
CKY - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

The tri-hospital dream lottery summer bonus could make your dreams come true. Besides six incredible grand prize choices. The summer bonus brings you a chance to win one of two electric luxury vehicles Or 65 thousand dollars cash. Plus, the fifty-fifty draw just keeps growing. The summer bonus ticket deadline is midnight tonight. Go to try hospital dream dot com now in order your tickets. Don't miss out your dream of becoming a millionaire could come true. Let's all win together (Dramatic music) (Cheering) man: Let's go. Let's play hockey. Light 'em up, light 'em up Light 'em up, light 'em up, light 'em up female ANNOUNCER:Jamie Oliver returnswith the first partof his seasonal cook Might just put a little bitof spring in your step. ANNOUNCER:Jamie Oliver Seasons. Spring starts Monday June 3rdon ctv Life. It's been 2 weeks since hundreds of residents at a st. James apartment building were evacuated over unsafe conditions. >> Now winnipeg's mayor says discussions are taking place to see the legislation needs to change. >> The city is having discussions with the province of manitoba to see if anything needs to change needs to change in legislation. He says change in city bylaws. So the this is an opportunity for us to take a look at what we do and how we do the work of the city will begin our policies and procedures in concert with the province. Mental what to think to see if anything is remanded to change them. I'm very open to those discussions with the province and our staff is having those. >> The city issued a vacate order to the owners of birchwood terrace on portage avenue on may, 9th after to teary ation was found mayor gillingham emphasize that it's up to property owners to make sure their buildings are safe. The property owner land co has said it went above and beyond to maintain the building. Over the decades and that the deterioration was not visible as it was covered by plaster in cement. The company noted the problems are only found after a coma appear to be damaged. Manitoba government is planning new rules for landlords who want to raise rents. The bill now before the legislature would is set down a few conditions for landlords who want to raise one's rents above the annual provincial guideline, which is tied to inflation currently, landlords can apply to a residential tenancies director ray higher rent increase and make their arguments. The bill would limit such applications to cases where landlords face a sharp rise in taxes, utilities and security cost or where they invest in capital projects such as plumbing and heating. The bill would also give a residential tenancies director the power to order rent increases to be phased in over a number of years, instead of taking effect immediately. The bill would also expand exemptions to the rent guidelines. So what landlords who who convert non-residential properties to rental units can raise rents for 10 years before being regulated. One man has been left with more questions than answers after a wildfire blaze near his northern manitoba cabin. John cornyn has owned this cabin located near cranberry portage for 8 years earlier this month. A major wildfire began to burn near the community, forcing the evacuation of hundreds of people. Horton wasn't in his cabin when the wildfire began, but he heard from a neighbour that his property may have been destroyed. >> Another kavanaugh were that has a cabin very close to playing for only up beneath that there is. 4 cabins on that gets are on island. And he said 3 of them were lost. I try to get information from conservation and they didn't really know much about it. They are, they're sending ground crews. >> Warren says he was told someone from manitoba conservation would get back to him, but then never happened. Now he's left wondering what happened to the cabin on sunday. The province announced emergency financial support for evacuees, property damage from wildfires is covered by insurance. The province says the fire near cranberry portage is under control and residents are able to return home. Police are searching for a man who tried to steal a car and crashed it into the cbc building downtown. It happened around 3:30pm tuesday afternoon. Police say the owner of the vehicle went into a nearby business. Well as wife, an 18 year-old child waited in the parked car. The men then entered the vehicle crashed into the portage avenue building while trying to steal it and assaulted the female passenger. Police say the suspect ran off before they arrived. And anyone with information is asked to contact them. People in river heights have another place to cool off this summer. This new spray pad and playground is now open on corydon avenue. It's located at the court in community centers. Christen would site the centre says it saw a significant spike in visitors at its river

heights location during covid. And that hasn't eased up, prompting it to expand facilities and its other centre nearby. >> The caps come daycares come lots of people come to enjoy the space said it was always well love. So we're hoping that this takes a little bit of the pressure off that, but also brings people from areas that may not go to our river heights site may become from for their downcore done or somewhere for their towards grads. And we're excited to have people use the the project also includes a new concrete pathways seating areas, picnic t picnic tables, a bike rack and upgraded landscaping. It costs nearly 1.5 million and was paid for by all 3 levels of government. >> Library and archives canada is responsible for collecting and preserving in storing our country's rich history. Again, no incredibly rare artifacts and documents are safely tucked away, but not for much longer. The public is about to get an inside look into the we're one of the world's largest collections. Ctv's tyler fleming has an early look by the items are one of a kind like this 15 th-century globe. >> Here there are rows of boxes packed with canadiana. >> When did side the preservation centre of the library and archives of canada. 48 volts filled with history. We have those stories here and we try to reflect all the diverse voices like the 425,000 works of art. It's really, really unique is that we don't just have one history of canada. We have many histories of canada. Each person is at a different experience. The different story to tell pictures books films, the constitution, it's all here. And starting friday open to the public. It's such a large collection. Is that the 5th biggest in the world? Visitors can see and learn about these records and artifacts and how the air preserved, restored and protected. It's actually our responsibility to make this place accessible for canadian to invite them into let them discover the stories that part kind of like hidden inside of our, our kinds. Also on the tour, the big white cube, a state-of-the-art robotic storage facility. I'm inside one of the right now. It's cool in here. 10 degrees. It's also humidity control. There are 6 of these and inside they store millions and millions of documents. And it's all completely automated. The world's largest automated archival society. We wanted this collection to be preserved with a 500 year objective is the preservation campus opens to the public friday and saturday from 10:00am to 3:00pm admission is free and no reservation is required. >> Tyler fleming, ctv news. >> Next. I'm in living in canada. This private island is for sale in the maritimes, but it's nothing to scoff at it. And here's today's almanac. Cool and cloudy. We'll show you where and when a mas Make your first move with battery power made by stihl. Find steel tools starting at two 29-99. Shop Local. Buy Steel. We are person centered. We want the people that live here to decide basically everything about how they live, the choices that they get to make, the programs they want to see. Were a place where, you know, if you live here, you're running it. We didn't want to be over calendared. We wanted really to, to connect with what the community wants. Now you get to say how you want to be cared for. I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehe ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. ate opportunities for youth and families through support and assisted memberships. Let's build strong kids together. Shine on with ymca and ywca of Winnipeg. Proudly sponsored by ctv. Meet Dave. He's feeling the burn of summer. His ac has called it quits, leaving him in a sweaty predicament. Oh my goodness, Dave. What is going on here? Oh, hey babe. Just trying to stay cool. Have you called the ac guys? That's where Abundant Air steps in. They're the heroes Dave needs to beat the heat. With their expertise and speedy service, they'll have him chilling in no time. Here. Pants are back in style now, thanks to Abundant Air. . It's spring time in paris and the kings and queens of clay have come out to play roland garros on tsn and tsn+

tonight's weather photo comes to us from lorette. Thanks to an at these beautiful blooming flowers, you can send your weather photos to winnipeg weather at ctv. >> Dot ca. So yes, the topic of the day and even weekend rain on me to move all the way off the screens. You can take a look at exactly how far this stretches. So we're seeing that rainfall warning all the way from winkler to fairford lac du bonnet to brandon. Now that is because of a very well heavy rain system making its way through manitoba. Let's take a look at exactly what is going on in a moment. First though, we do have another advisory going on when it comes to fog in churchill right along hudson's bay. You will be experiencing some strong fog overnight and into the early hours of tomorrow. So if you're headed out, keep an eye on now in. Ok, let's take a look at this rain. So we are seeing that through this handy graphic. Heavy rain is expected to start as well tonight, but most of it will fall tomorrow, including here in winnipeg, where we want are going to be and most of that rain up to about 50 millimetres is expected to fall before midnight. And we could be anywhere from 50 to 70 millimetres of that falling now in brandon. We are seeing from a 30 to 40 millimetres falling in the same for steinbach as well. As we move further north. >> Less rain, although still quite have the, including in kenora tonight, where you could be getting anywhere from 10 to 15. >> Millimetres falling in. Here's another look at that little further out. As you can see, the system from the south is moving covering about half of manitoba could potentially even be snow in just a little to the west because we are having a bit of a colder day tomorrow. And frankly, it's been a colder week for us here in manitoba. As you can see further north cloudy. But we will have things clearing up in the southwest later on early saturday morning of all that rain will be sticking around for much of manitoba throughout saturday and overnight into early sunday. Taking a look at the currents. It is currently 11 degrees in winnipeg, 6 degrees in swan river and lynn lake churchill -3 degrees right now. Tomorrow you will be 6 degrees is the high with a few clouds and that fog overnight as mentioned rain in the pot tonight. Tomorrow, cloudy with 9 degrees and about anywhere from 30 to 40 millimetres of rain is expected to fall in brandon tomorrow with 5 degrees as your high. Taking a look into the red river valley. 50 to 70 millimetres falling starting tonight into tomorrow with a high of 8 degrees. And as mentioned rain tonight in kenora and even fort frances possibly reaching to dryden that will continue with showers tomorrow with a high of 14 degrees >> Weather brought to you by 2.39 custom design cabinet jury made in manitoba. >> You can live on an island paradise right here in canada, but it will cost you, check out this private island in nova scotia's south shore listed for 15.8 million dollars. It's called the lodge at strum island and it sits on about 10 acres of land near the town of mahone bay. The 3 story home features are rustic bar a fireplace is large dining room and kitchen. The lodges 9500 square feet. The listing says the island is designed with security in mind and sick, huge its inclusion and sustainability. A slam dunk for canada, women and girls will soon have new role models to look up to later, where the first real life romance farming for love on ctv It's your best chance to become a millionaire with the Tri-Hospital Dream Lottery. There's millions in prizes to win. Plus a fifty-fifty that keeps growing. Ticket deadline is midnight tonight. - Hi, I'm Mel Dueck from Windeck. We've been designing and building quality decks for over 30 years. We're more than one of Canada's finest deck builders. When you work with us, you have access to our internationally recognized award-winning team, a wealth of experience using the most innovative products on the market, and the trusted integrity that goes hand-in-hand with our family-run business. Come visit our showroom, and discover the incredible products Windeck has to offer. Windeck. Do it once, do it right. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! ate opportunities for youth and families through support and assisted memberships. Let's build strong kids together. Shine on with ymca and ywca of Winnipeg. Proudly sponsored by ctv. In 1993 locally owned Garage

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