
CKVU - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 09:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

dining and recurring bill payments. [Parrot] For paying your bill! —But also you can... — [Parrot] Every month! —And just remember. —[Parrot] Build a routine! [Parrot squawking] He is a talker. When a bank helps you make real financial progress. That's the BMO Effect. BMO Hey Max! We're going to play a board game if you wanted to join us? Oh I love you Is your cat getting too cool? Give them TemptationsCreamy Purrrr-ee. (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Fiery with a cooling finish. The Nashville-Style Hot Chicken part of the NEW Globally Inspired Subway Series. Announcer: Citytv+ has all your favourite shows on demand (crowd cheer))plus more. [dramatic music] Announcer: Start your free trialwith Prime video channels today. Its been a long time comin... You dont win it to keep it, you win it to be a part of its history!” and I always knew Always hard to see the difference between winning and losing!” Got a heart of steel (crowd erupts) Ta da da daaaa Stanley Cup Champions!” You know we waited such... a long time, long time! (celebration cheers) Ta da da daaaa The quest for the hardest trophy in win in sports!” Well here it is... Here it is! - Welcome back to "25 words or Less". Bree and Lauren have battled their way back to the bonus round with the help of Mary, and that means another shot at $10,000. And Mary, you were so bummed out after that round. But see, see what happens. - You never know, right. - You never know. - We're lucky to have you. - You never know. We're gonna see how it goes this time. Of course, you've got someone else rooting for you if you win the big money. Our super fan wins $1000. So Robin, keep those fingers crossed. - You got this, girls. It's a walk in the park. - Okay, you heard her. Alright guys, you talked it over, decided that Lauren will be the clue giver this round. So here we go. Lauren, you'll have one minute, and 25 words to get all 10 words on the list. Do that and you'll add $10,000 to your winnings. Get ready. 25 words. One minute on the clock. $10,000 your time starts now. - Tree material. - Wood. - Bark. (bell dings) - Pass. Gravestone, reading. - Tombstone. R-I-P. - Rest in peace. - Rest in peace. - Memorial. - Eulogy. - Memorial Day. - Rest in peace. - Memorial. Memorial. Pass. - Pass. Mall action. - Shopping. (bell dings) - Challenge you to. - A duel. (bell dings) - Get bigger. - Enlarge. - Grow. (bell dings) - Pass. Hair tool. - Curling iron. - Curling iron. - Brush. - Blow dryer. (bell dings) - Dawn. - Dawn. Moonlight. - Dusk. - Daylight. Morning. - Dawn. - Soap. - Daybreak. - Soap. Detergent. Detergent. A lot- - Dyes. - Pass. - Liquid detergent. washing detergent. - Money. Total. - Money total is - Sum. - Your total amount. - Your bill. (bell dings) - Or a dollar. - Yes. - No. - No. Maybe so. I don't know. Pass. (buzzer buzzes) (audience sighs) - Hard. That was hard word, agree. - Yes, no, hard. - That was a hard word, agree. - Agree. - Oh. - I saw in that minute that popped up, Lauren. I thought, oh geez. Not that. Okay, then number three, that was rip. - R-I-P. - You had it. She was going for rest in peace, R-I-P, yeah. - [Team] Oh! - I didn't- - Even if you said R-I-P, we had to have the word. - We had to say rip. - Rip. - Yeah, I see. - Yeah, that didn't work in that case. - I went the wrong way. - That's okay. That's okay. And seven was request, and then nine was dish. Dishwashing detergent is what she was going for with Dawn. - Ah. - Alright. It's tough. It was tough. You gave good clues. Just weren't good enough to win the big money this time. But you do get to come back and try again. You've already got a wonderful vacation prize, and we've got something special to add to that. Jamie, what have they won? - [Jamie] You've won a stay at the Desert Springs Resort and Spa. - Yeah! (audience applauds) - [Jamie] The newly reinvented JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort and Spas, a sprawling oasis on 450 acres of amazing mountain and lake views. From the moment guests enter the resort's breathtaking atrium lobby, they begin a journey into a world of relaxed elegance, multi-generational amenities, and exemplary service. - Okay, that sounds good. Alright, we have to say goodbye to today's superfan Robin. We are sending you our home game. Thank you for being a superfan. - Had a great time. - [Meredith] Thank you. And a huge thank you to both of our celebrities today. The always wonderful Tiya and Mary, two competitive ladies. (Tiya and Mary laugh) We'll see you back here next time for more "25 Words or Less". Lauren, you did a great job. (audience applauds)

Reporter: broadcasting from the traditional unceded territories of the musqueam, squamish and tsleil-waututh nations, this is citynews. [ ] >> Leads to bad taste in your mouth. >> Reporter: many soccer fans are gutted after a news of that legend leonel massey will not be making the trip to vancouver to play in saturday's whitecaps match against me and me. >> Nima: a convicted sex offender nbc receives an 18 month jail sentence for breaching the conditions of his long term supervision order. >> This is a concept that has been around for more than four decades in japan. >> Reporter: of vancouver city councilor wants to convert empty office spaces into hotels to help with the demand for hotels in the city. >> Nima: welcome to city news at 6:00. Leonel massey's absence from this weekend's match between the whitecaps and miami has disappointed thousands of fans who are looking forward to seeing the soccer star in vancouver. Although the game is boosting, or rather boasting discounted food at a free kid's meal combo for those under 18 with a p. Enough to soften the blow for fans who spent hundreds of dollars to see the world's best soccer player in the city? Kate walker took the streets to find out. >> Reporter: safe to say it is not been the best week for sports fans in vancouver. It started with the supported sports fans and all soccer fans are reacting to news that argentinian super star lionel messi would not be making the trip for saturday's match here at B.C. place. On thursday afternoon me and he confirmed along with other players would not be attending. Some fans like ben blucher travelled halfway around the world just to catch the starves alive -- stars live in action. >> We wanted to see this game is part of our holiday. Tickets of the game, I think we paid about four or five times the normal price. It was a friend's 50th birthday. B2 he is not the only one who bought the tickets as a special gift for a loved one. >> A total of $540 for two tickets which is quite a lot of money considering they are in the nosebleed section. But super excited. We did admit he pretty -- many birthday celebration with my dad, I bought him lionel messi jersey to wear to the game. >> Reporter: lionel messi is not hurt but it is believed he is resting. >> To have the possibility to play against a lot of very strong and quality players. >> Reporter: social media has been flooded with disappointed soccer fans, some who flew went to see lionel messi play.% children expecting to see their idol. Some ticketholders not impressed with how the whitecaps under the situation. >> Lionel messi coming here was at best a 5050. What disappointed me the most was the whitecaps and the mls and fully knew that. Still they chose to inflate the prices by some three, 400 percent. >> Reporter: as a consolation, if you can call it that, all food and beverage at B.C. place will be half off on saturday night and anybody under the age of 18 get the free kids meal combo. >> If you brought kids in whatever way I guess you can come and see what this is all about. The atmosphere will be great with a lot of people. We as supporters do a lot better when there is more people in the stands. >> Treating white, fans like second-class citizens. Leads to bad taste in your mouth. I think that is the most appropriate way to put it. >> Reporter: the opening kickoff this saturday at 7:30, many tickets have already been resold at a discounted rate. >> Nima: convicted sex offender randall hopley has been ordered to spend 18 months in jail after he pleaded guilty to reaching the conditions of his long term supervision order twice. During a provincial court hearing and vancouver a judge, jennifer alton, ordered hopley 29 months in jail with 11 much credit for time served. He first made headlines in 2011 for abducting a three year old and was released in 2018 on a long term supervision order. In november of last year he went missing from his halfway house prompting a ten-day manhunt. He was arrested after turning himself in which is a mitigating factor in the sentencing according to the judge.

>>> It looks like it across the border could soon be more difficult as unionized border guards and other staff have voted in favour of strike action. The public service alliance of canada did not specify a date for the strike but said things will likely ramp-up in june. The union said records with the canadian border services agency has been without a contract for over two years with key issues including fair wages and stronger protections around work hours. The director of the border policy research institute and research washington you did -- university said post pandemic changes may be played a part in the extended bargaining process. >> The border is now back to where it was prepandemic. We do not have arrive can and other requirements anymore. There is new sort of technologies that are coming into play. I think some of what is driving the discrepancies at least from the border policy perspective is the canadian federal government, and the federal government for that matter are moving to automate more systems at the bordr. That would of course remove the need for as many border officers, in particular. That is also point of contention with the union. >> Nima: mediation sessions are set to begin on june 3rd. >>> Advocates for the victims of canada's most prolific serial killers are urging the rcmp to not destroy 14,000 pieces of evidence. This evidence in the case against robert pickton currently sits in an rcmp storage facility. Police say it takes a substantial amount of space and is driving up budget costs. With victim advocates and lawyers says and needs to be preserved to help bring justice to families that have not seen a conviction for the death of their loved ones. Pickton remains in a coma at a québec hospital after being attacked in prison earlier this week. >>> The truck driver between the horrific -- behind the horrific bus crash for humble to bronco junior hockey team has been ordered to be deported. The decision came this morning at immigration and refugee board hearing this morning for jaskirat singh sidhu. Sidhu's lawyer, mike agreed, has said that all that is required to report sidhu is that he is not canadian and that he committed a serious crime. Sidhu blew through a stop sign at an intersection in 2018 killing 16 people and injuring 13 you are travelling in the humboldt broncos bus. He was sentenced eight years in prison and granted full parole last year. He has public resident status in canada. Green said there are still on the legal measures to come and the deportation process could take months or years.

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