
CKVU - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

allegedly attacked with barrister -- bear spray and feces over the weekend. Police say officers asked three men to move on may 18th because they were blocking a loading bay near franklin street and mclean drive in east vancouver. One of the men allegedly told police he needed to use the washroom and when he was done, police say he threw feces at the officers and attacks them with bear spray, anyone of them in the face. The suspect allegedly fly then hitting a porta potty, refusing to cooperate. Officers fired beanbag shotgun ramps to subdue him. A 42-year-old has been charged with assaulting a police officer. Convicted serial killer robert pickton remains in the icu after an attack on sunday left him with what police described as life-threatening injuries. The federal public safety minister will not say whether his office will publicly release the results of an internal corrections review of the assault. Pickton is in hospital after suffering life-threatening injuries when he was attacked at a prison in québec. A 51-year-old inmate is in custody. The minister said the attack shouldn't have happened at the maximum security federal prison that his concern is for staff. >> I'm worried and at the women and men who work in the correctional service that are in danger when these violent incidents take place. I worry about their security. That was the nature of my conversation last evening with commissioner kelly. I want the board of inquiry to look at what measures are appropriate to ensure that kind of risk to the staff network any difficult establishments, dangerous establishments are protected. >> The 74-year-old is serving a life sentence after his 2007 conviction. He was arrested in 2002 after a major investigation into the disappearances of dozens of vulnerable women, mostly from vancouver's downtown eastside. I return plan is now underway for around 4700 people were forced out of their homes in fort nelson due to the parker lake wildfire. Rob frazier, mayor of the northern rockies regional municipality has told city news that bc hydro crews have restored power to all properties in fort nelson except the 10 damaged by the blaze. Fortis bc is working on getting natural gas back up and running as it had been shut off. Fraser added that essential services like hospitals and clinics are making a plan ahead of residents returning while essential businesses like grocery stores and gas stations will also be contacted to return as well. We are two years away from the fifa world cup and the price tag for vancouver to house to seven games has ballooned by bcs premier says it would be a worthwhile investment. It was revealed last month that is going to be costing over $580 million for the city to host the seven matches. That's double the amount projected two years ago but the premier speaking with our sister station says that money will include semipermanent additions. >> We are doing expansions around bc place. Permanent expansions that will allow bc place to host conventions and other events going forward which we are not -- were not part of the original plan. Things are also more expensive right now. Everybody knows if they are trying to do a home renovation, global inflation has driven up a lot of costs. When you put the factors together, it's more expensive but the legacy that will be left behind as we hold more events at bc place, they have a couple more games for british columbia which is great news. Event. >> The prominent says the soaring costs which are split between three levels of government will be offset by a boost in tourism spending, I claim that critics have been sceptical about. The world cup will kick off on june 11th 2026. The premier also address the recent rumours of a possible merger between opposition parties and the bc conservatives which are seeing a surge in higher votes in polls and the bc united. >> This is not a surprise. This is how they've always run things. Whatever they call themselves, it's the same thing, they made the same decisions, they agreed on the same decisions and now, maybe they're in a fight, maybe they're trying to get back together. I don't know but what I know is we are focused on what matters for british columbia's and that's all they can do. I don't know who I will be running against. Maybe kevin falcon, who knows but at the end of the day, for me, can we show british climates where we are going and how we are going to address these issues that our province and a lot of the world is facing right now. >> Families in south vancouver are getting 69 a new childcare spaces through a new rooftop childcare centre on the rebuilt david lloyd george elementary school and harris cecelia... >> I started looking once I found it I was pregnant.

>> Like many new mothers in vancouver, angeles says it was no easy task of securing a daycare spot for her baby. >> Based on the other moms I know, general knowledge is that daycare's are rare and hard to come by. >> We probably put our name down on 50 daycare's and paid all of the registration fees. >> You feel like you've won the lottery in vancouver when you find a daycare. At such a challenge. >> Thanks to a partnership between the city, the vancouver school board, and marvel neighbourhood has, these parents were able to find peace of mind that a new affordable child care facility in south vancouver. >> We recognize it's one of our city's most underserved neighbourhoods for children and families. We'll begin to see more vancouver families benefit from these important investments. >> This facility is built on top of the david lloyd george elementary school, complete with an outdoor playground and many interactive stations for the kids to explore their creativity, a much-needed childcare space in the neighbourhood, it's built to accommodate up to 69 children from infants to five years old. >> The fact that it has such a gorgeous outside space, it looks like it's very child centre, I love the fact that it seems to be focusing on the children and showcasing their interests curiosity. >> I love that it's on a rooftop. It's safe from the community. It's very secure, it's very clean. >> For all parents but especially moms, there's the stress of trying to find safe and reliable childcare is that you can get back to the workforce. >> The city of vancouver promising to more school childcare facilities to be ready for families in 2025. >> The federal government is lending bc ferries some money to buy a handful of new boats. The canada infrastructure bank announced the 75 million-dollar loan which we'll go towards four new zero emission vessels and electric charging infrastructure. That infrastructure is expected to be done by 2027 with electric fairies slated to be used on smaller routes. Bc ferries already says six hybrid electric boats running that they are running on diesel until the charging equipment is up and running. The loan repayment is expected to come from passenger fares and retail revenue. The competitors have been announced from one of the biggest summer events in vancouver. Malaysia, united kingdom, and portugal will be the three teams competing in this year's celebration of light. The annual fireworks competition takes over english bay beach for three days in july with three separate half-hour long fireworks shows from each team. New this year is a drone fireworks show that will take place ahead of each main event. Hundreds of thousands of people are expected to show up at the shows which run july 20th, 24th, and july 27th. West vancouver, he made it up to the daytime high of 13. >> 14 for vancouver, I little bit warmer further in land. Tomorrow, we're back to seasonal which is 17 for our daytime high we have sunshine in the forecast. Enjoy it while you can. Winds were fairly steady and casting through today with speak when s. At 4050 kilometres an hour, not quite brick that bruising tomorrow. Here's a look at your outlet. As the sun rises after 5:00 am, stepping outside the door, you will be dealing with a temperature of around 11. Into the afternoon, 17 and more sunshine, especially later in the afternoon and then by the evening and the overnight we will seek god cover build back in and bobby dropping down to 15 degrees. Temperature wise, there's your 17 degrees daytime high for vancouver, richmond, topping out at 17, same in burnaby, langley at 18 degrees and had met us at 19 by and large, fairly stable steady temperatures across the region. There's your sunshine into thursday afternoon followed by cloud cover, scattered showers into friday, more likely to see scattered showers in the morning. Not a whole lot. Maybe one or three millimetres at this point. Winds out of the west tomorrow afternoon, testing between 20 and 40 kilometres an hour, not quite as strong as what we saw today and then for friday, your temperatures dropping below seasonal and we are seeing that active pattern continuing through the weekend and beyond. Sunday looks to be the cooler day of the weekend at 13 degrees for a daytime high energy next week your temperatures are rebounding but we are holding onto that unsettled pattern with periods of rain expected for much of the long-range forecast. >> Not surprising. We expected this. We are seeing this on the ground on a daily basis. >> Reporter: pc receives a

failing grade from food banks canada, a d+ in the latest poverty report. 's What does it take to be aleader in electric vehicles? n At Hyundai, it takes acommitment to quality a desire to innovate and show the worldthe way forward. But don't takeour word for it. Take it fromeveryone else. So, what does it take to makeCanada's most awarded fullyelectric vehicle l wah is whatit takes. [Hyundai sting] (cheerful piano music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Man: Watch your step, guys. Woman: Oh, wow! ( ) (Clinking, clattering) ( ) I don't know. I think I can help. ( ) What do you think? Woman: Are there lots of stairs? Man: Do you have anything else? ( ) It's perfect. Yeah. 3 Roommates2 packs of Ben's OriginalJasmine rice 1...2...3 social feeds 3 Real life bffs We're all original recipes Nice Dress! -And tons of Cash Back too. What? With Rakuten! It's a shopping app that saves you money. Unbelievable. This is unbelievable... Right? You're going to get so much Cash Back. Okay, I'm gonna go change. Mother: My family loves to travel. Whoa... (Exhaling) And I love it when they all come back home. Toffifee combines what everyone loves. Caramel, hazelnut, nougat cream and chocolate. (Laughter) Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Introducing Madri Exceptional, inspired by the soul of Madrid. ( ) ( ) a new crisp and smooth Spanish style lager, now available in Canada. . >> A damning report card released by food banks canada gives bci d+. Pointing to unaffordable housing and healthcare as key factors lowering the province's grain. Arcade walker has more. >> There is a lot of single moms and a lot of people struggling to get by. >> British columbia has received a failing grade from food banks canada in a new pover report released wednesday. While bc is still doing slightly better than other provinces, received a d+ overall. The other western provinces fared even worse. Alberta, saskatchewan, and manitoba received a d. Food banks like the one here in richmond are seeing proof of the statistics laid out in wednesday's report. Data reveals nearly half of respondents in bc, 45 percent say they are feeling worse off financially compared to last year. Executive director of the richmond food bank society says they see around 500 visual -- individuals a day. Only continuing to climb. >> Without 41 percent increase in the number of households we are seeing. That's a 59,000 visits made to our food bank 2023. >> In the report, bc received an f. In several categories like when it comes to government support. Nearly 61 percent of recipients say rates are insufficient to keep up with a cost-of-living. Other issues dragging mbc's grade include access to healthcare and the number of people spending more than 30 percent of their income on housing e once you pay for your rent and other expenses, there's hardly anything left over for food and food is always the first thing that people compromise on. >> The reports of poverty overview also reveals that bcs poverty rate is substantially higher than the national average and that single women with children have a poverty rate of 17.8 percent which is higher than the national rate of 14.4 percent. This single mom says she's not surprised by the failing grades. >> I think that's kind of accurate given the cost of living. It's really hard out here and is not enough housing supports. There's not enough food banks, there's not enough resources pret-mac food banks canada says despite being one of canada's wealthiest provinces, bc struggles with significant

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