
CKVU - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 11:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

thing you're going to do. What am I going to make the toppings with. We did fruit, mint, coconut -- >> Tracy: what is this? >> Jessica: this is greek yogurt and you can -- >> Tracy: put it on. Healthy, food and protein and sprinkle, sprinkle. >> Jessica: this is the final look. I love things on a skewer as well. Because, you know, it's easy to eat. And then we have andrea's cookies. Best cookies I've ever had! They can be individually wrapped as well. You're set for summer. >> Tracy: jessica, thank you so much. I want to have a party now! Jess has the best ideas. Find her on instagram @Ceventsociety. >> Jessica: that's right, cheers! >> Tracy: cheers! Friday, baby! Let's go to break! We have more coming up. [ ] Turkey, onions,peppers and tomato Kebabs love turkey Kebabs love fire Make your shish kaboom Take your turkey higher Singer:Opa! When the Murrays discovered Gain Scent Beads, they fell in love with the irresistible scent. Huh, huh, so did their dog Roger. Gain Scent Beads keep even the stinkiest stuff smelling fresh. Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) music Faceoff win, and Pettersson scores! The Canucks are going to win it. The Canucks have their 30th win of the season. In front, scores! What a pass to Pettersson. Hughes shoots, he scores! music Demko with the right pad! Oh, what a save by Demko jt Miller centers, Boeser scores! music (Wind) Ready to build some money muscle? At Coast Capital, we're finding ways to help you get paid more! Our new Elevate Checking account has the banking features you want... comes with free access to Coursera's online training, that could help advance your career. Ash is studying negotiation. ( ) And Cody's... coding. The potential outcome? More income! Switch to Elevate Chequing today C'mon team, feel the earn! Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream. (intense music) Everything that you think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Never know what is going to happen next! Wow! -whoah! We've never seen anything like this before! The youngest ever on that stage! I'm sorry, I cant give you a yes (booing) I've got to give you one of these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen meredith: Monday on bt& We always love when they stop by! Colin and Just [ ] sometimes I get a good feeling yeah I get a feeling that I never, never, never had before no, no I get a good feeling >> Meredith: 9:51 here on your friday! We got the whole desk. We got a desk full of everybody. Stephanie henry and drove and tracy and tammie and frank. Hey, good morning! >> Stephanie: good morning. >> Meredith: we're talking about something controversial. It was when we talked about it earlier. Why not add a little controversy to a friday? It has to do with this . . . >> Devo: what are you talking about? >> Meredith: oh, it didn't work! >> Tracy: I was like -- I was hanging on every word! I was like this . . . >> Meredith: okay. It's a voice note and I'm just proving how bad I m at --- am. I wanted too the introas a voice note. So I recorded one -- now I'm recording myself. >> Tracy: that was -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> Tracy: that was a good try. That was a good try. >> Meredith: it's about voice notes and about the popularity of them. The rise of them. Interpret introduced back in apple messages in the app in 2014. Now, even hinge users are saying if they use a voice note within the hinge dating app, they're 48 more likely to get a date. >> Tracy: huh. >> Meredith: so, devo . . . >> Devo: huh? >> Tracy: what does that mean? >> Meredith: is the voice note part of the devo brown lifestyle? >> Devo: I've been doing it for a long time. You guys all know. I did 17 voice notes yesterday!

>> Tracy: eww! >> Devo: I got them back. People don't have time for a full phone call. I got to let you know something. I'm going to say something 35 seconds -- >> Meredith: I don't have time to listen to your voice note. >> Stephanie: it's the truth. >> Devo: it saves you time. >> Tracy: saves who time? >> Devo: everybody. >> Tracy: not me! >> Devo: I can tell you five things in 20 seconds and you can respond to all of that real quick. If I have to tell you five things and describe it all by typing it out, it takes a long time. [ speaking simultaneously ] >> Frank: there's a couple things. Voice to text, by the way, amazing too. The other part -- >> Tammie: can't trust it. >> Frank: voice note, put it on speaker so everybody hears that or put the phone up to your -- right now I hate that. >> Stephanie: I hate that so much. >> Frank: or I have to have ear buds. All the different things I have to do, I can just read. I like reading. >> Tammie: how do you talk on the phone? >> Frank: ear ubuds or wireless in the car. >> Tammie: were with we coming in as a society? >> Frank: as a society, call me. If you have to do a voice note, just call me. >> Stephanie: you can see the voice note as well. The text transcribed. >> Tammie: way better. >> Frank: just call the person. >> Tammie: that person might be busy. >> F Fnk: I don't have time for a phone call -- [ speaking simultaneously ] >> Tracy: just the phone and sitting here, bam, my daughter is like, pick me up. Got it. If I'm in the middle of something and she voice notes me, where are the air pods because I'm at the grocery store and I don't want to listen to it out loud. I don't want to do the thing. Maybe my hands aren't available. The voice notes are good for the person leaving them -- >> Tammie: I don't think a voice note is good for an urgent message or a quickie. If you have a story to tell and you have 17 different things that you have to layer -- >> Devo: that's -- >> Frank: that's called a phone call. >> Tracy: can we go for lunch -- >> Devo: hold on! You said you don't have time to listen to a voice note, but now a two-hour lunch? >> Tracy: I'm gen x. I use technology to meet people in real life. This is a bridge to a face-to-face conversation where I see your face. >> Devo: ain't nobody got time -- >> Tracy: -- I can see you -- >> Devo: don't have time for a voice note but -- >> Meredith: speaking of time, we don't have much more time for this conversation. It's a family discussion. >> Frank: can we do this on voice note -- [ speaking simultaneously Last year we made a commitment to ourselves: slow down, take some time off, have the Kardashians slow down. No. Yeah! S.O.S. ( ) Here's a fresh take. We think burgers taste better when they're made with Canadian beef. Fresh onto the grill. Fresh off the grill. Never frozen. Always juicy. ( ) Ever dreaming of lustrous colours? Grey hair? Not a problem. Bigen Speedy. Just apply both creamsonto the applicator comb. and then to the grey hair. Five minutesis all it takes. No mess, no worries,no stains. Once colour is attained, rinse well. Bigen Speedy. Colouring your hair is now as easy as 1-2-3. Bigen Speedy. If you think EVs have about as much personality as a toaster, we don't blame you. That's why we didn't make just any EVs. We made an ev so powerful, it can charge another ev. ( ) And an ev with a mode that does this. ( ) The only ev that's a Mustang. The only ev that's an f150. ( ) (Pop music plays) Circle it ( ) Circle You let me circle it ( ) I can find anything if I circle it ( ) Let me circle it So let me circle it ( ) [stomach growling] ...It's nothing. Sounds like something. When you have Nausea, Heartburn, Indigestion, Upset Stomach, Diarrhea. Pepto Bismol coats... and soothes.. for fast relief when you need it most. You think theres no way to top it... this season tops it! Its been a long time comin... You dont win it to keep it, you win it to be a part of its history!” and I always knew Always hard to see the difference between winning and losing!” Got a heart of steel (crowd erupts) Ta da da daaaa Stanley Cup Champions!” You know we waited such... a long time, long time! (celebration cheers) Ta da da daaaa The quest for the hardest trophy in win in sports!” Well here it is...

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