
CKPR - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

that looks just like new. - My wife will go crazy for this pan. - I can't believe how beautiful this pan is. - [Announcer] Similar hammered pans sell for almost $100, but today it's an incredibly low $29.99, and we'll even ship it to you free! It's dishwasher safe and PFOA-free! But wait, call right now, and you can get a matching single-serve egg pan absolutely free! It's perfect for making personalized eggs and delicious breakfast sandwiches in a flash. So upgrade your cookware today and get it all with free shipping. Call or click now. (upbeat music) Closed captioning of this program is brought to you in part by PetSmart. Book grooming, training, PetsHotel & doggy day camp at >> Lindsey: so that moment when you bring your boyfriend or girlfriend home for the first time to meet your parents can be super nerve-racking for everybody. I am going to show you a video now of the daughter is bringing her new boyfriend home. Never met the family before. This is what they did. Watch. >> Here they come. Here they come. [ Applause ] >> Kelsey: at lease you know as the boyfriend what xif family you are walking into. They have told you right away. >> Akshay: that's hilarious. >> Lindsey: I love it. She is so embarrassed, but not annoyed. I am obsessed with this family. I am taking notes. I am going to do all of these things. It is so funny. I am going to now show you a video. We will do a bit of show-and-tell that will come up after the video. We want everybody to watch this video closely. Ask people under the age of 25 to write the word "baseball" in cursive. >> Akshay: I think that is exceptional. >> Lindsey: even me, I am going to get stumped on the letter attachment. >> Akshay: this is what happens when you type everything in your life. >> Kelsey: even people who are in their 30s and 40s. When you see their penmanship, it can be revealed. >> Lindsey: I have recruited some youngins. Emily and sa ba. You are in your 20s. Did you learn cursive in school? >> A little. >> Yeah, we had to trace it out. >> Lindsey: we are going to try this as well so you are not doing it alone.

>> Lindsey: I DON'T OFTEN WRITE CURSIVE. BASEBALL IS THE WORD. >> Kelsey: CAN WE HAVE MUSIC WHILE WE ARE DOING THIS. >> Lindsey: I'M STUMPED ON THE "B". >> Akshay: I DON'T LIKE THE MARKER. THE MARKER HAS A WEIRD NIB. >> Lindsey: YOU WANT THIS ONE? >> Lindsey: I FEEL LIKE I AM WINNING. >> Kelsey: YOU HAVE BEAUTIFUL PENMANSHIP. >> Lindsey: BUT YOU DID A CAPITAL B. >> Akshay: COME ON. >> Lindsey: THE LOWER B IS HARDER. >> Lindsey: IT'S AN UNFAIR WORD TO SHOW YOU BECAUSE YOU ARE THE MANAGER OF YOUR BASEBALL TEAM. YOU PROBABLY WRITE THIS WORD A LOT. LINDSEY LET'S CHECK IN ON THE YOUNGINS. >> Lindsey: SABA, YOU DID A CAPITAL B. >> IF I HAD A PEN, THIS WOULD BE FLAWLESS. >> Akshay: GOOD ONE. >> Lindsey: WELL SAID. >> Kelsey: CAN WE HAVE A MAGNIFYING GLASS? >> Akshay: THEY ARE BETTER THAN THE VIDEO WE SAW. YOU GUYS DID A REALLY GOOD JOB. >> Lindsey: IF I DID MINE AS SMALL AS EMILY Make your morning extraordinary. Lost a bet. Nutty... and sweet. Latte macchiato. Okay George, this one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. Sweet. Don't forget to recycle. Bye. Unforgettable. [engine sputters] Nespresso, what else? It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! On now for a limited time! Another night in with your best friend. Maybe watching the game or just enjoying some down time. But if your night in involves alcohol or drugs please remember that impaired driving is both dangerous and illegal. If you're thinking about heading out be sure to book a ride, call a cab or take public transit. And if you decide to stay in after all, well, maybe it's because best friends don't let best friends drink and drive. Thanks for helping to keep our roads safe. >>I love fashion of course, I always have. I love this building, I love just coming in here, merchandihing, helping customers find their outfit for their wedding, work or school, whatever and takling and meeting people. People will buy from you or support you if they like you and they trust you so that's a key part I think getting to know your customer and servicing them. My father told me that my whole life, trust goes both ways. I know when I call Jones Insurance you're at the end of the line, not some call centre. If we have questions we come down to the store and sit down with us and Jones is a multi-generational family-owned business as well. So there's a lot of similarities there. After seeing how you handled the business insurance it only made sense to switch our personal to Jones as well. It is nice to see that the community still puts trust in us after all these years and they keep coming back and we continue to service them. Can you cut that or no? >>No. >>Gotta start it over? >>It takes seconds for an accident to happen. >>And your life is changed forever. >>Getting the compensation you deserve is not a favour. >>It's a right. >>Call us today for a free consultation. >>And get Canada's largest personal injury firm. >>Fighting for you.

Messi magic once again Oh Canada!! their time has come The stage is set And it is spectacular!! >> Lindsey: it's thursday, may 23rd. >> We are not in increased gang. >> Lindsey: deadly street fight. Montréal police are trying to reassure the public after young people were killed in a brawl. >> Summer election. U.K. prime minister rishi sunak calls a snap election for july 4th. >> Tailored diapers flying in style. This rescue pigeon is getting custom made diapers. Stay with us, canada, "your morning" starts right now. [upbeat theme music] >> Lindsey: so weird, but that is the morning show for you, everybody. Welcome to "your morning." I'm lindsey deluce. >> Lindsey: good morning, I am akshay tandon. >> Kelsey: I'm kelsey McEWEN. I can't wait for all of the details. >> Akshay: we talk about that pigeon for sure in just a couple of minutes. People in the U.K. will head to the polls on july 4th. >> Who do you trust to turn that foundation into a secure future for you, your family and our country? Now is the moment for britain to choose its future. >> Akshay: conservative leader rishi sunak was on the campaign trail this morning having called a snap election wednesday in the pouring rain. After 14 years in power, the tories are widely expected to lose. Labour leader says the country has a chance to end what he calls the chaos of rishi sunak's government. To drive it home, the slogan is "change". >> At least 9 people including a child has died at a presidential rally. A warning, this video may be difficult to watch for some viewers. This is in mexico. Presidential candidate had been delivering a speech in a city near monterey when a strong gust of wind toppled the stage. 63 people were injured. A structure on the stage was blown down by the wind. There had been thunderstorms and strog winds reported in the area wednesday night. >> Back at home, prime minister justin trudeau says canada will not follow norway, ireland and spain's lead to recognize a palestinian state next week. >> We are prepared today recognize a state of palestine at the right time. >> The prime minister is facing calls from the ndp and within his caucus to make the recognition, but the prime minister is saying canada's position is that a palestinian state must come with negotiations with israel before it is recognized.

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