
CKWS - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

after downing colorado in six. >> Reporter: oilers fans still have a long way to go. But the flames, well, they didn't even make the playoffs. And of the four teams left in the hunt for stanley, only one canadian team remains. So for this year and this year only, go, oilers, go. Dawn in a. >> Dawna: you did it. Heather yurek-west in calgary, thanks. >>> That is "global national" for this thursday, I'm dawna friesen. Tonight's your canada is this old family farm in ajax, ontario. Thanks for watching. Farrah nasser will be at the anchor desk tomorrow, and I'll see you again in a little bit. Bye-bye. [ ] Closed Captioning brought to you by Kingston Community Credit Union. Whether you want to Closed Captioning brought to purchase an electric vehicle or make energy efficient upgrades to your home kccu has options to finance your green projects Shaw Insurance makes it simple. Whether you're shopping for home, car, business, rental or Whether you're shopping for home, car, business, rental or farm insurance, contact your local broker, Shaw farm insurance, contact your local broker, Shaw farm insurance, contact your local broker, Shaw Insurance, today. Insurance, today. Insurance, today. Jingle Out “Shaw Insurance, makes it simple”

Jingle Out “Shaw Insurance, makes it simple” Yes! Ooh, it's on! Tonight. >> Lack of snow in winter and a warmer spring means water levels in the region are onhe cline. O of kingstos stuck tour boats manages to squeeze under the closed lasalle causeway. And stepping inside the squared circle to raise money for charity. >> From "global kingston" this is ckws news at six. >> Good evening. One of kingston's stuck tour boats has managed to escape from the inner harbour. The island star that's the boat with a wrap around glass, managed to squeeze under the fixed cement bridge on the east side of the broken lasalle causeway today, but it wasn't easy. Kaytlyn poberznick has more on how the thousand islands cruises managed to macgyver their boat into open water, and when it will be in ship shape for dinner cruises. >> The island star escaped the inner harbour today. It's been a work in progress for them to be able to get it past the causeway, but after some modifications made to the boat itself, it was able to go under the fixed portion of the causeway that is usually used for small boats. >> Extensive work, technically complex work, but we got it done along with some ballasting of the vessel to get the island star under the causeway this morning, as optimistic as this is for the high profile summer business, the frustration of having to jump through hoops to get the boats on route remains. It's really impactful that we had to undergo all the expense to do this without federal help and to make it under a portion of the bridge that can and should be lifted from below with a barge, or from above with a crane. Sbc needs to lift that bridge out to get the other vessels out of the inner harbour >> Now, this still leaves two boats on the wrong side of the causeway and they aren't able to modify them like they did for the island star to be able to get them under the bridge. >> The canadian empress and the island belle that are too tall to have any possibility of fitting under that low portion of the bridge. >> As for the usage of the island star, the pieces were moved need to be reattached, including the radar arc. Electrical work needs to be done and they need to add some air conditioning to the unit itself. So we'll spend the next two weeks doing that, and we'll be operating for a public sunset dinner. >> Cruises as of the 7th of june. >> Eric ferguson says he hopes that the federal government will compensate 1000 islands cruises for the expenses that were undertaken to get the ship past the causeway. Kaytlyn poberznick "global news, kingston you may have noticed water levels are lower than usual this spring, including lake ontario and experts say climate change has something to do with it. >> But as darryn davis reports, the current low levels are actually the opposite of what they predict is coming anywhere between 8 and 10cm. >> Right now, we are below average on lake ontario. >> Frank saginaw is keeping a close eye on those water levels as the co-secretary of the lake ontario saint lawrence board of control, the board is part of the international joint commission that manages water levels along lake ontario and the saint lawrence river, he says. Long term models actually show increasing water levels in the great lakes system in the coming years, going up by maybe 10 to 15cm. >> But what we're really concerned about are the changes in extremes, reminiscent of 2000, 17 and 19, that showed what impact high water levels can have flooding municipalities up and down the saint lawrence and lake ontario. >> Frontenac islands mayor judy greenwood-speers says residents on wells pay serious issues with both extremes. >> When it's high water, it inundates the well and contaminates it from the top. When it's low water, you've got to get to that water. >> The wetlands are drying up. If the wetlands dry up, that is habitat for a very high biodiversity of organisms. Not just aquatic organisms, but birds. >> Queen's university professor and freshwater ecologist john small says the longer, warmer summers and shorter winters are leading to lower water levels in other areas to and increasing water temperatures. Ideal conditions for more blue green algae blooms gives taste and odor problems, so it affects drinking water, but it's actually some more serious effects. >> Too many of them produce toxins, judy greenwood-speers says. >> Climate change is already impacting millions of people along the shores of the great lakes, and saint lawrence river. >> Many of our cities and locations of villages are close to the water's edge. They're very at risk, and we have not done enough to get ready and protect. >> And with climate change extremes now a well-established reality, those risks and impacts have become a question of when, not if. Darryn davis local news, kingston the circus has come to town. >> Cirque du perry is setting up

its big top in the parking lot of the rio grande center on gardner's road. The circus group has been touring the province, performing in ottawa earlier this week, and now they're ready to entertain kingston with jugglers, acrobats, clowns and more. Everyone in the troupe is from europe. This european style show means one ring is shared by all the performers, and there are no animals involved. The first show is tonight, followed by a friday night performance. There are five more shows this weekend, with the last one being at 430 on sunday afternoon. >> The feeling is like the reward of all of these days of travelling and setting up, and we are. We can't wait forward to do our first show here in kingston. >> We enjoyed another day of pleasant conditions, but not as humid. Let's find out what's in store to end the week in bills. First, look at the local forecast. Good evening bill. >> Hi, bill. Yeah, very nice conditions today and so much more comfortable. That cool air mass has rolled in and brought that moisture down. It's much drier air mass. And so we're not seeing any humidex value in the region right now. A true temperature, but still in the mid to high 20s for a lot of us across southern and eastern ontario. Very nice conditions. We may get a little more of that again tomorrow. There is a chance of a shower for the weekend, but not a big chance. And it looks like a pretty good weekend too. We'll take a look at that in your full forecast in just a few minutes. >> First weather is brought to you by orban windows and doors for premium products, award winning service and professional installations, visit orban comm. >> The city of brockville might just get a new rink behind the memorial civic center, but the cost won't come cheap. I'm talha hashmani and I'll have more on this later. >> Professional women's basketball is making its way to canada. I'm mike postovit with that and more coming up in sports. >> Opp have busted another stolen car ring in ontario. This one involving classic cars. Police carried out a search warrant in the village of stirling, north of belleville. Seizing 16 vehicles with a value of $3 million. Two men from stirling are now facing a trunk full of charges. Tricia mason has more. >> This rural property just outside of stirling is the subject to a large scale police investigation. Two residents have been charged with multiple counts of theft after police say they seized more than a dozen vehicles, including classic cars totaling more than $3 million. >> So these were classic cars as well as some newer cars. They had been some had been stolen, some had been put together with pieces from multiple stolen vehicles to create a classic vehicle that was then sold, some have been sold, some are still on the property. >> The original complaint was made back in 2023 regarding a stolen vehicle to the lambton county opp. Since then, the opp fleet supplying weapons service bureau, central hastings opp crime unit and emergency response team, along with the provincial auto theft and towing team and provincial asset forfeiture unit, got involved during the investigation. >> The provincial asset forfeiture unit was able to determine that 16 vehicles were considered. Proceeds of crime, either purchased or derived through criminal activities. Therefore, they were able to seize them as proceeds of crime and offense related property. >> Stirling residents robert bradshaw and gary leblanc were charged with theft of motor vehicles over $5,000, fraud, over $5,000 used forged documents, and conspiracy to commit an indictable offense. Leblanc was also charged with uttering threats put together. >> It's a very serious, complex investigation involving numerous crimes, according to the database of the ontario motor vehicle industry council, which inspects ontario's dealerships and auto salespeople, both men, in december of 2023 pleaded guilty to multiple charges under the motor vehicle dealers act as an unregistered dealer. >> Both men faced several fines as a result. Constable wade reminds residents to be mindful if they are buying a vehicle through a private deal. >> You could run into an issue where you're buying a refin vehicle or a stolen vehicle or a fraudulently registered vehicle, so do your due diligence, take your time. If the deal is too good to be true, there's probably a reason for it. >> The accused have since been released and are set to appear in a belleville court at a later date. Now the investigation is ongoing and according to opp, it could be widespread throughout the province and even the rest of the country. Tricia mason, "global news, stirling some tense moments on bath road early this morning after a vehicle took down a streetlight pole. >> Here's some viewer video of

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