
CKPR - Wednesday, May 22, 2024 - 12:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

[narrator]: slow and steady, the tractor makes it to the top... We'll snuggle up, and we'll get it right up till we're kissing paint here. [narrator]: ...and all lines are holding. [al]: feel your truck. Oop... [narrator]: now cresting the bank, there's no turning back. [gord]: once we get it up to the road bed, we're committed. We've gotta keep going. Lean on 'er some more. Pull on it. Okay, that's it. No more, no more. -yep. -no more. [narrator]: to make room for the wreck... How about if I pull ahead, and you bring the back end up a little bit? [al]: yup. [narrator]: ...gord needs to reposition... You got it? I think so. [narrator]: ...and al's truck must take the full weight of the tractor. [al]: there's a potential the cable could break. Snap, bang, [crunching]. [reverse alerts beeping] [al]: it would be a bad scenario. We're good. [narrator]: with gord's wrecker out of the way... We'll go with a low line, and then the tickler. Yep. [narrator]: and gord work fast... We're on. [narrator]: reset the rigging... Take a good bite. Yep. [crunching] [narrator]: ...and add a high line to force the cab the final steps onto the road. If we're pulling off the top of the boom, it's gonna give us a lifting advantage. Let's go. [narrator]: al and gord start to pull... ...but as the tractor carves through the snow, winch lines begin to slice through the icy bank. [al]: anything chafing the steel wire rope, there's a potential for cutting strands, so you don't wanna take a razor blade to a violin string. Hold it, gord! Catch the spirit of Faith, right here on Spirit Alive. Join Pastor Roma Fisher each week as he shares a message of inspiration, hope and healing. Build your faith as you learn spiritual truths from God's word. You'll be motivated to grow spiritually. Watch Spirit Alive ckpr tv, Sunday mornings at 8:30 and Saturday mornings at 11. Spirit Alive is sharing the Spirit of Faith across our nation. The Thunder Bay Source, your community connection! (Fred Jones) Rural living has its rewards and its tribulations. Mother Nature definitely plays a role in it. Read "Rural Roots" to find out more. (Derrek Lankinen) As a chef for the past 25 years and now a restaurant owner, food has always been my life. Read "Here's Cooking at you Kid" for my tips and info, so you can do some experimenting on your own. >> The Thunder Bay Source is delivered to you free every Thursday in the "Lakehead" or on Friday to home subscribers of the Chronicle Journal. r home health care... Hi I'm Jim Migliazza We're proud to be your local home healthcare equipment supplier committed to keeping you independently safe in your home. From daily living essentials to elevating devices, we have it all along with customized service repair and home delivery. Come visit our pet friendly showroom at 977 Alloy Drive...where we look forward to seeing you.. Offering you friendly and knowledgeable sales and service, with a personal touch. Superior Home Health Care - Local people keeping you mobile. You deserve extraordinary discover Frank Lyman designs at the Little mermaid. Frolic at patio parties in bold blue. Dare yourself to try this striking midnight blue jumpsuit with rhinestone straps and illusion in all the right places... or make a splashy entrance in fun colors. Stunning gowns are ideal for mom of the bride or groom in pastels or Navy. All of these amazing Frank Lyman fashions and so much more are now available at the Little mermaid on Victoria Avenue Owners Jackie and Wayne, along with their service team -Darryl and Jay- welcome you to Narvi's Auto Service.

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[laughs] [narrator]: ...colin leads the charge. [colin]: so we'll snatch this one. [narrator]: following his instructions... I love this job! [narrator]: new hire french canadian steve yvorchuck. [colin]: what about that step post right in there? Yeah. [steve]: every recovery is totally different here in B.C. than quebec. Totally, man. [narrator]: hooking up to the trailer, the team runs two lines on one side... Okay, there's that. [narrator]: ...and a single on the other. [jamie]: now, tighten it up. [narrator]: then... Did you wanna direct them guys pulling? [narrator]: ...jamie puts colin in charge. [jamie]: I have less experienced guys, so it's just gonna make this go so much better with colin there. [colin]: I don't even work for him anymore, right? I'm there on my day off, so... [laughs] [narrator]: with steve operating the mack, and rick on hr-126... -you ready? -yep. Let's get pullin'. [narrator]: ...winches roll, and the carrier starts to move. [jamie]: it's a very delicate dance for all these guys to work together. [colin]: keep going, doing what you're doin'. [jamie]: you have to be careful of what forces you're applying to the trailer. Okay, whoa. [jamie]: you've got big power at your fingertips. Just a little bit of pressure, and you can bend a trailer in half. [narrator]: the loaded carrier... There you go, two hands. [narrator]: ...slowly creeps out of the ditch... Use your blue line more. [narrator]: ...but moments later... [narrator]: ...the wreck begins to bog down... It's low to the ground, and this ditch does have a pretty good angle to it, so it's digging into the mud. [narrator]: ...and with every inch towards the road... Okay, whoa, whoa, watch your truck. [narrator]: ...tension builds. Now the tilting load... I'm pulling the truck sideways. [narrator]: ...threatens to topple. Whoop, oop, oop, oop... Stop, stop! [narrator]: jamie pauses to reassess... [jamie]: this thing's a high-end load of expensive cars, and I've got to do my best to look after them. Now, I can do a highline maybe, eh? [narrator]: ...and comes up with a new plan. Adding a third truck to the recovery, jamie will run a safety line from his newest wrecker to the top deck, plus a low line to the carrier's front end, to carefully guide it onto the road. The extra rigging is hooked up... And then just put that in the loop, you know? [narrator]: ...but jamie... The main frame is buckled, right in here. [narrator]: still concerned. I'm using that line to pull with somewhat... I'm scared, this thing's so bent. ...but I don't want to really yank on this that high up. There's a lot of leverage right there. We gotta be very careful. [narrator]: now, with three wreckers in play... Okay, you good to go? [narrator]: ...the trio of heavies starts to pull. -this is lifting it! -okay. -so you lift, you pull. -okay-- -you lift, you pull. -all right, thanks. [jamie]: colin's a great asset. He instinctively knows where to pull and when. [narrator]: ...but soon... Yeah. [narrator]: colin... back in the game. Hang on a sec, rick. [colin]: it's really nice to be back on the controls, but if something messes up, I'm the one that's gonna feel that. [narrator]: rising up to the road... [jamie]: this is the toughest part of the pull, right when you get it over the bank. [metal creaking] [narrator]: ...the carrier's top-heavy frame starts to twist. We have a very lightweight skeleton trailer here, and there's quite an angle that it's coming out of the ditch on. If anything could go wrong, it's gonna happen right now. Wait a minute. Go, go, go.

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