
CKVR - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

>>> Now to the story of a 53-year-old barrie man who set out late last month to accomplish an incredible feat. Jodie patfield is currently taking the bruce trail's 900 kilometres "p" in 30 days. Ctv's make mike caught up with patfield on how he's doing and who he's doing it for. >> These are the tougher mornings. You read the forecast, it's like no, this is not going to be a fun one. >> Mike: the past months has been anything but a walk in the park for jodie patfield. >> My merge is a little low. >> Mike: braving the elements and a few aches and pains along the way. >> I had some issues with my back but it's calmed down this morning. >> Mike: the 53-year-old barrie businessman dropped everything he was doing to raise money by walking the bruce trail. The longest and oldest trail in canada. >> I'm currently in the last stages of hiking the bruce trail which is a 900 kilometre track. >> There's downtown toronto. >> Mike: chronicling his journey called 30 days, started in niagara. Plans to reach tobermore by friday to donate funds to rotary and hospice simcoe. >> This friday will be the five-year anniversary of my dad's passing. The connection to hospice where dad spent the remainder of his life is important for my family. >> Mike: patfield has been helped along the way by folks he calls his trail angels. Snapping selfies and giving thanks to a group of people who lent their support. He thought it only made sense to return the favour and make a difference in the lives of those going through their own struggles. >> 100% of the funds we receive will be donated back. 90% right into barrie between rotary and hospice and 10% to the bruce trail. >> Mike: patfield wants to encourage others to join him in experiencing what mother nature has to offer, putting their body to the test.

>> If people out there are trying to accomplish something, maybe this is a way that they can look at this and determine they can do the same thing. And achieve incredible goals. What a wonderful, wonderful feeling that is. >> Mike: if you would like to continue following jodie's journey or donate to his cause, 0 days, 900Ks, all the information and links can be found on our website: barrie.ctv Mike arsalides, ctv news, midhurst. >> Alessandra: it is only may but it feels like summer out there. A potential sign of the global warming crisis. The ontario federation of labour and ndp are taking the heat seriously. Looking to introduce legislation to help keep workers on the job safe from that heat stress. Ctv's queen's park bureau chief siobhan morris has more. >> Siobhan: not quite summer. But already the sun is baking ontario. Making for some sometimes sizzling working conditions on the street and off. >> We need better protection for workers from heat stress as ontario faces more climate change driven extreme heat events. >> Siobhan: new democrats, the ontario federation of labour and workers want the government to do to more to take sure workers are kept cool. >> The time for sex now. >> Siobhan: whether they earn their paycheques in schools. >> The heat drains their energy making tasks like cleaning and moving equipment even more exhausting. >> Siobhan: or work in the shop. >> I'm wearing heavy leathers, mask, gloves and sometimes I can only stand there for maybe 10 minutes and I have to stop and peal that all off. >> Siobhan: all that gear can speed up the effects of heat stress on the body. Critics say that cranking up the a.c., if you have it, is not an adequate plan. >> You would be amazed how many times have I heard from schools that not only is it swelteringly hot but the water fountains are also turned off because they didn't pass the water testing. >> Siobhan: the ndp will look at what other jurisdictions have done to present a bill this fall. >> Making sure there's cold water available, more breaks and shade. Frankly there's an indoor space with air conditioning then making sure you have an engineering solution that reduces or eliminates risk. >> Reporter: there is an acknowledgment that this will cost more. >> There there is also when workers need to go home we've seen lives lost. >> Siobhan: siobhan morris, ctv news. >> Alessandra: a new report is painting a bleak picture of poverty in crab and comes with a stark warning to provincial leaders that if more isn't done, the food bank system in this country could fail ctv's heather wright reports. >> We know many canadians are struggling to make ends meet but a new report is painting a picture of just how many people are relying on food banks. A number that keeps going up. Poverty and food insecurity in canada are worse today than they were a year ago. According to this report. Which hand handed out report cards to provinces, territories and the federal government. Grading how the different jurisdictions are tackling poverty. Most provincial governments received grades in the "d" range while 7 out of 10 to the a d minus for what the report called "an insufficient approach" to poverty reduction. >> We're not doing enough as a country to make sure people are able to make ends meet right now. >> Reporter: nearly half of those surveyed feel they're doing worse financially compared to last year. While one in four people say they are experiencing food insecurity. A a lack of accordable housing and stubbornly high food prices have created a perfect storm of need in many parts of the country and there are concerns the system simply can't keep up. >> The word I hear most often when I talk to food bankers is that it's unsustainable. That they cannot continue to meet the growing demands with the amount of food and donations that are coming through the doors and even then, no system is designed for, you know, growth like we've seen. >> Reporter: the report says some provinces like P.E.I. and nova scotia are making legislative progress. But it criticizes what it you will can as and overall lack of urgency at all levels of government in tackling poverty. Heather wright, ctv news. >> Alessandra: prime minister trout said he is sticking by house speaker greg fergus despite another controversy. >> I have full confidence in greg fergus as speaker of the house of commons. As a thoughtful, independent minded leader. The issue was dealt with, was addressed by the party and by the house leader. It was an unfortunate mistake. >> Alessandra: the issue is an invitation to a "summer evening with greg fergus" that also mentioned wreckless policies of the conservative the. Both conservatives and bloc mps are calling on fergus to step down. Ctv news political commentator scott reid says he doesn't see the attacks on fergus stopping anytime soon. >> Greg fergus will never have a moment's peace as speaker. He will be under constant fire.

the conservatives opposed him when he was a candidate for speakerrer and have pounced on mistakes he has made and have made it clear that even in instances like this where the mistake wasn't really his they're going to hold him to account. I think you're going to see greg ferguson the grill over and over over and over again al's a new version of the invitation has since been sent out with that reference removed. >>> More than 200 stolen canadian vehicles have been found each week around the world since february. Interpol says a total of over 1,500 vehicles have been identified. That is due to the rcmp's decision to integrate canada's database for stolen vehicles with that of the international law enforcement agency. Interpol says thieves are attracted to canada's abundant supply of highly coveted models such as SUVs and crossovers: the agency's data indicates that so far this year canada ranks among the world's top 10 countries for stolen vehicles. >>> Starting next week, the palestinian state will be recognized by three european countries: ireland, norway and spain say the status quo in getting a peace deal and two-state solution isn't working. And that perhaps recognition may help to move things along. Ctv's annie bergeron-oliver has more. >> Reporter: humanitarian aid groups in in gaza are issues a dire warning. Supplies and personnel are running so slow the U.N. agency for palestinian agencies had as suspended food agent of aid operations in rafah. >> The situation is catastrophic. Children at the very brink of famine are now closer than they've probably ever been to this catastrophic situation. >> Reporter: the worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza comes more than seven months after the war began after hamas attacked israel taking more than 200 hostages. Today a heart breaking new video shows the moments after five young women were taken hostage. This woman's daughter is one of them. >> It's not a very easy thing to see. To see your daughter with a terrified look. >> Reporter: the ongoing conflict and the devastation it's caused has prompted spain, norway and ireland to recognize a palestinian state. >> Our decision to recognize palestine had you had snot have to wait indefinitely especially when it is the right thing to do. >> Reporter: already, though, the decision has sparked condemnation from israel which has ordered the immediate recall of ambassadors from those countries. >> Israel claim that is this is a reward to hamas. And I suggest that it is not a reward to hamas who has no interest in two-states, has no interest in the continuation of israel's existence. It's a reward to moderates in the palestinian authority. >> Reporter: the move comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations. Something only states are granted. Canada abstained from that vote. Canada has maintained its support for a two-date solution where the palestinian state is only recognized as part of a long-term political solution. >> Canada's long-standing position has been to support -- to call for a two-state solution. That's the path to lasting piece in the middle east. >> Reporter: the recognition by the three european countries is historic but largely symbolic. Their normal declarations will happen next week. >> Alessandra: a funeral service was held today for iran's president and seven others killed in the crash over the weekend. Many travelled to tehran from other parts of the country for the ceremony ebrahim rassi had been discussed as a possible leader for the country. For now there is no clear favourite for the position among the country's political elite.

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