
CKPR - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

wind around the region could be up to 50 kilometres per hour tomorrow. Seaway, same thing, eating tonight, 27 tomorrow. A uv index of 8. Brought to you by sandlot academy, personalized learning for every student. We get at least right now, test a with no humidity. Looks at the look at the next few days, to friday 24, saturday 23, sunday 25. An excellent end to the week and weekend currently upcoming. >> Patricia: thank you matt. >>> The stories you're checking out right now on Some interesting stuff including this track team. Coming up, attracting with a special record here that they made and all the big breaking stories, of course, that we've been updating through the day including every thing you need to know about this tornado warning that matt was just talking about. Coming up,. >> A really good time. >> Patricia: there they are, in ottawa high school track team breaking a 21-year-old record, a new episode of station 19 thursday 10, 8 mountain on ctv You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) The Bathroom Renovation Centre has medicine cabinets... cabinets that maximize your storage space... while giving you maximum flexibility for tasks. You'll love the rows and rows of deep shelves to fit all your products with ease. Getting ready is a snap with everything you need at your fingertips, close up tasks are easy with a quick mirror adjustment. Hair, make- up, everything... so easy, you'll be on your way. See you soon at The Bathroom Renovation Centre... from the start to completion, we do it all. 325 Simpson Street. Ashley Homestore's 10-Day Sale means you can shop for great deals on just what you want right now! Plus pay no tax! All your favorite furniture is on sale at Ashley! Incredible savings up to 50 percent off storewide! Plus no tax on beautiful living rooms and bedrooms! No tax on dining rooms and comfortable mattresses! Save up to 50 percent off beautiful looks for every room! Pay no tax! Plus enjoy 0 percent financing for 36 months! Don't miss the 10-Day Sale! On now at Ashley Homestore Thunder Bay! These are the faces of addiction. Faces of your brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. Faces of those battling life controlling issues. Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada is changing these faces of addiction into faces of hope. We see faces full of potential, and full of joy. Waiting to be seen and known. Join us in our mission by making a donation addition to financial donations, we accept clothing and we welcome vehicle donations. Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada. Freedom from addiction starts here. - mom, I'm sure glad you booked this tour of mckellar place. - well, I'm all about downsizing and I still want my independence. - and I want you to enjoy life and not have to worry about a house. Let's see what they have to say, then you can decide. - welcome to mckellar place. - start your own journey at mckellar place. Book your personal tour today and experience the joys of senior independent living. With more kisses and head butts, get ready to fall in love every day with Pet of the Week on ckpr Thunder Bay. Brought to you by Thunder Pet. [ ] >> Patricia: a look ahead,. >> Graham: here's what we're working on. A local homeowner is feeling some windowpane. >> The money was used to do something else but not order my windows. >> Graham: a contractor is taken thousands from a number of homeowners who are still waiting to see their windows replaced. Ctv's austin lee will have that story. >> Our plan was to remove the concrete and not have the risk of anything -- debris falling. >> Graham: sailor on station back online, but how likely is it the issue we saw there may pop up elsewhere. Leah larocque with a light rail update. >> Tonight we can't leave it in the state it's in now. It's been bad for several years and it will only get worse as each winter passes. >> Graham: the bike path along green bank is in need of major repair. The complicated only in ottawa reason it likely won't get fixed anytime soon. All that and more coming up tonight on ctv news at six right after the early edition of scent -- ctv national news tonight with merella fernandez at 5:30. >> Patricia: thanks graham.

>>> The final five local stories were following. >> Patricia: for grade ten students from all saints high school are track and field record holders. They recently broke a 21-year-old relay race record at the national capital west conference track championship. This afternoon, another personal best at the national capital city championship. >> 2002, 2003, flashback. You couldn't see it happening again? >> No, it's history repeating itself. >> Patricia: another special guest cohost on move 100, kimberley fowler having fun on air. Cohosting with jeff hopper eric jackie perez and van rooy are also cohosting this week. >> Patricia: mayor mark sutcliffe lacing up for another marathon in just over a month, writing -- running in this week's marathon in support of the father of the barrhaven homicide victim. Sutcliffe says he's not fully recovered from the london marathon in april, but wants to support the fundraiser for a man whose wife for children and family friends were all killed in that mass murder. The marathon is on sunday. >>> New trash cops in the city to monitor for illegal dumping when the new three item garbage limit comes into effect. As of september 30th, sent -- households will be limited to three per week. It's hiring for new trash inspectors defined -- the fines reigns with range between 405 under dollars. >> When I first saw it, I thought it a wow it's me! >> Patricia: soccer star is getting her own one-of-a-kind barbie. As barbie celebrates its 65th year anniversary, the classic doll is honouring nine athletes from the round -- around the world who have broken barriers in their sport. The company says, it's goal is to inspire young girls to stay in sports and fuel their

ambition. >>> That's ctv news at five, I'm patricia boal pure joy and grey merges of perceiving that sex, the early edition with merella fernandez starts right now. [ ] [ ] >>> Thanks for joining us. Here are some of the stories we have for you right now. >>> New support for a palestinian state. >>> I'm confident that further countries will join us in taking this important step. >> Merella: but no change yet from canada. >>> They're criminals. You cannot trust them. >> Merella: london drugs says no to paying a ransom demanded by hackers. >>> I don't necessarily think he would like it. I think that he -- I think he would be surprised, you know? >> Merella: and the legal threats made over the movie about donald trump. >>> That's me, my face. They got the headband. >> Merella: plus a new dahl designed for soccer star christine sinclair. >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with sandie rinaldo. >> Merella: I'm merella fernandez in for sandie. >>> Three european countries announced today they will recognize a palestinian state. The move by ireland, norway, and spain seen as dim bollic. But it sends another message to israel -- symbolic. The israeli foreign minister responded saying the message is that terrorism pays. It may also put pressure on canada which abstained from an earlier U.N. vote to allow a state of palestine to join the united nations. Ctv's annie bergeron-oliver tonight with an update on the diplomacy and the conflict. >>> Humanitarian aid groups in gaza are issuing a dire warning. Supplies and personnel are running so low the U.N. agency for palestinian refugees has suspended food aid operations in rafah. >> The situation is absolutely catastrophic. Children who are at the very brink of famine are now closer than they've probably ever been so this catastrophic situation. >> Reporter: the worsening humanitarian crisis in gaza comes more than seven months since the war began after hamas attacked israel taking more than 200 hostages. Today a heart breaking new video shows the moments after five young women were taken hostage. This woman's 19-year-old daughter daniela is one of them. >> It's not a very easy thing to see -- to see your daughter and this terrified look. >> Reporter: the ongoing conflict and the devastation it's caused has prompted spain, norway, and ireland to recognize a palestinian state. >> Our decision to recognize palestine should not have to wait indefinitely. Especially when it is the right thing to do. >> Reporter: already, though, the decision has sparked swift condemnation from israel which has ordered the immediate recall of its ambassadors from those three countries. >> Israel claims that this is a reward to hamas. And I suggest that it is not a reward to hamas who has no interest in two states, has no interest in the continuation of israel's existence. It's a reward to moderates in the palestinian authority. >> Reporter: the move comes after 143 countries voted in support of palestinian membership at the united nations, something only states are granted. Canada abstained from that vote. >> [ Shouting ] >> Reporter: canada has maintained its support for a two-state solution where the palestinian state is only recognized as part of a long-term political solution. >> Canada's long-standing position has been to support, to call for a two-state solution. That's the pass TOst laking peace in the middle east -- pass to lasting peace. >> Reporter: the recognition by the three european countries is historic, but largely symbolic. Their formal declarations, merella, will happen next tuesday. >> Merella: ctv's annie bergeron-oliver in ottawa.

>>> So in the past four days there have been five homicides in montreal. Just last night, three people killed in a brawl and one of them was only 15 years old. Ctv's genevieve beauchemin joins us now. Gen, are these incidents connected at all? What more are police saying about the violence? >> Reporter: yes, merella, and what's so startling to police is so many of these murders are unrelated to gang violence, including the one is that happened right here, the triple murder that unfolded in front of so many people in their apartments -- one that happened. >> Reporter: on tuesday night, around 15 people were involved in a violent brawl in the alley. When it was over, three people had been stabbed to death, including a 15-year-old boy. A classmate said the school principal broke the news to students. >> [ Speaking French ] >> Reporter: "he told us he'd been killed in a fight," she says. "many of us burst into stares." police suspect a -- tears -- a personal conflict escalated into devastating violence. >> [ Speaking French ] >> Reporter: the father of one of the victims says he can't understand how this could have led to three families losing a son. In the past 10 days, montreal police have responded to seven homicides. One victim was killed with a firearm, five of the others stabbed. >> It's very difficult to say something about the knife. That's more teenager or person. The organized crime take more firearms. That's where we are. >> Reporter: montreal has a low murder rate compared to other big cities throughout canada and north america. For instance, in 2022, montreal had fewer murders per 100,000 inhabitants than winnipeg, vancouver, halifax, and toronto. And past spikes of violence here were most often related to turf wars over the control of the drug trade. Since last year, montreal police have cracked down on gun crimes, but several of the recent murders seem to be based on personal conflict including a fight between neighbours over music and last night's ball. Now, police are trying to pinpoint exactly what happened. They have a lot of surveillance videos, good quality ones to go through to determine exactly who was here at the time. Merella. >> Merella: ctv's genevieve beauchemin.

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