
CKVR - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

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Give me a high five! Do you love it? Oh my gosh, I love this. Announcer: The Good Stuff with Mary Berg, weekdays on CTV. [Steve]: You know, jade, it's in our heart, in our soul. [Claudia]: It takes a different breed to be a miner. It ain't for the faint-hearted. [Robin]: The hunt for the jade, it's a passion. When you find a Grade-A boulder, all of the headaches, it's worth it. [Guy]: It's the chase. Disappointed for two, three months, and then, bam! You got the goods. [Josh]: Nothing is ever easy, ever, but all it takes is one really nice rock to change everything. [Narrator]: This season onJade Fever... [Claudia]: Everything's changed this year. This is a whole new venture for us. It's a whole new adventure for us. [Josh]: This ground is the most dense jade country on the planet. [whistling] Come on, Tuke. Let's go mining. There is jade here. First one of the year. [laughing] [Josh]: Let's crack this open. [Guy]: Jing-a-ling! Just doesn't get any better than this. This is a game-changer. Bam! Whoo! [Guy]: We might be able to save the summer right here, right now. Hey, Guy! You break it, you buy it! [laughing] [Robin]: We've got a lot on the line. Time is running out. The crunch is on. [Claudia yelps] No! Nothin' here. If anything goes wrong, we're gonna lose everything. -[groaning in pain] -Josh! [Claudia]: We all have the same dreams and the same ambitions. Yee-haw! [Claudia]: I'll do everything I can to keep all of us together. Whoo! [laughing] We did it! [honking] [Claudia]: We aren't gonna stop. Oh, my god... [ ] [Josh]: This is gonna be the million-dollar rock. Yee-hoo! [laughing] [Claudia]: Jade makes people do crazy things. [ ] [truck honks in greeting] [laughing] Oh, my god... Don't keep it forward. Is it straight? How do I know if it's straight? Keep turning, keep turning. [laughing] Oh, my god! [Narrator]: In Jade City, British Columbia, Claudia Bunce is preparing for the worst part of her year, the annual 120-kilometre trek to her remote jade mining claims. You've got to control your foot, and look in your mirror. Okay, but that mirror is [bleep] up. [laughing] [Narrator]: Claudia is getting a crash course from lead operator Guy on handling a 65-ton rock truck, because this year, they need her in the driver's seat. That's his job, to train the new people. Can you put my seat down? Okay, that's better. He's just never trained his boss before. Oh, my god, now I can hardly see over the dash! [laughing] You know, when you'rea passenger, it's easy, but when you're behind, and you've got the steering wheel in your hand, you're in control. It's a whole different feeling. Okay, now I'm going too fast. Bring it back, keep going, keep going. Oh, my god! [laughing] Ow! Keep going... I'm a little concerned. Oh, my god. Okay. [laughing] [Narrator]: Driving the truck is just one of Claudia's many new challenges. Her mining partner, Alan Qiao, opened a jade store in Beijing last fall, and he's now laser-focused on creating a market for Canadian jade. In the last few years, I feel like we should spend more time working on the marketing. [Claudia]: Canadian jade needs to be marketed properly in China. That's what Alan's job is this year, so that means this partnership is not mining this year, so I need a new partnershipthat's going to mine jade, because that's what we are, is we're jade miners, so we're going to try another partner. [Peter]: You and me, stay down in the centre, in the middle. [laughter] [Claudia]: Peter is our new partner. He's a gold miner, and he realized that jade is on his gold claims, and he wants to try jade now. [Narrator]: Peter Niu's claim is near Claudia'sWolverine camp. Let's go to Wolverine! [Narrator]: Wolverine has been Claudia's jade-mining base camp for the last two years. [Narrator]: Last September, an early snowstorm chased them out of camp. It's crazy slippery up here. [Narrator]: Wolverine will be their home base

while they work on Peter's neighbouring mine. Oh, my god, look at all the bottles. Some ravens. [laughing] Oh! Robin! Oh, that's bad... Yes. Bye-bye! [laughing] Okay, let's get this... Okay? Perfect. We had to leave really quickly last year, so it was a little sad when we landed with Peter. Oh, it smells like mouse poop. No! [mournfully] Oh [bleep]... that mouse pooped everywhere. [Claudia]: That's not the first impression I want to make with this new partnership. Oh... is it clean? Oh, no, they were in my bed. This is gross! It's a mess. Come look, Peter. This is Guy's house. [Claudia]: But thank god Peter's personality is very bubbly. [laughter] [Claudia]: I think we're going to get along great. He doesn't want to worry about people, and he wants to trust people, and, oh, my god, that's what I need in my life. So this way, right? Yeah. [Narrator]: The group climbs a hill to get a better look at Peter's claim. From here. It goes across and up the bank over there? -It goes down that way -Yeah, from that way. [Narrator]: Peter's claim, called Bullion Creek, is just eight kilometres from Wolverine camp. [Claudia]: Peter's Bullion claim is a promising area. Last year they did gold mining on that claim, and they found traces of jade, so we're excited. [Narrator]: Claudia's crew will mine for jade on Peter's claim, and share the profits with him. [laughing] [Claudia]: Peter has got tons of energy, he's really happy... Whoo! [Claudia]: It's a whole new ball game for us. It's new partners, new land. This is a whole new venture for us. It's a whole new adventure for us, so...we're keen to try it. [laughing together] [Narrator]: Early the next morning, their deal is finalized. Okay. Thanks for everything. We'll see you soon. [Narrator]: Peter is heading home to China... Have a safe trip. -Okay, bye-bye! -Bye-bye. [Narrator]: ...leaving Claudia and her crew to get the mining started. 6:00, on Friday the 13th. What a day to start an adventure. [ ] Okay, right here. [Narrator]: Later at the trailhead, Claudia, her husband, Robin, and the rest of the crew are getting ready to head out for Wolverine. [Claudia]: Today is "go day," so yeah, I'm at maximum stress. Probably at about 98%. You're not going to run the Volvo. You've got to run the CAT. And now they want me to drive the new rock truck. Why? Because this one is loaded, and that one's empty. Yeah, but I've only had five minutes of training on that one. I haven't even touched that one. You just point it and drive. I was just told that I have to drive this rock truck now. It's all new. It's new equipment, new claim, new partnership. Everything starts from scratch. The only thing that's the same is the road to camp. The road to Wolverine is the worst part of the mining season. [Narrator]: To get to their base camp, Claudia and her crew need to drive Peter's equipment over a rugged 120-kilometre dirt trail. [Claudia]: Oh, my god! Oh, no! [Narrator]: In previous trips... No way! [Narrator]: ...the walk-in took a week, and put the screws to equipment and crew. [Claudia]: Oh, Robin! [laughing] Oh, my god! [Claudia screams] Okay, Claudia... [Narrator]: This year, they'll have to conquer the road without their son Josh and without R2, who are both completing first aid training. [engine sputters] Oh! That's okay. How is your seat? Do you need-- I don't [bleep] know. So now I'm a rock truck operator. Can you come with me for the first ten minutes? I'm just really nervous about this first hill, and I just want to get my bearings. Okie dokie. Don't laugh! Don't look like that. [Guy]: I'm very worried. I just hope she don't panic and do something stupid. Should I put my seatbelt on? Really? Yes. [laughing] "Yes." [Robin]: I know she can do it. You've just got to drive and keep the thingbetween the trees. Okay... Should be interesting. Oh no, she will [bleep] her pants, mark my words. Can I do it? Everybody else can do it, why can't I? My mining season is so short. 90, 100 days if we're lucky, so we need to get into Wolverine. The hundred days starts right now. [grinding] Oh, my god... Need to know where your tire is. Your tire is, like, right here. How do I know

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