
CKPR - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #13

their children to garfield. My daughter, she saw the trailers. Commanding me like garfield commands john. The garfield energy is living within this new generation. >> Lindsey: thanks so much for this. Garfield is in theatres on friday. Rad, thanks. >> Announcer: "your morning" is brought to you in part by... The garfield movie. Now playing. >> Lindsey: it is a full moon tonight. It is a perfect community to do some soul-searching with a tarot read You've been waiting to get outand drive a New Nissan,great offersare ready So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. Now, at Nissan, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) The biggest thing that Charmaine and I get a bang out of it is when is when someone comes in the store and says "how lovely your sotre is, I love how the people treat me. I love your staff", that makes our day. Really great when you tell us you've got a great experience with us. What attracted Charmaine and I to Jones is that they're Like us. They're community oriented. They want to give back, help the community, this is a community store... That's what it's all about. I think a lot of it is in our blood. We are just born in it. The Bathroom Renovation Centre has medicine cabinets... cabinets that maximize your storage space... while giving you maximum flexibility for tasks. You'll love the rows and rows of deep shelves to fit all your products with ease. Getting ready is a snap with everything you need at your fingertips, close up tasks are easy with a quick mirror adjustment. Hair, make- up, everything... so easy, you'll be on your way. See you soon at The Bathroom Renovation Centre... from the start to completion, we do it all. 325 Simpson Street. You're resigning? >>I'm tired... >>But you've been with us for so long. >>(sigh) too long...I can't keep up anymore! The rest of the neighborhood's already moved on. I mean, I'm not fibre, I just don't have the bandwidth, you know? (coughs...sounds like a device "glitching") guys expect me to stream 4k movies like it's nothing...and then your kids, with their devices (groans)'s too many...the writing's on the wall here guys. For the sake of your network, it's time. These are the faces of addiction. Faces of your brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. Faces of those battling life controlling issues. Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada is changing these faces of addiction into faces of hope. We see faces full of potential, and full of joy. Waiting to be seen and known. Join us in our mission by making a donation addition to financial donations, we accept clothing and we welcome vehicle donations. Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada. Freedom from addiction starts here. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! >> Lori dyan has a book out called "burn your s****." it's great to have you. >> Thank you for having me. I'm so excited. >> Kelsey: in the book you talk a lot about rituals. You have a morning ritual. You have a list of four things. Words, water, move and breathe >> Words is journalling. Dumping my brain on to the page. And sometimes I am half awake. Water, drinking a big glass of water first thing. Just to get me awake and moving. And then move my body, whether it is yoga or going for a walk in the woods. And words, water, movement, and breathe. And I breathe. Got to do some meditating. >> Kelsey: that's sounds like the most peaceful morning. >> When I do it. That is the thing with rituals. If you can do it, great. You don't have to get strident about it. Because then it can be obsessive ask that is not helpful. >> Kelsey: how long does the whole thing take? >> It could be just a few minutes with each one or it could be a more luxurious morning where I spend an hour doing it and go for a walk in the woods for 45 minutes. >> Kelsey: I guess it is what

you need. Your book talks about all sorts of rituals from using crystals. People know you best as tarot lori. You have a dedicated following. You have been reading tarot cards for more than 30 years. I love your tag line. It is woo woo without the cuckoo. What does that mean for you? >> I think it gives everybody my sense of the approach to tarot. I have been doing it for 30 years. It's more just to -- I always say it's having a conversation with your soul and I am the interpreter. >> Kelsey: I have never seen tarot cards before. >> Tarot cards, there are 78 cards in a deck. Each one has a different image on it. Each card tells a different story. You put these cards together ask they tell a story of you. And again, it's not fortune-telling. It's not predicting you are going0 bob at starbucks on tuesday. It's not like that. You don't want to advocate responsibility of your life with some random lady with tarot cards. They give you a peek behind the curtain of what's going on energetically. >> Kelsey: can I peek. >> I am going to stare at you. Now just say outloud these exact words. What do I need to know right now. >> Just pull out one card. Face down so you can't see it. >> I want you to pull another card. I just want a little more context. >> We have page of one. For me, the page of one is the bearer of good news. He is saying good news for you. I can't tell you what that is or when it is happening. It's like a weather system happening of good news. Connection. I pulled another -- I had you pull another card because tarot loves to be a bit bossy saying, you like that. You want that. Here is what you need to know so you don't screw it up. To help facilitate this good news, remember the message of this part. It's going to look scary, but there are no bad tarot cards. Just bad tarot card readers. 9 of swords. Like he woke up from a bad dream. This is about stress and worrying and anxiety. In the morning, lying in bed. You got to watch. You are not making mountains out of mow hills. Get your head out of your butt. The things that keep us up. Stress and worrying at 3 in the morning. Watch it. >> Kelsey: thank you. That was very lovely. I love that. Lindsey is just like, yeah. She is like, do me. We are going to take a break. Lori, I hope you will stick around for a sec. Lori's new book is out right now. We will be right back. Make your morning extraordinary. Lost a bet. Nutty... and sweet. Latte macchiato. Okay George, this one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. Sweet. Don't forget to recycle. Bye. Unforgettable. [engine sputters] Nespresso, what else? - [Narrator] Stay tuned to get two rolls of Alien Tape, free! You heard that right, free! Finally there's Alien Tape, a revolutionary new tapethat doesn't use adhesive but strong enough tohold an incredible 17-and-a-half poundson most surfaces. You'll love Alien Tape. The incredible new advanced grip technology tape that instantly locks anything into place without screws or anchors. There's more. Alien Tape is reusable. Remove it, rinseit and reuse it. Use it again and it's just as strong. Use Alien Tape tohold stuff in place. It locks right down instantly. Keep things secureuntil you're done. Just give it a twistand it comes right off. Alien Tape comes right offbecause it doesn't use adhesive. But on drywall, it's a permanent alternative to nails. No need to drill into cabinets. Alien Tape will stay in place until you decide to take it off. Alien Tape is perfect for glass. Use it for heavy towels and it stays in place. When you're done, remove it and there's no residue. Alien Tape defies gravity,even when it's wet.

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