
CKPR - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 05:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> It's a devastating diagnosis that thousands of canadians live with each year. Als also known as lou gehrig's disease currently has no official cure. But, that could change after a promising breakthrough in canadian research. >> For one of the first times in my leg, I can say, I actually see the horizon. I see where we are headed to on this one. Up until now, it's been, this is a tough one. We are making progress, but we aren't there yet. >> Patricia: als is a disease that slowly paralyzes people because the brain is no longer able to communicate with the muscles of the body. It can progress very quickly with 80% of patients dying within two to five years of diagnosis. Michael strong's team discovered a target -- targeting an interaction between two proteins present in als impacted nerve cells can halt or even reverse the progression of the disease. The team has been working with fruit flies and then my spirit. >>> Coming up, cfra's chrissy cameron joined us with the question of the day plus... >> Our flights were fairly extensive, we got a free hotel... >> Patricia: cheaper seeing taylor swift here in toronto in concert or in europe? Canadian swifties have done the math. Matt, a downgrade of the winning? >> Matt: yes, that's the good news right now. Nowhere tony to warnings around eastern ontario, it's been downgraded to a severe thunderstorm warning. The areas in read on the map, pembroke and across the river into parts of western québec, otherwise, under severe thunderstorm warning. It's a watch -- a a new episode of grey's anatomy on ctv Unfortunately for local racing fans, the opening dirt track races of the season that were scheduled for this evening have been post poned due to last night's huge rain storm. They're tentatively set for tomorrow pending a review of the track and facility conditions. More information will be posted to the Thunder City Speedway Facebook page. Time Out has been brought to you by Joey's Restaurant. It's a tasty little place for seafood. Lookin' for a place to meet friends, book a party or have your shag? Komar's Dragon's Den at the Landmark Hotel on Dawson is the place to go. The tunes are always rockin' - Sing your heart out with Karaoke or dance the night away. Challenge friends to a game of pool or watch the big screens. Breakfast, lunch or supper selections are available with your favourite beverage. Join us for your next night out... for food, drinks and tons of fun!! See ya at Komar's Dragon's Den at the Landmark Hotel on Dawson Road. Compelling design that captivates the eye with a fresh perspective. At Alyssa Marie Designs we believe your furniture to be a reflection of you. Amd presents Selene furniture. Surround yourself in now only superior design but also practicality, comfort and durability. Contemporary furniture collections are custom ordered and Canadian made. Sophisticated designs create a broad range of endless possibilities for customization from textiles to colours, comfort and sizing. Let our designers help you bring luxury home. Visit our design centre at 377 Cumberland Street North. Travel in style this season with fun, fashion forward handbags, totes and casual bags from the Beside u collection. They are the perfect travel companion, offering beauty and practicality. Rfid protection safeguards important essentials. Come see the newest colours and styles for spring. Available exclusively at Bill Martin's Nurseryland on Court Street just minutes from the Waterfront District. Beside u - always by your side. On your phone, your smart speaker, your tablet, Take us wherever you are. We're Thunder bay's hit music station. Online at [ >> Patricia: the city of ottawa will be deploying trash inspectors to monitor for illegal dumping with the latest three item garbage limit being introduced in the fall. It includes staff proactively monitoring waist and parks for potentially illegal dumping and potential signs. Today's question of the day asks, how often do you see illegal dumping? >> To be honest, I do it myself because garbage has become subject obligated to deal with. I'm taking it on myself to take ... Some garbage out to the dumpster below... >> Patricia: kristy cameron joins us. You spoke with the counsellor sitting on the environment committee today. What did he have to say? >> Kristy: he said, we are living in the wild west of garbage disposal right now. His words, which I thought were colourful. It's true, ask anyone in ottawa. They pretty much take anything, and right now, apparently a lot of dumping is happening. I had no idea.

it's not happening in my neighbourhood, but we had colours and textures and people apparently witness this all the time and we had the men we just heard who has admitted to doing it. Now counsellor hill is looking to up the fine to make it even more costly to illegally dump and the city is bringing in these new positions to try to catch people doing it. I guess we will find out if it works. >> Patricia: running to your neighbours place a few streets over and putting some bags in their? >> Kristy: or the dumpster behind the ball. >> Patricia: good to know. Thanks christy, you can listen to chris to comment on news talk 580 cfra weekdays from two until 6:00 pm. >>> Canadian super fans of taylor swift have come up with a cheaper alternative to see the star in concert. They've done the math and say the deal they discovered is music to their ears. Here's ctv janice golden. [ ] >> Reporter: taylor swift is called the reigning queen of pop and tickets to her eras to her selling for a princely sum. >> All over $2000, even at the 500 level. >> In north america, concerts sold out almost immediately with pick -- tickets popping up on resale sites for astronomical sums. Single tickets for the november 14th concert at the rogers centre start at $2800 and range up to $20,000. >> What are we doing this weekend? >> I guess were going to stockholm! >> Reporter: that's why they decided to go to stockholm sweden. >> Our flights were fairly inexpensive, we gotta free hotel from points, and bought our tickets and ended up paying I think $125 canadian. >> Reporter: the duo spent in total $2000 each for tickets, hotel accommodations on flights. That's less than the current price of a single ticket to a taylor swift concert here at home. The price wasn't the only factor. >> We tried for 20 different cities in the U.S. >> Reporter: frustrated with their luck, the cousins decided to go online friday afternoon and were shocked to find tickets to a concert in sweden the next day. The trip to stockholm, not so easy however three flights and two lengthy delays which made the mess the first songs of the opening act. >> We purchased our tickets around 2:00 pm, and we were at the airport on the flight at 6:00 pm. So we packed... >> Reporter: of whirlwind, given work all legations, the duo had no time for sightseeing and the cousins flew back the very next day. She says she has no regrets. >> One hundred% worth it. >> Reporter: in fact,, they've already bought their tickets and are planning their next trip to see swift in edinborough this june. Janice golden, ctv news. >> Patricia: sometimes you just have to do it. Coming up, we will have your full check on whether and, tell you what's cooking on our website plus. When I first saw it, I thought wholly moly, that's me. >> Patricia: a canadian soccer legend gets her very own barbie.

>>> What you need to know, six the musical is on now at the nac, running until may 26th, saw it last night, so good! The award-winning show was about henry This program is brought to by top hat. Anything around the home...we do that The biggest thing that Charmaine and I get a bang out of it is when is when someone comes in the store and says "how lovely your sotre is, I love how the people treat me. I love your staff", that makes our day. Really great when you tell us you've got a great experience with us. What attracted Charmaine and I to Jones is that they're Like us. They're community oriented. They want to give back, help the community, this is a community store... That's what it's all about. I think a lot of it is in our blood. We are just born in it. Tbt News update. Good afternoon. I'm Riley McManus from the tbt newsroom. Thunder Bay Police held a news conference today to speak out after three separate drug investigations resulted in the seizure of two loaded hand guns and the chiefs of Nishnawbe Aski Nation got a first look today at the terms of a 20 billion dollar long term reform agreement for First Nation's child welfare. You deserve extraordinary discover Frank Lyman designs at the Little mermaid. This fiery fuchsia jumpsuit with rhinestone straps is softly wrapped in chiffon, this Jumpsuit tied at the waist is perfect to be just you. Stunning gowns are ideal for mom of the bride or groom in pastels or Navy. All of these amazing Frank Lyman fashions and so much more are now available at the Little mermaid on Victoria Avenue Make your new home a Modular home...built by Smart Modular Canada! Smart Modular Canada builds homes year-round in a controlled environment, with a team that includes all the skilled trades people needed to put together, and deliver you your new home quickly and efficiently. "The Lynx" is one of the many designs they offer! This beautiful 1,518 square foot home, featuring 3 bedrooms and 1 bathroom, would be a great home for your family! To learn more, or to request a quote, visit! What do Ontario Dairy Farmers bring to the table? A million little things. From 5 am wake up calls... living the words “never put off till tomorrow what you can get done today”. Bringing together what our parents taught us... and what our kids can. Passion, caring... ...learning and growing, year after year. The knowledge that if we set the table, every day, take care of the little things, the big things will take care of themselves. That's how you milk. The Rock station for the rock city. We're Thunder Bay's Rock station. Rock 94. >> Patricia: on ctv tonight! [ Text on Screen ] want to take another look at that forecast that's been wild and changeable. >> Matt: it certainly has. The good news, the tornado warnings are done but there's lots of active weather in the region. Rutte by box me up. Let bugs may be part of your next move, but your mobile storage container today at A live look down town here ottawa. It's really hot in fact, extremely muggy. This afternoon feeling like 38 with the humidex, 30 degrees right now,. Small chance of thunderstorm but most of the active weather is west of us. I've zoomed out the radar picture here. Tornado warnings are over but the areas in read from bancroft northeast through pembroke, deep river involved as well, into québec is where a lot of thunderstorms are currently tracking. We still have some isolated cells pushing trying to get closer to renfrew, for now, ottawa and the rest of eastern ontario was in the clear. But it's something to be aware of that there's a lot of thunderstorms and we could see because it will stay with us until midnight tonight. Temperatures are cooler as the storms rolled through, pembroke at 22, but otherwise, 30, 29, 28, right across the board. It's extremely muggy too, those temperatures are feeling at least mid to upper thirties which is very warm for this time of year not at the end of may. 19 overnight, risk of thunderstorms, good news is, the humidity will be gone tomorrow. We are in for a 26, it will feel like 26, much more reasonable, sunshine out there, gusty winds expected around the region for the afternoon. Thunderstorms in the valley tonight, keep an eye on the active weather p. Tomorrow sun and cloud, high of 24.

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