
CKWS - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

the kingston area, I think to the areas north and east, the mighty saw a little more, but it wasn't much at all. Moved through very quickly. The one thing it did do was bring in some cooler, drier air, bringing that humidity down. It's a lot more comfortable now. Clear again tonight. And that wind diminishing that southwest becoming more of a west. It's been 30 to 50 through the day. There will be more of a west 20 through the overnight hours. Sunny warm and windy again. Friday we'll see that wind pick up again but more westerly than southerly. And yeah, gusting to 50 k, some sun on saturday and I say some because we're going to see an increase in cloud. You will have cloud with some sunny periods. And then late in the day probably late afternoon, early evening, we see that same little blip where you get that rush of potential for showers. And I wouldn't rule out a thunderstorm in some areas, north away from lake ontario. And then it's out of the way, right back to sunshine sunday and then showers for monday. The temps will start slipping that chance of showers could stay with us through tuesday and even part of wednesday in the morning, so yeah, enjoy the sunshine while we have it, a high of 24in the belleville kingston area today. 23 in brockville. We had 25 in smiths falls in ottawa. And these are true temperatures. There was no humidex values today. 24 in peterborough, oshawa and a 26 in toronto. Today, true temperatures above normal and enjoying it. I'm sure a mix of sun. I know I was a mix of sun and cloud currently and we're looking at southwest winds still fairly strong. We hope to see those diminish a little bit and then become more of a west 20 through the overnight hours tonight, just a trace of a shower. You may have missed it. The only reason I know it happened is because I saw the water marks on the windshield this morning when I came out, but aside from that, there wasn't much of it falling at all. And we did gain about two more minutes of daylight as well. So there's that double high keeping the lower great lakes free and clear, and it sort of dissipates, moves out of the way. But as we see this, a bit of troughing in the north coming through here, I painted it as a, a blue in blue as a cold front, but it's rather weak. It's more like a trough. So it's not going to do much of anything but bring you a little bit of cloud through the afternoon. On friday. But it brings in another ridge of high pressure out of the north that's going to help to moderate those that humidity. Again keeping it down. Here's the weather maker for the weekend and I and I use that term loosely weather maker because this is going to track through really quickly and the impact it has. You can even see here where you've got active weather with thunderstorms south of the border and to the north southern quebec and north away from the lake, lake ontario. There's a bit, but right over the lake you're not really seeing a whole lot of active weather. This is what we're getting now, a little bit of wispy cloud, nothing offensive. Things are looking pretty good for the next 48 hours. Not really. Any probability of showers until late saturday. It looks like in the wee hours of the morning. Friday night into saturday morning, we start to see that gradual increase in cloud. But you will still see a sunny period or two through the day. It's late afternoon, early evening. We see that 40% probability of showers. It could be 60% away from the lake and east of kingston belleville. It's a high of 23 tomorrow. Sunny and a high uv index two cover up. You'll burn within 15 to 20 minutes if you don't get a good sunblock or cover up. Saturday it's a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 23 degrees and late in the day, 40% chance of showers sunday. A mix of sun and cloud and up to 24 degrees. Brockville rising to 20 tomorrow with a mix of sun and cloud. High uv index and those winds are going to pick up. I think everybody is going to see a westerly at 30 to 50 k, a high of 23 saturday. A mix of sun and cloud and for sunday up to 25 and a mix of sun and cloud smiths falls your winds are more of a northwest and because of that, a little cooler. You're not going to break 20 degrees tomorrow, only up to 18. Humidity staying down as well. Mix of sun and cloud for saturday, a high 22 mix of sun and cloud for sunday. More of the same and up to 26 degrees. There is a small chance of showers overnight out in the brockville and smiths falls areas, but it's small. Kingston your forecast a high of 22 tomorrow. Mainly sunny conditions and a little on the breezy side. Saturday a high of 22. Mix of sun and cloud. You've got that chance of showers through the evening. Sunday it's a high 22 mix of sun and cloud and increasing cloud. Early monday leads to a chance of showers for tuesday. Hanging on to that chance of showers, you can see those temperatures slipping to. We won't quite break 20 degrees from monday to thursday, as the chance of showers continue until about wednesday evening. Thursday, you're back to a mix of sun and cloud. Now your weather wallpaper. >> Weather wallpaper is brought to you by kristine geary maple leaf tours travel crews visit maple leaf tours. Com to get into the picture roy e smith of kingston, more specifically the

bay ridge area showing off his lovely peonies. >> They're all in bloom now. This one's about five inches across. I love those flowers. They smell great. They look great. A bit of a myth about them. In the spring before they blossom, the ants crawl all over them and eat the sticky stuff on them. And it was believed for years that it was this a symbiotic relationship that the ants would eat the sticky stuff and that would help them to bloom. Doesn't matter. Even if they answer it there, it's going to blow. They're going to bloom. There's no strict relationship there. >> Yeah, it is a lovely flower and they're certainly getting lots of sunshine these days. Bill, which is going to continue into part of our weekend anyway. Okay. We'll find out what's in your ten day outlook a little bit later. Thank you. It is time for business news. Brought to you by the kingston community credit union and an off day on the capital markets tsx. With a small loss of 26 points, the dow tanked, losing over 600 points and nasdaq dropped 65 points in value. And the number is for the canadian dollar. Gold and oil are not available today. Still ahead, the east coast prepares for a very busy hurricane season and later, a german Ahhh the sound of Spring. When I hear that sound I think of one thing, I think of a Lifestyle sunroom. Hi Keith Carroll here fom Lifestyle Home Products. We've been custom manufacturing Lifestyle sunrooms for over 35 years. And I hear the same thing over and over again from our customers, I should have done it sooner, and it's our favorite room in the home. Announcer: Order your custom built Lifestyle Sunroom and take advantage of our spring makeover event where we pay the tax. You will save hundreds, even thousands of dollars off your purchase. Keith: What are you waiting for? Call us today and let us build your favorite room in your home. Announcer: Save hundreds, even thousands of dollars off your custom built LIfestyle Sunroom with Lifestyle's Spring Make over event. Call or click today and take advantage of this incredible event. Call at at 1-800-465-0593 or head over to Taking one cash offer for your home doesn't have to your only option. I'm Barbara Corcoran and especially in today's current market, having a local real estate agent who offers great marketing and options customized to fit your needs is smart. In Kingston and surrounding areas the agent I trust is Jason Clarke. Jason can guarantee to sell your home, get you Clarke. Jason can guarantee to sell your home, get you pre-qualified buyers and offer a customized marketing plan pre-qualified buyers and offer a customized marketing plan Get the option that's right for you. Go to Since 1962, Pam's flower Garden has been serving Kingston and area. Visit us in store or online for fresh personalized bouquets that make every occasion memorable. Pam's flower garden offering same day delivery. Where your heartfelt gestures bloom I'm shannon buel activity diector at carveth care centre in gananoque a local leader in retirement living and long-term care along with live music and special meals we're enjoying the blue skies the warm sun and the budding trees of spring the beautiful gardens that surround our home are about to spring to life with vibrant flowers summer garden parties and barbeucues find the comfort and happiness you deserve in the heart of the thousand islands come home to carveth where you'll live well stay active and enjoy life Attention grill masters! All barbecue canada is bigger and better! Discover our vast sauce collection, perfect for tantalizing your taste buds And now introducing our brand new Broil King section! All barbecue canada! Where Great bbq Begins ckws News is brought to you in part by Play! Gaming and Entertainment. 1600 Bath Road Kingston, must be 19 years old, play smart >> You're watching. Ckws news at six. >> The U.S. justice department, along with dozens of states, have formally filed an antitrust lawsuit against live nation, arguing the concert promoter has a monopoly that's resulting in higher prices for consumers and less competition. The lawsuit comes in the wake of the 2022 fiasco that prevented millions of taylor swift fans from booking tickets for her eras tour. Reggie cecchini has more in 2010, when live nation acquired ticketmaster, there were concerns the merger would result in too much exclusivity for one company, limiting innovation in the ticket industry and hurting competition. >> The doj chose to not block that move, but on thursday it, along th 29 stes a the district of columbia, filed an antitrust lawsuit alleging the company violated the terms of sale and is now abusing its monopoly. >> Live nation relies on unlawful, anticompetitive conduct. >> The justice department says

competition is being suffocated with promoted tours playing at spotwhere ticketmasrs in chargef sales. The t coanies corol an estited 70% of the ticketing and live event venue market in the U.S. unlike in other countries where venues often use multiple companies for ticketed events. In early 2023, the company's execs were grilled by lawmakers in washington after a botched ticket rollout for taylor swift's concert tour the year before, which the company blamed on bots. >> The reality is, you have 14 years of a clear pattern of anti competitive conduct where consumers have had to pay more and have had the level of services reduced and competitors have really been cut off at the knees, breaking up, the company would upend a multi-billion dollar industry and follow several other targets of antitrust lawsuits, including apple, google and amazon. >> And in a rare move, the department of justice is seeking not only damages but a jury trial. >> Some monopolies are just so entrenched and some problems so difficult to address that they require decisive and effective solutions. >> Live nation responded to this lawsuit saying it was the result of, quote, political pressure. President joe biden, a quote, proud capitalist, has said in the past, capitalism without competition isn't capitalism. It's exploitation. In reggie cecchini "global news, washington we're about a week away from the start of hurricane season, and weather experts are predicting an exceptionally busy one this year. >> Some parts of cape breton, nova scotia are still recovering from hurricane fiona two years later. The mayor says the island is working toward being adequately prepared for the storm activity to come. Amber fryday reports. >> The canadian hurricane center is predicting an above average storm season for atlantic canada, mainly due to record warm water temperatures in the atlantic ocean. Another large factor is the expected shift in the pacific ocean from el nino to la nina. This reversal to la nina typically produces more storms in the atlantic. >> The other aspect of this is rapid intensification and that's something that we've been, you know, watching very closely over the last number of years is just how rapidly these storms go from a tropical storm to a major hurricane. >> The U.S. national oceanic and atmospheric administration is forecasting its highest ever hurricane outlook in history. For the 2024 season, noaa is predicting 17 to 25 named storms, including 8 to 13 hurricanes and 4 to 7 major hurricanes, but it's not clear how many could make landfall at the same time. >> The rainfall associated with hurricanes is also projected to become more intense, and with sea level rise, sea level rise will exacerbate the impacts associated with storm surges. >> The 2023 predictions were slightly lower. There were a few more named storms than projected, and three major hurricanes, in line with the prediction of 1 to 4 always trying to achieve a 70, confidence in their forecasts, this year it's actually up to 85 that they, that they've achieved with these numbers is, so very, very high confidence level that it will be an active season. >> Meanwhile, the mayor of cape breton regional municipality says some parts of the region are still in recovery mode after hurricane fiona pummeled the island in 2022. She says preparedness for the storm season ahead is underway, as the municipality creates more designated comfort centers and is using $1.5 million from the federal government to equip a new emergency command center at city hall. >> You know, emotionally and mentally, people are scared knowing that hurricane season is coming up, that that's real. There's a certain type of ptsd that comes with surviving these types of events, though macdougall says she is also nervous as the season approaches, she is confident the municipality has done what they can to prepare, and robichaud recommends people follow that lead sooner rather than later. >> Amber fryday "global news" halifax. >> Strong storms moved through texas, spawning several tornadoes. The city of temple issued an emergency declaration after a tornado swept through the area. The severe weather caused widespread damage. There are reports of downed power lines, downed trees, and property damage. City officials have asked residents to stay home if they can, as road conditions are either dangerous, closed or impassable at this time. So far, no fatalities or life threatening injuries have been reported. We are getting an update on the arrest of the world's number one golfer, scottie scheffler. Louisville police say detective brian gillis, the officer who interacted with and arrested scheffler last friday, has been

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