out here, if you will. The rain is coming down. We were telling you about that very low pressure system that was moving in from the dakotas. It's a ride, folks. And you can tell 5 degrees currently in winnipeg, the winds of roundabout in the northeast at 30 kilometres per hour. Pressure is falling and the humidity sits at 96%. So that low pressure system, I actually accidently lowball, that's in terms of the values. So for us here in south central manitoba, it's looking like 30 to 40 millimetres will fall today. And 40 to 50 metres in southwestern manitoba. And that might come in the form of mixed precipitation. That rain-snow mix for us here. It will be rain will deal with those strong northeasterly winds particularly strong this morning out of the northeast at 40 gusting at times to 60 lose some steam into the afternoon. Highs will be well below. Seasonal has been the case for much of the week. >> We're looking at about 8 degrees here in winnipeg when 21 is normal. This system overnight will continue likely another 10 millimetres could fall in southern manitoba to the north, mostly just cloudy skies for you on tap and the lows free our seasonal temperatures press into tomorrow, another rainy day likely in the morning could taper off into the afternoon, but not much warmer. We're looking at a high once again at 8 degrees. But sunday we get the sunshine back. >> And the double digit temperatures. All right. We're going take a break a minute ago. I dry off, but stay with us. Plenty more ctv morning live still dugout. >> He's feeling the burn of summer. His ac has called it quits, leaving him in a sweaty predicament. Oh my goodness, Dave. What is going on here? Oh, hey babe. Just trying to stay cool. Have you called the ac guys? That's where Abundant Air steps in. They're the heroes Dave needs to beat the heat. With their expertise and speedy service, they'll have him chilling in no time. Here. Pants are back in style now, thanks to Abundant Air. Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. Make your first move with battery power made by stihl. Find steel tools starting at two 29-99. Shop Local. Buy Steel. Cancer affects many Manitobans. You can take the challenge and help save lives In CancerCare Manitoba Foundation's Challege for Life. Join together with hundreds of passionate Manitobans on June 1st at Assiniboine Park and walk 20k, 5k or work it for 200 minutes of exercise. Make an impact for the thousands who have been or will be touched by cancer. Together, let's move towards a future free of cancer for your loved ones, for all Manitobans, for you. Register Today at presented by Maple Leaf Construction. Captain, the Cable Emperor has established contact. Put him through. May the lag be with you. Both: May the lag be with you. What's the status? Their ship has escaped, Your Eminence. They're just too fast. I see. Well don't worry, good things come to those who... (Static) Who what? "...who wait," captain. He's frozen again. Of course he is. Classic Cable Empire. ( ) It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! (Upbeat instrumental music)

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