
CKWS - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

You know all the hard work has been done now, it's time for all the finishes. We will 100% get thatfinished very shortly. We have a little bit of work to do, but it will be spectacular when the first guests arrive. Sarah: We are livinghere, we are working here. We are sharing this propertywith so many people. We are very fortunate for allthe people that have been here long before us, like Marco and Archie. Bryan: We're here for good. (laughing) Sarah: For all the constructionguys, there's so many people on this site making this happen day in and day out that, more than ever, we realize that it does take a village to make this type of project happen Bryan: It takes an entire island. What's next for us? Well, first we havea hotel to open. And a family to figure out. Sarah: And still a little bit of work to do. Bryan: A lot of work to do. Living in paradisesounds amazing, but there's a lot more toit than just coconut based drinks and mini umbrellas. We need to make sure we enjoythe last little bit of the journey, of this journey that we've been on. Sarah: This is more than a journey. This is insanity. (laughs) Bryan: You know, we took a little break at home to take a deep breath and regroup and I think coming back now and seeing that, you know, I think we're through the really hard stuff. Sarah: If I know anything about building and you and I, there's still going to be some challenges in the next few months ahead of us. Bryan: You know there's nobody else on this planet that would have tackled this project with me. We're almost there. Wanna high five? Hug it out? Sarah: You can't high-five your wife. (laughing) Grandma: This is goingto be an HGTV? Bryan: Nah, thisis for our memoirs. Bryan: It looks exactly the same. Worker: I'm goingto Hollywood man I'm gonna resign, I'mgoing to be a superstar. I always wanted togo to Hollywood. Bryan: Look at this kid lookat what we gotta deal with. (laughter) Adam: And that's a wrapguys! That's a wrap! Nice hand towel, huh? What do you need a hand towel for? Can't you use a big towel for your hands? What's next, foot towel? Turkish... for eight bucks? You're getting this towel. Deals so good, everyone approves. HomeSense. What do Ontario Dairy Farmers bring to the table? A million little things. From 5 am wake up calls... living the words “never put off till tomorrow what you can get done today”. Bringing together what our parents taught us... and what our kids can. Passion, caring... ...learning and growing, year after year. The knowledge that if we set the table, every day, take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. That's how you milk. ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. (classical music plays) My Lindor bar. To enjoy. To dream and to keep dreaming. Irresistibly smooth milk chocolate from the Lindt Maître Chocolatier. Melt into a lasting moment of bliss. IT'S A FACT THAT THERE ARE THOUSANDS OF HOMELESS MILITARY VETERANS IN CANADA. HOMES FOR HEROES FOUNDATION IS A NATIONAL CHARITY, BUILDING TINY HOME VILLAGES WITH FULL SUPPORT SERVICES. THESE VILLAGES PROVIDE A SAFE PLACE FOR CANADIAN VETERANS TO TRANSITION BACK TO CIVILIAN LIFE WITHIN A COMMUNITY OF PEERS. WITH THE SUPPORT OF COMPANIES LIKE THE BRICK, HOMES FOR HEROES HAS TWO VILLAGES OPERATING, WITH PLANS TO BUILD ACROSS CANADA. YOU CAN HELP, WITH YOUR DONATION. THEY STOOD ON GUARD FOR US, NOW LET'S STAND UP FOR THEM. ( ) That's a DQ Chicken Strip Basket! For more

info and tour dates visit The Steve Miller Band >> Announcer: this is "global news at noon". >> Candace: hello, everyone. Thank you for joining us on "global news at noon". I candace daniel. The students behind the pro- palestinian encampment at the university of toronto have responded today to a conditional offer from the school after two weeks of occupying king's circle. Jaden lee-lincoln joins us from the school with that response. Good afternoon, jaden. >> Hello there. We know the university and pro- palestinian protesters have been at a stalemate since as encampment went up 23 days ago. The university provided and offered to students and gave them a notice, saying they have until five rpm to clear our further escalation could happen. Including a notice of trespassing. While we heard from students about an hour ago. They said they will consider this offer, but to them this is just the start of negotiations for them. They stopped short of saying whether they will stay or leave by four pm. Meanwhile, we have some jewish groups at the university saying that they are surprised that the university is even negotiating with student protesters here. Here is more from both sides. >> We are standing before you today steadfast in our demands. We are here for divestment, disclosure, and to demand the university of toronto cut ties with israeli academic institutions, complicit in this genocide. >> The graduating class right now is the same graduating class that was disrupted during the covid outbreak. I want the university to take every step possible to ensure the safety and security of jewish students and all students on campus. >> Reporter: again, protesters have not specified if they will stay or go. They say they will just continue to consider the universities offer. But the offer does not say if they will fully divest or cut ties with israeli partners. Meantime, the university tells me they will wait to see what students will do it 4:00 pm. But from what I can tell it does not look like students are going anywhere. On their social media pages they have called for donations of water, goggles, vinegar, all stables to help prevent the effects of tear gas, which police used to help disperse crowds. They also have an itinerary of activities well in to the evening so it does not look like they are going anywhere. What happens if both sides are kind of firm on where they stand? King's college circle is a spot that is used for graduation ceremonies. Graduation starts on june 2nd, and they are going to want this base cleared for their ceremonies. Something tells me that police escalation will be the next step. We spoke to police. I asked, have we been engaged? They said they have not been asked yet by the university to come forward, but it sounds like they are still in talks with the university. Jaden lee-lincoln, global news. >> Candace: ontario's premiere and finance minister held a press conference in etobicoke this morning to reveal when beer, wine and ready-made cocktails will be sold in convenience stores, and the price tag to accelerate this 2018 election promise. Queen's park bureau chief, colin d'mello, joins us now with the details. Good afternoon, colin. >> Reporter: good afternoon. And just a matter of months, that is when the ford government says that convenience stores like the one behind me will be able to start stocking their shelves with booze. The government says this is the largest liberalization of alcohol sale in ontario since prohibition, which would have been in the early 19 hundreds. Here is what is going to take place. By the end of summer, september 5th, that is when all convenience stores will be able to sell things like beer, wine, other alcohol and ready-made drinks. They will be able to stock their shelves with larger packs of beer, including the 12 pack, the 24 pack in the 30 pack. And after october 31st, after halloween, more grocery stores will be abletoopt inaswell, allowing them to sell things like beer, wine, ciders and ready-made drinks as well. The premier made this promise back in 2018 that he was going to do this. But it was quite a complicated procedure, because the beer store was controlling the sale of beer in this province. There was a master framework agreement that was signed with the beer store in 2015. The ford government told the beer store last year that it would not continue on with that agreement, paving the way for opening the door for more sales, points of sales for beer, wine

and other ready-made drinks. Here is what the premier had to say today about this announcement. >> The response from the public, from stakeholders, small businesses, has been absolutely overwhelmingly positive. People are excited. They are going to enjoy the same choice and convenience as other canadians and other people right across the world. >> Reporter: originally slated for 2026, just before the election year. The government had to speeded up until now. And they cut a deal with the beer store. Ontario will give the beer store $226 million. That money is to ensure that the beer store will still -- still hold on to its footprint of about 300 or 350 stores. The lcbo will see a revenue drop as well, leading to questions as to why taxpayer dollars are being spent on an arrangement that not a lot of people might buy into. Reporting live, I colin d'mello. Back to you. >> Advanced voting opens today for mississauga's mayoral by-election. Former mayor bonnie crombie resigned at the start of this year after deciding to run as leader of the ontario liberal party. There are 16 candidates, including the former mayor's ex-husband, brian crombie. Recent polling suggest that carolyn parrish, former councilor and mp had a wide lead earlier this month after nominations closed. Advanced polls are open today and tomorrow at city hall with election day on june 10th. A disturbing and dangerous online trend has montréal's transit authority ramping up security and vigilance after video showed teens behind the control panel of metro cars. Brayden jagger haines has more. >> The stm is investigating concerning videos circulating online of thrill seekers breaking into operating card cabins of the metro trains while in service. [ ] >> Reporter: anonymous urban explorers have amassed thousands of views on tiktok with stunts like this. The video shows adrenaline junkies behind the control panel of the metro train when it is motion full of passengers. Able to move in both directions, montréal metro trains have two operator cabins, one at each end. Only the cabin at the front of the train is occupied by the driver when in service. And only one panel is functional at a time. Declining an on camera interview in a statement and stm official said that these people are taking an enormous risk. The stm finds stm finds he's asked deplorable and extremely dangerous. Each incident is reported to police, but officials did not say how many have occurred. Fearing an increase in popularity, of the stm says they are aware of the phenomenon and is monitoring the situation closely to find stott -- and notifying staff and it's 170 security constables to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity. Brayden jagger haines, global news, montréal. [ ] >> It is friday afternoon on the shortened workweek. And it's a beautiful day across most of ontario, in to the province of québec as well. It is however quite a bit cooler as you venture further north. Fourteen wiarton in muskoka, ten in sudbury and north bay. Fifteen in ottawa, 19 in montréal. Part of the reason for the cooler conditions up north is a cloud deck. And there is the southern extent. I don't expect it to drop much further south, but were seeing a northwest wind ushering in some cooler and dry air for this time of year. The radar does not show any shower activity until you get back through parts of québec. Around québec city it's been a wet morning. Some lingering showers now. Montréal not expecting anything this afternoon other than wind. Which is gusting up to 41 kilometres per hour. Light wind across southwestern ontario. As far as this afternoon to hide, will be mild. Twenty-seven across... Midteens as you venture just a little bit to the north. There is some rain on the way. Unfortunately, for saturday. We will talk about showers and storms and how long they will last coming up. >> Announcer: you are watching global n music

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