
CKVU - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

So I know it's gonna be amazing, and I'm so excited. You have launched Canadian talent into the stratosphere, and for that we love you, Trish! So good! Catch her on Canada's Got Talent every Tuesday, right here on CityTV. We're taking a break, This woman's a force! We'll be right back! [applause] - It's time to join the party! We want to shower you with fun, prizes, and unbelievable surprises. Are you ready for this? Head to and see the show you love come to life. Hey, so Mom's thing is coming up. Should we book flights? Let's do it. We could go a day early. Mmm... Or the later one? ( ) With over 500 flights daily... we have a flight for that. Woman: My granddaughter is so determined and driven. Her great-great-grandmother, Marie, was like that too. I learned through Ancestry Marie was an accomplished lawyer who always fought for what's right. Get to know your family story at - Five seconds remaining...- [Norman] Sports is life, it's clear cut. (cameras flashes clicking) (crowd cheering) (tense music) Everything's out in the open, (grunting) there's nowhere to hide. (moaning) (music transitions) (soft music) I had to prove myself, more than anyone else. (doorbell rings) - You must be so proud of your son. He's gonna go pro. The sky's the limit! (speaking Taishanese) - [Announcer] Seconds down and six to go. - [Quarterback] Set hut! (crowd cheering) (indistinct announcing) - [Norman] There's always a winner and a loser. - [Announcer] It's a touchdown! (whistle blows) - [Mother] You cannot reach the sky in broken cleats. (inspirational music) - [Norman] Of course,I always want to be the winner. And I did reach the sky. - [Narrator] Norman Kwong, the first Chinese-Canadian professional football player, still holds records to this day. He retired fromthe sport in 1960 and later becameLieutenant Governor of Alberta. (kids laughing) - [Narrator] Helping kids find their way is what teachers do, but there's just not enough of us. - [Teacher] Is it okay if I join you? - [Narrator] It's time for BC to hire more teachers, so we can help more kids. What do you do if your child needs hospital treatment but your family lives far away? Ronald McDonald House is a place for families to stay while their child is in hospital. [kids laughing] Because when families stay together, sick children get stronger. Don't let anything stand between you and performing at your best. New and improved Shell V-Power Nitro+ Premium Gasoline. Performance unbound. (Shell mnemonic) (Wind) Ready to build some money muscle? At Coast Capital, we're finding ways to help you get paid more! Our new Elevate Checking account has the banking features you want... comes with free access to Coursera's online training, that could help advance your career. Ash is studying negotiation. ( ) And Cody's... coding. The potential outcome? More income! Switch to Elevate Chequing today C'mon team, feel the earn! (crash) (LiL' SONiC whistles) The New Alternative is here. Welcome a LiL' SONiC into your life. SONiC 104.9 Bichette: The Sportsnet App has everything Blue Jays. Listen to live games and podcasts Along with news, scores, stats and more. Varsho: You can stream Blue Jays games anywhere on Sportsnet Plus What a stage!” Varsho: Get the Sportsnet App to [cheering and applause] That is all for the show today, thank you to our experts, thank you to our audience. Remember, you can come hang out with us in studio as well. Visit to find out how to be part of our audience. Maybe Trish and MDP will be here doing a wrestle pose off. We love to have you all here. Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone. we'll see you tomorrow for Fashion Friday! Captioned by Ai-Media

it's trying to play catchup. >> We brought players who have high character. Who want to be here and improve this summer and take their game and be out in the community. >> Welcoming fans back for their sixth season with the revamped roster. >> Welcome to CityNews at 11:00. It seems the city of surrey desire to stop the policing transition to a municipal force has hit another speed bump with the B.C. supreme court siding with the province in completing the transition. Our kate walker has more. Today ruled in favour of the surrey police service continuing. >> An update thursday on a ongoing surrey transition process. We heard from public safety minister that the B.C. supreme court sided with the province. Effectively throwing out the city's plan to keep rcmp as the police force of jurisdictin. His messaging very clear. The people of surrey want this over. >> Submitted a review that the rcmp must be replaced by the surrey miss service. Gave her stance on the court's decision thursday. >> I haven't said we are going to appeal and I haven't said we are not going to appeal. >> The petition argued that the province department have the authority to impose the transition to a police force under the police act. >> I think what we really want now is the city of surrey to realise that the decision by the court has been made. That the transition to the surrey police service will continue. And I will like them to be at the table to work with the province. The rcmp and the surrey police service to ensure that this transition completes quickly. And smoothly. >> Premier david eby echoing that message. >> This is obviously a huge relief for the people of surrey who just want this done. I want this done. Everybody wants this done. >> And mixed reviews from surrey residents. >> Surrey has gotten a lot better especially with the drug problems. And all the activity they've done so much good lately. >> I think taxes are going to go up significantly. >> The decision means the transition will move forward as planned with the sps to become the police jurisdiction later this year. >> Make no mistake if we had stayed with the rcmp. If we would have been able to do what the premier told us we could do, we wouldn't be running with twoplace police forces today. >> In vancouver, kate walker, CityNews. >> London drug says employee data stolen during a cyber attack in april has now been leaked. In a statement to CityNews, a company confirms some files that could contain personal employee information have been released. Perpetrators claiming to be behind the cyber attack which shuttered all 79 stores for days have been demanding 25 million dollars in exchange for data. Threatening to release if demands were not met. London drugs have said it would not pay the ransom a decision that one cyber security expert says was the right thing to do. >> London drugs I would say made the right decision in refusing to pay for their money is a pinky promise from the cyber criminals that would be destroyed. There's never reason to believe that they would actually do that and the fact that there's ample evidence that do not law enforcement was actually able to hack into it a couple of months ago and they found stolen from organizations that had actually paid to have that data deleted. >> Reporter: london drugs says the incident is deeply distressing and it will continue to support employees who have been impacted. >> Meanwhile b.c.'s premier david eby revealed a press conference thursday that a cyber attack on the first nations health authority is another ransomware incident. The sfha confirmed wednesday it had also been a victim involving some employees and other personal information. In a statement it said unusual activity had been found on its corporate network but gave little detail. Earlier today b.c.'s premier david eby confirmed the fnha had been a victim of ransomware just like retailer london drugs. It's estimated some have been posted on a dark web. >> More classroom spaces have been announced for local elementary schools in surrey.

who say more should be done in the province's fastest growing school district. Our monika gul has the story. >> The B.C. government is building more prefabricated classrooms in surrey. >> The need for more student space and rapidly growing school district like study is crucial. >> B.c.'s education minister announced that a martha curry will be getting six prefabricated classrooms and walnut road elementary will be getting four. But they won't be ready until september 2025. >> The prefabricated a additions get student into open classrooms more quickly. With a use of prefab, the bill time can be cut in half making a big difference in delivering more spaces sooner for kids. >> Well it's another one of these things where it's trying to play catchup no capacity has been an ongoing issue in surrey which has been experiencing major growth. Earlier the school board announced it would be extending school days to ease the pressure while some schools have stopped open enrollment even for students living because of overpopulation. >> Kids using the playgrounds in shifts. It means weird lunchtime schedules. It means weird schedules to have assemblies, because you can't pit everybody in the gym at once. >> The surrey district council says it wants to see the province build more schools. While construction is under way for two new elementary schools in surrey it says it's not enough something the education minister acknowledged. >> This work is not finished yet. Much as been done. Much more that we need to do. >> In surrey, monika gul, CityNews. >> Thanks, monica. The president and ceo of surrey's business association said it is absolutely unacceptable that another sex offender has been released into the community. The third one in just six weeks. Surrey rcmp issued a public notice saying a dangerous sex offender would be realised into the city. Convicted in 2019 of assaulting two women is not welcome in surrey. And that she's calling on the provincial and federal governments to review laws around releasing sex offenders. The leader of surrey's board of trade echoing those concerns tday. >> Here we are trying to support business, bring business into this city and we have another dangerous sex offender in our city. And we don't know where that person is. And yes, everyone deserves a second chance. And we know there's privacy laws. But it's understandable why we're concerned. >> We want to make sure the community is aware that this individual is residing in our city. We want you to call the police. We will be monitoring this individual and if they don't follow the condition that's impositioned on them, they will be taken back into custody. >> Residents deserve to know where sex offenders are being releaseed and what type of monitoring is being done to ensure public safety. >> The number of death and correctional facilities has been on the rise over the last 10 years. Target the b.c.'s coroner services with some caused by toxic drugs. There were 188 deaths in provincial and federal correctional facilities reported between 2013 and 2023. While 18% were deemed accidental, two-thirds of those were caused by toxic drugs. The average over 10 years was 17 deaths. 25 inmates died in B.C. correctional institutions last year alone. During the 10 years reviewed in the report, one third of deaths at provincial phenomenals were reported at surrey pretrial services centre. >> On this day in 1984, an organization inviting members of the public to help stop crime was formed. Now the metro vancouver crime stoppers is celebrating its 40th anniversary. Anonymous hi called the with information about a crime which would be then passed on to the police. They receive up to 2,000 cars that in rewards and their identity never revealed. Today tipsters can reach crime stoppers through an app. Social media and their website in over a hundred languages. And get rewards of up to 5,000 cars that. As for the organization's longevity here's what the man who brought crime stoppers to metro vancouver has to say. >> Everything depends upon the type of people that get involved. And I have nothing but kudos for the police departments, the

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