
CKVU - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>> I haven't finished a sentence -- >> Reporter: auto theft is a national crisis. But when MPs had the chance to ask ministers it turned. >> A political slap fight. >> If they want to fill buster to avoid their embarrassment -- >> You're not resuming debate. >> Excuse me -- [ Speaking Simultaneously ] >> You are recognized by the chair, ms. O'connell. >> Yes, I was. You're not the chair of this committee, so I suggest turning your mic off. >> You aren't either. >> Reporter: along with rcmp and border services instead hibl MPs move to deal with an earlier debate introduced by the tories. The ndp voted with liberals meaning witnesses were never questioned. >> We have two ministers that are supposed to be prepared to answer questions on auto theft and I can only conclude because of the liberal decision to move a motion to proceed in order of business. They're not interested in allowing their ministers to testify on this matter. >> It's part of an ongoing dispute at the public safety committee on what it should work on. The subcommittee agreed on an agenda then conservatives tabled a motion to amend that agenda. But instead of voting on it, tory spoke at length over two meetings preventing a vote. Liberals say if it's so important they're ready to vote on it now. >> Chair, mr. Janus can't continue to make the same motion over and over he wants to hear from ministers we have no speakers up. We're prepared to vote on his own amendment that he's filibustering his own amendment -- >> Point of order, chair. >> Reporter: the meeting adjourned without resolution. In ottawa, xiaoli li, CityNews. >> Reporter: next on CityNews -- >> People of surrey want this to be over and I'm hopeful that today's ruling is the time to come together and work towards completing the transition to the surrey police service no the B.C. supreme court has sided with the province in favour of moving ahead with the surrey police transition. >> As surrey schools continue to deal with capacity issues, the B.C. government announces more prefabricated classrooms. >> Well it's another one of these things where it's trying to play catchup. Closed captioning brought to you in part by HearingLife. Love your ears with a free hearing test at, & see how our personalised care can help you keep being you. The Jeep No Limits Eventis here.Which means more trailsto blaze. More challenges to meet. And right now enjoyno payments for 90 days. Get into a Jeep Compass. With best-in-class horsepower. Or Jeep Grand Cherokee,the most awarded suv ever. ( ) Jeep No Limits is here. Time to test your limits. Get up to 10% off msrp for up to eighty sevenhundred dollars in discounts. And no payments for 90 days. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. Chloe: I don't carewhat the law is. I will never be a slave. That word... I hate it. It rests on my tongue like rot. Chloe: Peter, how does it feel to get paid for your work? Peter: There are rumours. Freedom's coming for us all. Chloe: Freedom, you know that's all I want. Peter: Chloe, careful. Vrooman would rather sell you across the river to America than let you go free. Chloe: Then I'll run. Chloe: I've run before. Maybe this time for good. Chloe: No! No! Vrooman: Just get her into a boat, now! Chloe: Let me go! No, no! Peter: Chloe? Chloe, no! Chloe: Let me go! No! No, no! Peter: Chloe! Narrator: Word of Chloe Cooley's resistance led

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housing crisis. >> London drug says has now been leaked. In a statement to CityNews, the company confirmed that some files that could contain personal employee information has been released. Perpetrators claiming to be behind the attack which shuttered stores for days, have been demanding 25 million dollar change for the data threatening to release it if demands are not met. London drugs has said it would not pay the ransom something one expert said was the right thing to do. >> London drugs made absolutely the right decision in refusing to pay or they would have gotten an exchange for their money from the seener criminals, bad faith actors that would be destroyed. Never reason to believe that they would actually do that. And there's ample evidence that they do not. Law enforcement was actualy unable to hack into the infrastructure. A couple of months ago. And they found stolen from organizations that had actually paid to have that data deleted. >> London drugs says the incident is deeply distressing and it will continue to support employees who have been impacted. More classroom spaces have been announced for a local elementary schools in surrey but it's just a drop in the hat for parents who say more should be done in the province's fastest growing school district. Our monika gul has more. >> The B.C. government is building more prefabricated classrooms in surrey. No the need for most student space is crucial. >> On thursday b.c.'s education minister announced that a will be getting six prefabricated classrooms. They will accommodate 250 students, but they won't be ready until september 20 at a. No the prefabricated a additions will deliver quality learning environments, that get students into open spacious classrooms more quickly. With the use of prefab, it can be cut in half making a big difference in delivering more spaces sooner for kids. >> Well, it's another one of these things where it's trying to play catchup. >> Capacity has been an ongoing issue in surrey which has been experiencing major growth. Earlier this year the school board announced it would be extending school days to ease the pressure while some schools have stopped enrollment. Even for students living because of overpopulation. >> Kids using the play grounds in shifts. It means weird lunchtime schedules. It means weird schedules to have assemblies, because you can't fit everybody in the gym at once. >> The district advisory council says it wants to see the province build more schools. While construction is under way for two new elementary schools in surrey, it says it's not enough somebody the education minister acknowledged. >> This work is not finished yet. Like much has been done much more that we need to do. >> In surrey, monika gul, CityNews. >> Nima: hundreds more affordable homes are coming. By premier david eby. More on the second phase of a housing partnership between the province and metro vancouver. >> I think without housing I don't know how far mom would have gone. I don't know if we would be here today. I don't know what my life would look hike. >> On thursday the province promising hundreds of new affordable housing units are coming to metro vancouver. >> Delivering four additional affordable housing developments as well as sites in equities and in north vancouver. And we're also committing to the third phase of the plan to meet our commitment for those 2000 units of housing. >> The announcement includes an investment of about 160 million dollars over thee years. At five sites. Which includes behind me here which is currently under construction. And it will add 87 by 2025. >> I just don't know how my mom and I could have been able to enjoy life. >> Reporter: monica has lived in subsidies housing her whole life and is grateful for affordable housing as she was raised by a single parent. >> When all of our focus is trying to get by, I don't know how we could experience this beautiful city and live a life worth living, really. >> The province announcing over 200 million dollars to build 670 unions in 2026. But will this be enough for the growing demand for low income housing? >> For all of our low rent to income communities we use the

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