
CKPR - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 06:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

still need to dredge the harbour. They're applying for four million dollars from fednor and the knough hfc to cover that cost. Additional work will also be needed to accommodate seagoing ships in the future. >> Confederation college president kathleen lynch is confident the institution is in good shape for when she leaves she highlighted the college's achievements this morning at the annual president breakfast and her final report to the community. Lynch cited new partnerships, the college's economic impact and the launch of new programmes as indicators of the college's viability. The report shows the institution has over seven thousand learners and three hundred and forty apprenticeship students across nine skilled trade programmes. But lynch is concerned. >> But what future international enrolment will look like because of the federal cap despite the college being able to maintain its numbers this september, we're really happy with our allocation permit allocation but I think you know, it remains to be seen how canada is perceived by international students so I anticipate they'll be a bit of a rocky road ahead until we regain some equilibrium in the international market. It's it's the future that is always, you know, an unknown. But I think we have a great reputation both in the region, the province and internationally. >> Lynch will retire in september. Michelle aiello was recently named as her successor a new free mental health check in service has been launched at intercity shopping centre to bring a smile to the face of anyone who needs it. Shoppers can scan a qr code with their phones at a sign located near the food court and get a positive uplifting message in return it can be shared with family, friends or even strangers. It's partnership between more guard real estate which owns the mall and kids help phone more guard will donate two dollars to kids help phone for every scan. Intercity market marketing manager shannon young says they've seen quite a lot of engagement since the campaign was launched at the beginning of the month we've seen quite a bit of engagement across our portfolio. We have quite a few check ins now we're aiming at upsala we wanted to do donate fifty thousand dollars for the month of and we're we're getting there. It's a slow process but it's starting to pick up in the last week and a half so the more check ins the better and do 10 times a day if you want and you get a positive affirmation to your cell phone once you check in, which is kind of a little, you know, upbeat thing for people as well when they're having a down day, young adds other positivity programmes are coming to intercity in the near future. >> A new wellness centre is officially open to the public. It provides eye movement, desensitisation and reprocessing therapy the first of its kind in the city. Mdr is a mental health therapy to treat conditions that arise because of memories from traumatic events and a person's past. It's best known for its role in treating post-traumatic stress disorder by using bilateral eye movement. But its use is expanding for conditions like stress and anxiety. Kirsi nidre is one of the owners of the mdr wellness centre. She explains how beneficial this therapy can be mdr is less talk focussed therapy and more focussed on how the images from the traumatic event get stored in your brain and when something triggers advcr pokes out that there's no real way or no amount of talking that's going to help you heal from that because it is exclusive in terms of trauma therapy we can provide it and we know that the evidence exists and the research exists that we can provide. It works very quickly with children I've also done mdr therapy with someone who is 90 years old so it can be used for all populations. >> The centre on mooney street is open monday to friday. Some weekend bookings are also available by appointment. >> All right. Let's turn our attention to the weather knough and fiona. I would love for mother nature to brighten my mood. Are we ever going to see the end of this rain that we've had lately? >> What you have to remember all those showers bring may flowers like yes, that's always a good thing. >> I you know, I put up some new sod down on my backyard. This is this is a good thing. I'm liking the rain so don't knock it and hopefully folks to the west of us felt the same way because there's been a lot of it thunder bay kind of between salos but today you can see it continue to cycle mostly to the west. We're getting a little bit of a break the last few hours but there is another chance that more is going to continue to sweep through as the system continues to cycle in a counterclockwise manner knough today in the city of thunder bay we had a low of nine, a

high of eighteen. You can't really complain about temperatures like that. That's pretty much on the money for this time of year it was mostly cloudy. We had a few brief periods of rain. The sun did come out for periods as well. It just tended to go away again every once in a while winds were a little gusty southwest twenty three up to forty eight kilometres an hour throughout the region to the west rain has been pretty consistent throughout the day. However, temperatures have been falling after a very mild night there down to nine celsius actually they had a low of eight rebounded a degree or so up into red lake. They to saw temperatures fall throughout the day. They're currently at their low for the day of the gets even cooler still as you head into sioux lookout and pickrell like there at one and we're in the low single digits for drying upsala armstrong then temperatures take a jump on the other side of the lake in greenstone at thirteen they had heavy rain last night. It was tapering off throughout the day knough just overcast skies and they're pretty close to their high for the day vaugeois sue st marie mostly cloudy and temperature have been hovering between 14 and 17 celsius on these eastern shores of lake superior all day in the city of thunder tonight we are going to drop down to a low of four. It's going to continue to be mostly cloudy but there is a sixty percent chance of showers . That means it could be anywhere in the thunder bay region. >> There's no guarantee but there is about a 60 percent chance winds will continue to be gusting up to 60 kilometres per hour for many areas throughout the the next day or so. >> Pop that back. There we go. >> So winds will continue from the west and it's looking like this is the tail end of it for thunder bay. We're not completely out of the woods yet. We need more rain for our forecast but things are actually looking pretty good heading into the weekend. >> I'll have more on that later on the news hour. >> Ok, well that is the important thing for all the rain during the week but then on the weekend we want clear skies get hoursvo flowers bloom dressed all the mistake of you. >> I love it. I try I love to hear it. >> All right. Well, speaking of optimism yesterday we brought you some good news on the economy that inflation had cooled to the lowest point in three years. However, everyday canadians are still waiting to see the impacts of that and today comes a warning from food banks here in canada as the numbers continue to rise, they say the situation is unsustained. We'll have more on that when your news hour continues right after the break. We're not doing enough as a country to make sure people are able to make ends meet right now What do Ontario Dairy Farmers bring to the table? A million little things. From 5 am wake up calls... living the words “never put off till tomorrow what you can get done today”. Bringing together what our parents taught us... and what our kids can. Passion, caring... ...learning and growing, year after year. The knowledge that if we set the table, every day, take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. That's how you milk. Beat the 20-24 price increase with Norm's Boating Centre's 2023 Blowout Specials! Enjoy this summer on the water with savings up to 5,000 dollars on select models and get a free custom travel cover valued at up to $1,299 - exclusions apply, installation extra, while supplies last. Come navigate Legend and Mercury quality in Thunder Bay's only marine exclusive equipment and care dealership. Norm's Boating Centre - anchored in excellence! 448 May Street North in Thunder Bay. 91-5 ckpr and Mario's Bowl are treating you and your co-workers to lunch. And Brad and Laura are delivering it!... Sign up at and go Out to Lunch with Brad & Laura. From 91-5 ckpr!... Hi, I'm Doctor Pustina. Do you experience pain...numbness and tingling in your hands and feet? You may be suffering from Peripheral Neuropathy - a result of nerve damage that's commonly caused by a lack of blood flow to the hands and feet. Here at Spinal Health and Rehabilitation Centre of Canada, we can assess the severity and extent of the damage... As well as provide treatment to help increase blood flow, stimulate small nerve fibers, and relieve your you can get your health back, and get your life back. Give us a call, and book your examination today. Ashley Homestore's 10-Day Sale means you can shop for great deals on just what you want right now! Plus pay no tax! All your favorite furniture is on sale at Ashley! Incredible savings up to 50 percent off storewide! Plus no tax on beautiful

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