
CKPR - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 08:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

Captain Underpants which Dav Pilkey has also written. So when I got called in, I just started barking. >> Yeah. >> And I was starting to think how my dog acts at home and all this stuff. >> What kind of dog do you have? >> I have-- oh, I grew up with a cockapoo-- >> Right. >> ...and then now I also have a Rottweiler lab mix. >> Oh cute. >> She's very sweet. >> Because when you picture Dog Man, do you picture like what kind of dog? >> Yeah, I picture him as like a golden retriever. >> Yes. >> Labrador. That type of thing. >> It's amazing what you're able to do without saying a word on stage. It really is great. >> Oh, thank you. >> And Sadie, I was so interested to hear your regular talking voice. (Laughs) Because what Sadie does with her voice it is-- so Walker, my son, was convinced that you had some sort of microphone that was changing your voice. I was like, no, she's an actor and she's just that good. It's really incredible. >> Yeah, thank you. I've grown up doing children's theatre my whole life, so playing a child is something I'm a little bit familiar with. >> Can you give people an example of what I'm talking about? >> Yeah. So I come out of the clone machine as Li'l Petey. I say, hi I'm Li'l Petey. And... (Laughs) >> And not only she does that, she sings at that level too. >> Yeah. >> You're amazing. >> Thank you so much. Thank you. It's a lot of hard work and practice. >> Yeah. What is it they love about children's theatre? >> I think that-- well, I was first introduced to theatre when I was five. So I think that it is so beautiful to give children that first experience into the life of theatre because I wouldn't have known that this is what I wanted to do with my life if I hadn't seen something so similar when I was a child. And just to give them that first experience of art for some of them, of music, anything like that. >> And it's such a physical show. I mean, you can see some of that here, just a glimpse of it. Lots of singing, lots of dancing, high energy. What do you guys do to prep for that type of-- Are you just exhausted by the end? >> Yes. >> You really throw yourself around. >> We're exhausted but thankful. Like we love what we get to do. And I think because we're so happy to go on stage, even if our bodies are tired that day, we're just so excited to go on stage and do it. But lots of rest, lots of warming up, stretchers just taking care of yourself, which is a bummer sometimes when you're touring because you want to go and explore every city you're in, but you got to take care of it. >> Have you had much time to explore here? >> Not yet. We just got into Toronto a few days ago but we're really looking forward to-- >> Well-- and you've got some time too because the show has been extended, which is really, really exciting. >> We're so excited. >> Congratulations on that. >> Thank you. >> It is a family show, it's not just for the children. As I mentioned, I was there and I was laughing at things that Walker wasn't laughing at. You know that kind of thing? >> Sadie: Yeah. >> So there's some really, really wonderful moments in there. What is it like to perform for children and adults? Has anything gone like off the rails? Like there was one child sitting a couple of rows ahead of us that was yelling something at you guys. That's kind of fun. >> Yeah, and as that it's actually quite common. >> I bet. >> And we love that. Us on stage, like this show it's encouraged for the kids to get up and dance and sing along with us. So when they're responding to us like that, it gives us the energy that we need. Because it's a marathon, as you saw. >> It does not stop. >> Yeah. >> And children I feel like see a lot of themselves in my character specifically. So when my character is doing things that are very child like, they get into it and they say the lines along with me, Especially if they know the books, they're quoting it, yelling things at me and it fuels me. I'm like, yes, give me the energy. >> This is a true family show, it's not a children show. Many times adults come up to us and are like, we loved this way more than our kid did. So it's a great family show. >> It really is and you both do such a wonderful job. Great cast, great crew. Thank you for being here today. >> Of course. Thank you for having us. We're so happy to be here. >> And as you mentioned Dog Man: The Musical is now on through June the 9th. Thank you both. >> Thank you. >> That's a wrap on this weekend edition of Your Morning. And don't forget, you can scan these QR codes for the Your Morning newsletter and also to listen to more conversations on Your Morning the podcast. >> We do have many great conversations coming up for you next week. On Monday, we are welcoming back Marilyn Dennis. She'll speak with us about being honoured with the CSA Lifetime Achievement Award. Tuesday the Your Morning studio turns into an art gallery featuring the works of Banksy. That's all ahead of a Banksy exhibit here in Toronto. >> I'm so excited for that, by the way. On Wednesday, if you're moving anytime soon, you need to watch this. We're going to have tips on how to downsize before you pack up. >> And then on Thursday, a closer look at a new tool that uses AI helping people live with breast cancer as well as their friends and family. >> And Friday, well, a couple of the actors of the HBO's House of the Dragons get us fired up for a new season. >> Sounds like a fantastic week. We'll see you on Monday. (Upbeat music)

(Musical flourish) THERE'S A VOICE THAT KEEPS ON CALLING ME DOWN THE ROAD, THAT'S WHERE I'LL ALWAYS BE EVERY STOP I MAKE, I MAKE A NEW FRIEND CAN'T STAY FOR LONG. JUST TURN AROUND AND I'M GONE AGAIN MAYBE TOMORROW I'LL WANT TO SETTLE DOWN UNTIL TOMORROW I'LL JUST KEEP MOVING ON SO IF YOU WANT TO JOIN ME FOR AWHILE JUST GRAB YOUR HAT, WE'LL TRAVEL LIGHT, THAT'S HOBO STYLE MAYBE TOMORROW I'LL WANT TO SETTLE DOWN UNTIL TOMORROW I'LL JUST KEEP MOVING ON . Messi Fort William First Nation Arena is the site for the Western. Get your sports highlights on Time Out. Monday to Saturday on CKPR Thunder Bay. Brought to you by Joey's Restaurant. (upbeat music) They are some of the hottest videos on social media. Those videos claiming to instantly get rid of bags under your eyes. Well today, we're gonna see one for ourselves and let you be the judge. It's called Plexaderm, and lifestyle expert, Annette Figueroa, is here to tell us why she says this one is for real. -This one is for real, and I'm so excited. We even have a video that the viewers can watch while you and I talk, so they can actually see how this works. And you'll notice the model has bags underneath his eyes and some sagging. And all he uses is a small amount on a clean dry face. And that's how easy it is. - [Interviewer] All right, what's the active ingredient? - [Annette] Okay, So it's silicates that are minerals found in shale rock. And what it does is it tightens and lifts the appearance of bags underneath your eyes, in as little as 10 minutes. Very little effort. Even watching the video, this is a real, - [Interviewer] I know. - [Annette] It's a model, but it's a real guy with real bags underneath his eyes. And I did this to my father; we were at home, I had the timer on, and we were screaming, four minutes, 34 seconds, completely gone. - My real true opinion is holy... words I can't say on camera. (she laughs) These lines bother me, they really do. And this is absolutely unbelievable. I mean, I could feel it just lifting my skin. It was amazing. It feels good. It feels great. Looks even better. - [Annette] And not only does it work on the bags, it works on the appearance of crows feet, fine lines, and wrinkles. So it targets all those problem areas. - [Interviewer] So this would be a daily thing, or just when you wanna like get rid of the bags and you would- - [Annette] Yeah, I mean- - [Interviewer] Your morning routine? - It absolutely could be a daily thing, but the way you want to do it is you want to have a clean, dry face, use a small amount because it's so powerful, apply it underneath your eyes, fine line, wrinkles, forehead lines. You have high school reunions, you have events you want to go to, you want to look years younger? This is it. - [Announcer] At our $14.95 price, it's the best way to try Plexaderm and see it work for yourself after your first application. Your solution is at, or call the number on your screen. [David]>> WHERE DID YOU COME FROM? I SUPPOSE YOU'RE WITH THE TRAVELLING JOKERS IN THE MEADOW. ONE IS A LADY I AM VERY MUCH IN LOVE WITH. THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO BOY. MY PROBLEM'S EMOTIONAL, NOT MECHANICAL. THERE SHE IS. [Liliane]>> EASY. EASY. [David]>> LILIANE! LILIANE! [Liliane]>> HEY! COME BACK HERE! WHOA, BOYS! [David]>> ARE YOU HURT? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN HURT. [Liliane]>> CAN'T WE GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT FOLLOWING US? [David]>> CAN WE TALK? [Liliane]>> NO! I'M HAPPY, DAVID. I'M DOING WHAT I WANT TO DO. YOU LIKE COMPUTERS, I LIKE PERFORMING. SO GIVE UP, OKAY? [David]>> THINGS WILL BE DIFFERENT WHEN I GET MY DEGREE. WE CAN SPEND MORE TIME TOGETHER. [Liliane]>> I DON'T BLAME YOU FOR LOVING YOUR WORK

but I love my work too. [David]>> Acting isn't work. [David]>> What's this? It's been cut. [Liliane]>> Come on, boys. Easy. [Marshall]>> What happened here? Did you have trouble, liliane? [David]>> Yes she did. Someone cut this pin. She could have been killed! [Liliane]>> Oh david. [Marshall]>> Well, well, mr. Barrington. Come liliane. [David]>> Liliane. [Marshall]>> We all know you want liliane back but don't you think you're going too far? [David]>> What do you mean? [Marshall]>> Ever since you started following us around, we've been having too many unexplained accidents. [David]>> What?! [Marshall]>> Stop sabotaging this company or I'm calling the police. [David]>> Liliane, I'm staying down the road at the markham hotel! Call me! We've got to get this thing sorted out! What am I going to do boy? If I could just talk to her alone for 5 minutes. >>we've got the hell's bells set piece working again marshall. Is belching smoke like crazy! [Marshall]>> Good. Dante, go up to the road and bring my wagon in. We've only got an hour before the show. >>right away boss! [Liliane]>> Marshall, I can't believe david would sabotage the company. [Marshall]>> Then perhaps my lady does not understand the nature of love. [David]>> I know, there's nothing wrong with the car. I lied. But you don't know what it's like to be in love. Go ahead. I can't blame you. Liliane's probably right. I'm not as interesting as marshall. >>hey, swerdlow. You got my money for me? [Marshall]>> Not exactly. >>what do you mean not exactly? [Marshall]>> But it's all arranged. >>how? You couldn't auction that stuff for a tenth of what you owe. [Marshall]>> I'm not a total fool. I insured it in my name. >>that's an interesting theory, professor. But accidents have to look like accidents or insurance types don't pay. [Marshall]>> That's no problem. I found what you call in our profession a patsy. >>who? [Marshall]>> A lovesick preppy who's been pestering one of my actresses. He doesn't know it but he's been putting his head in a noose for the past month. See? A hundred thousand. And it includes vandalism. >>i just want to know when. [Marshall]>> I have to do it before the policy runs out. >>tonight? Before midnight? You got a great sense of humour professor. I'll be seeing you. (bell rings) [Marshall]>> Come one, come all ladies and gentlemen. Kindly take your seats. Our medieval pageant is about to begin. Come on, liliane, get ready for your entrance. Watch the trap door. The first step's a lulu. (liliane laughs) >>all hail, both blight and glad! For here am i, a merry lad. Be peace your din, my master bid, or else the devil you speed! [Liliane]>> You are my lord lucifer... began in heaven among all the angels that were so bright...

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