
CKVU - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

these (intense music ) Announcer:Speaks words on screen >> Nima: the B.C. government is asking universities implement more drug safety member -- measures following a coroner's inquest into the death of university of victoria student in january. The parents of the 18 year old said in a letter to officials that her death was preventable and that there were overwhelming failures by 911 call takers, campus security, and the university in terms of practising the urgency needed to save her from what they say was a witness to fund a new overdose. Bc's minister of postsecondary education says the province will be working with postsecondary institutions to roll out prevention measures on campuses in the province of this fall. Her death has also prompted a review of policies for accessing naloxone on postsecondary campuses. Joining us now is the founder of an organization that educates youth of overdose and how to use naloxone. Thank you for coming here today. Right now there are no policies or postsecondary institutions in terms of addressing drug overdoses and students. What has your organization scene as a result of this? 's people be going to high schools and we talked to youth 14-18 to talk about the drug poisoning crisis, signs of overdose, and we provide that at naloxone training. However, we are a small organization. We are not yet provincial wide. It is scaring me the fact that somebody british columbian youth are going to do postsecondary institutions without ever having received education about the drug supply being poisoned or the tools available to stay alive. So as we have heard and as we see on the news unfortunately overdoses are affecting postsecondary students. Without other postsecondary students or staff or security guards having the knowledge of how to recognize overdose and respond effectively, unfortunately people are dying young. >> Nima: it is interesting that a lot of people do not associate postsecondary student is a key demographic being impacted by toxic drugs. But what many may not understand is that some of the strokes that are commonly used among postsecondary students could be laced with this toxic fentanyl supply. Can you tell us a little bit more about this and with a toxic drug crisis could look like for student in particular? >> Absolutely. Even before I grew up in metro vancouver, even before I got into the space that I am and now I always assumed that drug use was limited to the downtown eastside or the unhealthy population. One thing I learned through my work but also just through the facts is that the overdose crisis does not discriminate. It is affecting all demographics in the province. Unfortunately it is the leading cause of death for those aged 10-59 in the province. Supposed secondary students fell right into the demographic. Without having received education on the dangers of the drug supply plus being at that prime demographic age, unfortunately overdose risk is high, unless you are buying a drug from a legal safe supply like alcohol or illegal marijuana, unfortunately there is a risk that the drug is contaminated. >> Nima: you've etched officials will be working with postsecondary institutions to rule out some safety measures to address this issue. What would you say are some key factors for them to consider when doing this? >> This has to be a well-rounded response. Like I said before, students have to just received this education, ideally at the high school level. If not, at the beginning of university just like they would cpr in high school or maybe an onboarding or it welcome orientation for students at the beginning of their postsecondary journey. Not just with staff and residents, advisors, and security guards, and parents, in france, and people who are going to be attending on-campus parties, or honestly like I said before this is not discriminating. As long as everybody has got that education along with heart production supplies are provided, that is the kind of response that should be happening. >> Nima: it looks like we have about one minute left. If you could leave us with your ideal system in terms of education and access to naloxone for postsecondary institutions, what would that look like for you? >> Recognizing that overdose is a leading cause of death for those aged 10-59. I do not think there is an age to youngest or cracking over the support a conversation about the drug supply, about why people use drugs, on the tools available to keep people alive long enough to seek treatment if they wish. So to leave a message, get educated, get knocks

on training, pick up on alex on can't, learn the signs of overdose, be prepared. We are all the risk of witnessing it overdose, knowing what to do can save a life. >> Nima: thank you chloe from naloxhome. We will be right back after this. >> I actually talked to my pai generated. >> Reporter: the images will. The rcmp is now allowing considers officers to where the ribbon skirt as part of a dress uniform. But the move to advance cultural change has sparked outrage. Some people say the movie simply had to rank while others a given the rcmp's history and reputation among indigenous people that make this a bad look. >> The rcmp, one of the first jobs they had was to push the indigenous people onto the reservations and force them to stay there. We had another job later on when they had to go to the communities, grabbed the children, and break into residential school and put the parents in jail that they did not give up their children. >> Reporter: according to the native women's association of canada ribbon skirt symbolize sacred traditions and are an embodiment of resilience to colonial cultural erasure. The rcmp says the move to add to add ribbon skirts came from indigenous officers themselves. In a statement to city news the rcmp says the idea came from the women's indigenous network, noting there are 311 regular rcmp members who self identified as indigenous women, nonbinary, or two spirit. The statement adds the ribbon skirt, a wynne led initiative supports employee pride, advances cultural change in the organization, and helps to build and manage relationships with indigenous people and communities. Eight cree women and 60 scoop survivor said that she understands why indigenous women within the rcmp would want to wear the ribbon skirt but feels the rcmp is passing the wreck of off to indigenous women. >> If it is indigenous that that means that the rcmp as an institution is not doing the work, it is the indigenous people putting this forward, making this initiative, that are wearing the ribbon skirts, the rcmp is like yes, that is good. Reconciliation! >> Cultural transformation and reconciliation, it is not a carpet of ribbon skirt. It is the restitution of indigenous land and life and the ending of state sanctioned violence and systematic violence as we know which. >> Reporter: this assistant professor and red river at métis women is riding a book of the history of policing. She says the relationship between the police and indigenous people remains uncomfortable. I think that if police want to wear the ribbon skirt most -- more progress on reconciliation must happen. >> It would be appropriate when in these institutions fulfil all 94 calls to action as cited in the trc as both the calls to action put out for inquiry into missing admitted in with indigenous women and girls. >> Reporter: in ottawa, xiaoli li, city news. >> Was pretty scary because we heard things outside. >> Reporter: this tornado season could be one of the most active in modern history with more than 800 twisters reported so far this year. >> Seconds after we clothes the door we knew everything was breaking loose. >> Reporter: now what fisher said this could also be the worst hurricane season ever. This is largely due to the warmest ocean surface temperatures on record. >> This season is looking to be an extraordinary one and a number of ways based on our data models with the l niña playing out a significant role. >> Reporter: forecast from american officials protects between 17 and 25 named storms. As many as seven of those could reach a major hurricane status with wind speeds of over 180 kilometres per hour. >> The average is three. You can see from the statistics vary above normal activity is expected. >> Reporter: some people still rebuilding from severe weather. >> Out a weeklong process, several months of work. >> Reporter: they are also preparing for the future. >> Start getting tightened up her hurricane season, making sure you keep the water out. >> Reporter: canadians are also bank warned of a potentially significant hurricane season. >> We do expect climate change to worsen the impacts of hurricanes, particularly the rainfall effects, and particularly the storm surge. >> We seek water temperatures this warm, you're looking at intensity, you're looking at the rate of intensification which can be tremendous.

>> Reporter: experts say this year is just the latest in a concerning trend. >> There have not been eight consecutive years of above average connectivity, the last below normal season was in 2015. It only takes one landfall hurricane to setback years and years of socioeconomic development. >> Announcer: next on city news. >> Leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I think that is the most appropriate way of saying get. >> Reporter: many soccer fans are guarded after news that soccer legend lionel messi will not be making the trip to vancouver to play in saturday's whitecaps match. >> This is a concept that has been around for more than four decades in japan. >> Reporter: a vancouver city councilor wants to convert empty office spaces into a pot hotel. This is to help with the demand for hotels inhe city. Closed captioning brought to you in part by HearingLife. Love your ears with a free hearing test at, & see how our personalised care can help you keep being you. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Vancouver Flea Market, Come find your treasure at bargain prices! New, Used, and pure antiques, Memorbilia, collectibles, we carry it all. All under one roof. Over 360 dealers offering amazing variety, every weekend. What are you doing this weekend? Come down to the Vancouver Flea Market and find something amazing. (radio crackling) (eerie music starts) (creaking metal) (moaning) (emergency vehicle sirens) (Blowing) (Blowing) (Bright upbeat music) (Crunching) Hm-hmm. (Laughing) (Growling) (Cutlery clinking) McCain. Make it a fry day. Three, Two, One, Launch! Have a Blast! At Playland Woman: Timmy, I love you! Thank you. This is late show or, like, a late-late show? ( ) (Indistinct shout) (Applause) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Timothée:Blue de Chanel. This is an Oreo. Sorry team, I'll call you back. Dad: Hello. First we twist, then we lick. Dad: Then we dunk. (daughter giggles) Daughter: Roar. When it feels like...all that's left is “work hard”.. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. Gold is timeless. Discover a stunning collection of gold jewellery at tsc. Save up to 25% all month long and explore top jewellery brands from around the world. Elegant bracelets, necklaces, rings and more available in trending yellow gold. Split purchases into 12 interest-free Easy Pay payments and elevate your style with gold. Shop now at Exciting Offers Every Day. Announcer: M.A.S.H. the comedy that changed television. >> Nima: lionel messi's absence from this weekend's match between the whitecaps and inter- miami has disappointed thousands of fans who are looking forward to seeing the soccer superstar in vancouver. Although the game is posting discounted food and a free kid's meal combo for those under 18, would that be enough to soften the blow for fans to spend hundreds of dollars to see the world's best soccer player in our city? Kate walker took to the streets to find out. >> Reporter: it is safe to say it has not been the best week for

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