
CKVU - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 11:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> 8:35 here on "bt." time to take a look at the forecast. We say good morning to frank ferragine who is enjoying a beautiful day by the water. He is downtown at woodbine beach in toronto taking a peek and looking -- are you looking around for friends, frank? What's going on? >> Frank: yeah, it's such a nice morning, nice day. Where is everybody? Like, I'm the only one, it feels like, on this beach. There's one gentleman over there, just kicking a ball by himself. Pondering about life there too. I'm just wondering, like, what's going on, tammie? Shouldn't they be at the beach? >> Tammie: they're at work, like us. >> Frank: that thing called work . . . . . . Yeah. I'm at work too [ Laughter ]. Pretty hard. Big job. Big hard job. Let's look at the forecast weather-wise from coast to coast to coast. As you can see in toronto, we're continuing with summer-like conditions but let's move to the east coast and see what's in store for our friends towards halifax and into with new brunswick as well and newfoundland. We got temperatures today? St. John's sitting at 14°. Halifax today, nice pleasant conditions at 24. Look at montréal today! Sizzling, 31 without humidex. With humidex today into the MID-30s. Today in toronto, we could see a little bit of a stormy later afternoon, 27° with a humidex of 32. Thunder bay today sits at 16. Mossanee could see thunderstorms later this afternoon at 16 as well. Winnipeg under cloud cover. Regina around 14°. A little cool and soggy, calgary towards edmonton, 10 and 12. Vancouver today, mainly sunny skies at 16. 12 into whitehorse, 16 into yellowknife and the freezing mark for iqaluit. Once again, that is your forecast coast to coast to coast on this wednesday on a short workweek, sitting down heree at the beach. Hey! Devo, next week, we will be in florida >> Devo: yeah, we will. Frank, you look good on the beach. You have no friends. I could come down and hang out, if you want. >> Frank: yeah, you should. Like, there's just me. Yeah. Just me. >> Devo: I don't know, man, I'm hurt from yesterday when you told me I shouldn't sing the archie's track, sugar, sugar. >> Frank: but you shouldn't. It's just truth. Truth hurts, that's why I'm your friend. >> Frank: when we're at disney, I'm going to sing higher time. >> Frank: oh, great. I can't wait. I got ear plugs for that. >> Devo: yeah, yeah [ Laughter ]. Speaking of music. Deadmau5, familiar with his music? >> Frank: he's good friends with brian ballmer. >> Devo: grammy nominated dj. Doing music over 25 years now. Huge accolade he's getting next month. Sharing the details in entertainment after 9 this morning. Oo oof, this is going to be interesting. Next . . . In 2015 ashley madison was hacked. Had to rebuild the trust of its members, which is difficult to do. The offices were set here in toronto as well. Coming up on "bt," we're going to chat with the chief strategy officer of the company about that hack and how the brand has turned around and even grown almost a decade later. Yeah, good wedne morning, you're watching "bt." [ ] Breakfast Television is brought by Tim's new Flatbread Pizza. Freshly prepared and served hot out of the oven. There's a new Tims run in town. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims Are your floors as clean as you think? Try Swiffer Sweeper Wet. It gives me the cleaning power of a mop and the convenience of a wipe. These cloths trap dirt and grime. Even hidden dirt you can't see. So it doesn't get pushed around. Swiffer Sweeper Wet. Love It or Your Money Back. Beautiful. Bold. Brilliant. Whatever your hairstyle, Bigen semi-permanent hair colour gives you oil-rich conditioning formula infused with coconut, argan, and maracuja oil. Beautiful, long-lasting colour contains no ammonia and no peroxide, anti-breakage protection so gentle that you can stay natural or relax and colour on the same day. So get rid of those greys, do a little touch-up, or try on a new shade with Bigen semi-permanent hair colour. It's all your style. ( ) ( ) ( ) Canadian summers just hit different with Tims. ("Steal My Sunshine" by Len) Introducing two new Sparkling Quenchers... made with natural flavours and colours. Memories are made with Quenchers. It's time for Tims (Screaming in movie) (Audience gasps)

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can either exocompromise and not have these things and be unhappy in the relationship or you can divorce which is financially costly and emotionally costly and if you have children it's not the easiest path. We're offering a different route. What I said about successful affairs is the idea of being undiscovered. So in doing it in a bit of discretion -- >> Meredith: but, can we say that anymore? >> Tracy: you're jumping over the ethical. I have to ask you this, for your business model, it's unethical, how do you reconcile the fact that you are ruining lives with your business model. How do you put that together and have a good sleep at night? >> I've been with the company for more than ten years and I talk with our customers. We preserve more marriages than we end -- >> Tracy: marriages where lying is happening. >> You can lie to yourself or your spouse about your happiness and whether or not your needs are being met. We can go out of business tomorrow, the feelings, desires and actions are not going to stop. >> Meredith: you're giving access to people to conduct themselves in a way that the idea of a marriage does not contain that kind of sanctity and the implication there that women are being empowered sexual sexually by this is a bit of a dangerous one. But really the company seems to move towards danger. The controversy and the divisiveness that exists, a lot of company back away. The popularity has increased. How does that make sense and how do you reconcile that with the job that you do? >> Yeah, absolutely. I think my job isn't to go out and convince a happily married couple to have an affair. If I could do that, my boss, please, I need a raise, we would be a multi-billion dollar company. In fact, what we're trying to do is tell people about the truth about what's happening in the world of infidelity, what's happening inside the scenes of ashley madison and not trying to convince people to take this route. Increasing increasingly, it's not just infidelity, even though that's our bread and butter. Life is short, have an affair. 20% of our membership are people who call themselves non-monogamous and disclose to their partner. So that might be a premier brian pallister amorous -- polyamorous relationship. There's a great spectrum no these type of activities. They desire the discretion that our platform offers. And from an ethical standpoint, we're honest and up front about our business. Again, I said what our tag line is, there's noac big guty about the nature of the business. If you go to other dating sites, we've seen reports that even today tinder has up to 30% of their membership are married people pretending to be single. We're doing a service to the dating sites to pull them away from them to come to our site where our daters are honest about their intention. >> Meredith: are you offering any stronger actual honest protection at this point? >> Push back on the whether it was honest before or not, but that's not here nor there. Absolutely. You couldn't be in business today after what we went through, if we had not invested tens of millions of dollars in our security, our privacy and discretion. And I often tell many my -- my team and colleagues every day we wake up, we have to push that boulder up the hill. Security is done, we don't have to worry about that today. Every new feature and campaign and everything we do has privacy and security imbued in it. That is what drives the company forward. It enabled us to rebuild the trust with the members. 2015 we had 36 million members. We've had more than 50 million new members join sinin then. Clearly we're delivering on an expectation for our membership. >> Tracy: all right. Paul keeble, everyone. Strategy officer for ashley madison. >> My pleasure. >> Meredith: thanks for your time. There's lots to talk about here and we will continue it in our "you sound off." what do you think constitutes cheating? We were talking about that obviously right here and we'd like to know in your life. If your heart. What counts as cheating to you? You can have your say More "bt" coming up after this. [ ] Woo-ohh-ohh vo: This program is brought to you in part by Citytv+. (crowd cheer) Its in the backof the net! Try it. Stream it. Love it. Available with Prime Video channels. (dramatic sfx) Darrell's family uses Gain Flings now, so their laundry smells more amazing than ever. Woman: Isn't that the dog's towel? (Groaning) Hey, mi towel, su towel. More Gain scent plus Oxi Boost and Febreze in every Gain Fling. Tough enough toget the job done.Smart enough toget it done right. Tough this smart canonly be called f-150.

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