
CKVR - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

for the annual Kubota North Excavator Rodeo. Hosted by Jason McCoy. Go Orange. Go Kubota North! Simcoe County and York Region, hello everybody! Sell your house and save money. Pay only 2% total commission, 1% for me, 1% for the buyer agent. [ANNCR] Stop paying for expensive offices, big teams, secretaries, assistants, receptionists and admin staff that have never even seen your house. For knowledge call Julia, for experience call Julia. Buyers call Julia, sellers call Julia. When it comes to sourcing the latest exterior renovation products in Grey Bruce and Simcoe Counties, Van Dolders Custom Exteriors is your trusted source. Our village-style showrooms feature products from the industry's top suppliers, so you can see and touch the latest styles up close and in action. While our professional team brings 60 years of experience and quality craftsmanship to every project. And when the home team installs, you can trust that it's guaranteed by our five-year, no-cost installation and service warranty.Get thehome team on your side today. Finding the right person is like completing a puzzle at Misty River Introductions we help you find the missing piece for a beautiful picture of love and happiness. Get started on your new beginning. Packages starting at 2650. Must be over 18. Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by Preszler Injury Lawyers. Injured in a car accident? The number to call is 1-800-Justice for a free consultation and our no win, no fee policy. This is an on-the-flyuh, fuel delivery. Okay, baby rescue mission. I gotta race back, catch up to Gary, throw in a 45-gallon drum into the back of the 6x6, and bring him diesel, so he can make 'er to camp tonight. [Narrator]: Gary's bulldozer ran out of fuel 10 kilometres outside of camp. [Guy]: Gary's had a really long day right now, so he's probably gonna be happy to see me with some diesel. We have contact! How's your fuel lookin'? Sure glad you made it. I thought we were gonna have enough diesel to make it all the way in. Um, the road took its toll. It's burnin' more than we expected it was gonna burn. [Narrator]: With a bit of fuel, Guy gets Gary and his dozer on their way. Shazam. Gentlemen, start your engine. And away we go. [starting engine] Do a little dance! [laughs] I'll see you in camp. And away we go. And away we go. [Narrator]: Gary and the bulldozer easily tackle the last leg of the trip. [Gary]: Nice. Finally getting to Wolverine. [Narrator]: The gruelling two-day journey has to come to an end. [Gary]: Well, I'm definitely gonna have a good shower, and maybe a nap. [horn honking] [Narrator]: They still need to retrieve the excavator, but for now, it's time to celebrate. Let the party begin! Gary is in! [Narrator]: Claudia whips up what she can for dinner. Pancakes. Food, beer. They're easy to please. Yeah. Bam! Bam bam. I am hungry right in the face. Whoa! Here, pour some on mine. Oh, Guy... Messy. I'll scoop some off of ya. [laughter] We're all here, we're all safe. Yeah, the season's coming together. [sat phone rings] Hello? Can I what? [Narrator]: Robin gets some surprising news. Are you [bleep] kidding me? [Claudia]: Tomorrow my new partner's assistant is coming with, uh, the guy that's gonna watch us. [Narrator]: Peter is sending staff from his Chinese mining company to monitor this new co-venture. Now they're going to arrive a week earlier than Claudia expected. [Robin]: Got in here a little earlier than last year, but we need to have all the equipment here so we can get going. [Claudia]: We're just getting camp ready, so we have nothing to show them. There's no jade for them to see. So, yeah, this is the start of our year. Oh, boy, oh, boy... [Narrator]: Next time on Jade Fever... Welcome to camp.You ready? Yes. [laughs] Let's go findsome jade! Whoo-hoo-hoo! -That way.-Lift it up! -[crunching]-Hold on. Where the [bleep] are you? Oh, [bleep]. Broken rail. How are wegoing to do this? With a lot of hunting. There's nothing here. Ca-ca. Hey, Robin! Come look at this one.

Jing-a-ling! [ ] Oh boy, oh boy... Laundry day. Wolverine laundry room. Yup... [Narrator]: In the alpine of northern British Columbia, Claudia Bunce is settling in to her jade mining camp, Wolverine. [Claudia]: Well, normal people do laundry inside a building. We do laundry outside. I'll do some of mine, some of Robin's. Thank you. [chuckling] Okay, back to business. Yep. [Narrator]: Claudia and Robin are expecting visitors today, overseers from their new partner's company. See, so they just came in. Mm-hm. [Narrator]: Claudia will have to break the news to them that mining is on hold until her crew can get their excavator to camp. [Claudia]: We're missing an excavator. It's not how I want things to go. I need that excavator on site. [Narrator]: Just hours into the 120-kilometre trip to Wolverine... She caught on fire! Blew the end right off the hose, caused a fire. [Narrator]: They had to leave the excavator near the trailhead for two days and replace the burnt hydraulic lines. We need it here. Yeah. [Narrator]: Now their new operator is driving it to camp. It's a day and a halfwith the excavator from the Turnagain to here. Yeah, it's [bleep] upevery which way for us. [Claudia]: I don't know if usnot being ready for the partners to come and take a look is a great wayto start the partnership, but it's the way thatour partnership is starting. [ ] [Claudia laughing] Oh, my god... [Josh]: This is gonna be the million-dollar rock. [ ] Yee-hoo! [laughing] [Claudia]: Jade makes people do crazy things. Hello! [dog barking] Shh! None of that. -Hi, how are you? -Good. Claudia. Good. [Narrator]: Christina and William are supervisors from Claudia's new partner company, NEK. A month ago, Christina's boss, Peter, became Claudia's new mining partner. Now Peter wants his staff to check in on things. Welcome to camp. This is the camp? Yeah, this is the camp. This is their first time out here, so... this is really rural. [Narrator]: Christina is from Vancouver, while William is from the Beijing office. Okay, you ready? Yes. [laughs] [laughing] He's ready. This is your home. This is my new home. There's a heater for when you get cold, William. [Claudia]: I'm not gonna nurture these guys at all. I'm gonna let them have the full experience, because they need to know what we have to go through. This is how we wash. Oh, okay. It's just a little plastic house. [Claudia]: We're leading a miner's life. No unicorns, and very few rainbows. The toilet is over here. Right there. [Claudia]: She asked me, "How do the girls go to the bathroom out in the bush, and do the mosquitoes bite our bums?" [yelps] Ow! Oh, lots of bugs. You get used to the bugs. [Claudia chuckles] So, everything is ready to go, but we've had lots of problems with your guys' equipment. Oh yeah? Which one? The excavator. [Narrator]: Claudia blames their late start for mining on NEK's machines. Like what? Well, it almost burned down on the way here. It burned by itself? Inside, the hydraulic hose, and it sprayed, and it caused a short-out on the battery. Yeah, so we were really lucky that they got the fire out right away, and that they fixed it. Only six hoses had to be fixed. [Claudia]: It's not the first impression I want to make with this new partnership. It's their equipment that's breaking down, but I still don't want them to think that this is what the season is going to be like. I need that excavator on site. On the road again... [Narrator]: 50 kilometres away, the new excavator operator, Gary, is grinding his way to Wolverine. [Gary]: It's rough as hell. The old body takes more of a beating than the equipment. [Robin]: Well, the new employee coming in, they're going to get the dirtiest job. [rumbling] Mother... [bleep]. [laughing] That's why we're taking our time. Probably a 30-hour walk. Yeah, Claudia and Robin bothare really relying on me getting this hoe in there. We got some mining to do. [Narrator]: A few kilometres behind Gary... [Josh]: Oh, coming up

to a muddy section here. Yee-hoo! Holy [bleep]. That sucked. [Narrator]: Claudia's youngest son, Josh, is also heading towards Wolverine. [Josh]: First ride-out of the season. I was just taking my Level-Three medical, and I'm first aid attendant on site this year, so watch out, everybody. I'm also going to be running all the equipment in and out, as usual, and doing whatever I can in camp, cleaning, cooking, digging jade, prospecting, and everything. [Narrator]: Josh is driving in the fuel truck that was left behind for Gary and the excavator. [Josh honking a greeting] Hey, buddy! [Narrator]: Gary's already fueled up, so he pulls over to let the faster vehicle get by. [Gary]: Give me a push. [Josh]: Next time. [laughing] See you in camp. Okay. [Josh]: It's been a long winter. Just biting at the bit to get mining. Let's go find some jade. [Narrator]: Up at Wolverine, the Bunces are taking Christina and William on a tour of their new jade claim, Bullion Creek. Ready, Freddy? Yeah! Let's go find some big jade! Let's roll, sis! [Claudia]: I can't wait to see Bullion. I'm excited to see what's there, and if it's as good as what everybody says it is. [Narrator]: The newBullion Creek claim is eight kilometresfrom Wolverine. The terrain is rougher and swampier than anywhere they've mined before. [groaning] [Robin]: It's okay for quads, but if it starts to rain, you're not gettin' the vehicle up. [chuckles] Ooh. What kind of ground is this? [Claudia]: Swamp! This must have been a big lake before or something. So if you dig a hole, it becomes like a pool. Very difficult to mine in. But, if you find jade in this, it's usually in much better condition. Yeah, this is our land? Yup, you're on your land now. [mosquitoes buzzing] [groaning] [yelps] Ow! [Narrator]: The new mine site is also teeming with mosquitoes. You eat a bug? They're delicious! Protein. It's very entertaining watching new blood show up into a mosquito field. Sometimes they fly right in your mouth. Oh yeah, those are really good. Juicy. They like new blood, so all of the new people get bit. There you go. Will this help? Yep. [gasps] So we're standing there? Mm-hmm. This is all the area we have to mine in, and then we take the other road down, and this area, we have two spots down here. [Narrator]: Robin wants to get the lay of the land before picking the first area to mine. It's exciting to mine new ground. New sites, there is new potential. There's some interesting prospects in that low area, eh, Guy? [Narrator]: They're looking for surface rocks left by glaciers. A hint of exposed green plus a metallic "ping" sound when hit with a hammer can mean jade. [Robin]: We don't want to go into an area that there is no jade. We've gotta walk it and make sure. -No good. -No? [Robin]: Christine and William would like to see Grade-A boulders, but they're new in the game, and they don't understand what it takes. Yeah, this one, I think, has got a bit of quartz in it. It just takes time. [Guy]: This is new ground, so we're trying to, you know, see where the most chances are. You know, once you find one, then you start findingtwo, three... Hey, Robin! [hammer pinging] You hear that? It's jade. [Guy]: ...all of a sudden, boom. Is that jade? Yeah. It's green and transparent. Not such a bad beginning, right? [chuckles] Nope, not such a bad beginning at all. [Narrator]: They may have found a good area to mine, but they'll need to wait until Gary gets the excavator to camp. Yeah, there's jade here. We just gotta find the big ones. [Claudia]: It's really important that the Bullion claim pays off because this is the beginning of a long-term relationship. If it doesn't go well in the very beginning, there's no long-term relationship. And I'm counting on them. [laughing together] [Claudia]: I think that we do all share the enthusiasm for Bullion, but we have to prove to our new partners that we know what we're doing, so once we find that first piece, that'll be great. Okay, back to Wolverine. Did you know that if you're injured on private property by falling on snow and ice, you must provide written notice within 60 days? -What? -That's right. And time is not on your side. That's why you need to call Preszler Law.

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