
CKWS - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 05:30 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> At the university of toronto. The deadline has passed for pro-palestinian dhon demonstrators. They now have until monday morning to leave. Protest organizers caufield the school's terms outrageous criticizing the negotiating tactics as an ultimatum. The proposal invites them to discuss concerns with the university's business board of governing council, but it declines demands to divest from israeli companies or partnerships with israeli universities. >>> Ontario's accelerating plans to expand where alcohol can be bought. Today premier doug ford announced a multi-stage plan that will see alcohol sold in corner stores along with a wider selection in grocery stores by this fall. >> People are excited they're going to enjoy the same choice in convenience as other canadians and other people right across the world. >> Farah: starting august 1st, ontarians can find products like wine coolers and 30-pack cases of beer in grocery stores. After september 4th, they can buy beer, cider, and wine in eligible convenience stores, a goal initially promised by 2026. Big box stores will also begin sales after october 31st. >>> New temperaturedemocrats say they're planning to ask for a conservative manitoba mp brandon leslie included the video containing doctored television news clips mixed with real and out of context news. As david akin reports, experts say it pushes the boundaries of political messaging. >> Reporter: this video never aired on ctv news channel and this video never aired on cbc news. The scenes are a fiction, created for conservative member of parliament brandon leslie. >> Over the coming weeks, the liberal laurentian... >> Reporter: they were part of a four-minute video leslie released criticizing justin trudeau's record in office, fair game, but experts say the technique he used to do that mixing real footage from newscasts by global, cbc, and ctv with out of context news and what amounts to fake news is a problem. >> It's obviously taking the work that journalists do and using the model and the formats that journalists use to try to spread things that aren't true. >> This is the first instance of this sort of content that I've seen produced or published by a member of parliament in canada. I've not seen anything like this before. It's pushing the boundaries. >> Reporter: leslie shrugged off concerns that the doctored images might be mistaken for real news. >> I don't think anybody thinks that I'm the guy that's going to break the news that the prime minister has resigned. I think canadians are very smart. >> Reporter: new democrats take a different view. >> It ought to be absolutely unacceptable and there should be an ethical consensus amongst parties that we will not partake in this type of misinformation and disinformation. >> Reporter: matthew green is a member of the house of commons ethics committee which is currently studying political misinformation and disinformation. >> I would call on this mp to delete it and apologize. >> Reporter: as for the broadcasters, ctv said it was concerned about misuse of its logos and branding, while cbc said it has detected a "alarming trend of false ads and news stories." >> Farah: thank you, david. A change to the rcmp dress code sparks anger. Coming up, the reaction of the addition of indigenous ribbon Attention grill masters! All barbecue canada is bigger and better! Discover our vast sauce collection, perfect for tantalizing your taste buds And now introducing our brand new Broil King section! All barbecue canada! Where Great bbq Begins legend is born. The S.S. Keewatin crafted with 1920's grandeur, she proudly harboured our cargo and served as an elegant gateway for travellers on the Great Lakes. A living museum echoing tales of a bygone era. Join us in celebrating her legacy with a journey through time and heritage. There may be lots of options for custom orthotics in Kingston but only one has Stand Your Ground's selection of premium branded shoes to accompany your treatment plan! From Hoka, to Finn Comfort, we have shoes that look as good as they feel! Why is it important? It all starts from the ground up! Footwear is your foundation and a critical piece to the comfort and effectiveness of your treatment plan. Stop trying to cram an oversized orthotic into your shoe! Come to the experts at Stand Your Ground

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>>> Does putin want to halt his war on ukraine? Ahead, the skepticism over insider info allegedly from within the kremlin. Come see what's new, at Better Baths by Design in their all-new showroom! Bring your bathroom to the next level, with Pat and her experienced staff, you find just what you're looking for! Vanities, bathtubs, fixtures, tiles, toilets, sinks. it's all at Better Baths by Design. And if you don't see it in showroom they'll find it for you! Visit them today, John Counter Boulevard Kingston Better Baths by Design because every I'm Barbara Corcoran, in Kingston and surrounding areas the agent I trust is Jason Clarke. Jason can guarantee to sell your home, get you pre-qualified buyers and offer a customized marketing plan Go to At Gan Chev we are experts at maintaining your vehicle.A multi point vehicle health check is your ticket to piece of mind on the road. This comprehensive inspection is due every 12,000 kilometres to ensure your vehicle is in top shape. With our electronic inspection report you can receive a deatiled over view of your vehicles health complete with photos and videos all conveniently sent to your phone, ensuring a hassle free experience Trust Gan Chev to keep you safely on the road. Book your multi-point vehicle health check today. Kg Here for Lennox Fence,Eastern Ontario's fencing specialists.We are the professionals for all your fencing needs. Some people just just are not do it yourselfers . Argh son of beep one call to Lennox Fence will get the job done by professionals guranteed perfect. Whatever your fencing needs residential, commercial, agriculture or industrial, call for a free estimate for spring and summer 613-354-3449 Highway 41 north at Selby, Lennox fence owned and managed by the hughson group What do Ontario Dairy Farmers bring to the table? A million little things. From 5 am wake up calls... living the words “never put off till tomorrow what you can get done today”. Bringing together what our parents taught us... and what our kids can. Passion, caring... ...learning and growing, year after year. The knowledge that if we set the table, every day, take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. That's how you milk. [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance >> Farah: to russia's war with ukraine, transparency is not something you would expect from the kremlin, but tonight, four anonymous sources apparently close to russian president vladimir putin say he is willing to end the war in russia is allowed to keep territories it now controls in the ukraine. Mike armstrong reports. >> Reporter: there was no confirmation but also no denial. Vladimir putin, visiting one of his few allies friday, belarus, said there is a need for peace talks with ukraine, but he added that they should reflect realities on the ground. What that likely refers to are the frontlines in eastern ukraine. According to a reuters report, four sources close to putin say he is willing to "freeze the war." that would be on the condition he keeps what his troops have taken. Right now, russia controls about 18% of ukrainian territory and is fighting to take more. Now, the first question about this potential putin proposal is whether it's real. Well, a report citing multiple kremlin sources, even anonymously, isn't likely to have come out of the kremlin without putin's approval. The university of toronto's oral braun. >> It's highly unlikely. This is a putin regime. It is very tightly controlled. >> Reporter: the other question is motivation, the proposal could be a trial balloon to feel things out. It could also be a way of putting pressure on ukraine and the west to play on growing fatigue with the war, but an agreement at this point would leave russia isolated and impoverish impoverished and putin with perhaps only one accomplishment. >> If vladimir putin's focused only on one thing, that is staying in power and protecting absolute power, then he has been successful. >> Reporter: the ukrainian president in his weekly statement friday said putin is trying to disrupt an upcoming peace summit any way he can. About 70 countries are set to meet next month in switzerland that will include prime minister trudeau, china has been invited,

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