
CKPR - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 06:30 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

for the services libraries offer for free. The librarians also exchanged materials from their collections and talked about scaling back traditional services and increasing e-books and audio books and less conventional collections, like puzzles and games, musical instruments or even seeds. Some Indigenous students are now better equipped in their educations. Nokiiwin Tribal Council is one of several recipients of refurbished laptops...ensuring more people can access services. The laptops were collected by Rotary Clubs in Southern Ontario, and will be given to students in Nokiiwin's Education Program. The equipment was refurbished by Siemens (See-mins) Energy Canada...with the initiative created by the charity "Corporations for Community Connections". Audrey Gilbeau with Nokiiwin says these laptops will go a long way. >>Having equipment that's really functioning is one thing having the equipment that's going to be able to potentially help elevate someone's opportunities as they start to look to engage with them, not only education but employment as well >>In today's world with today's education requirements is virtually impossible for students to totally succeed going Through public school then post secondary education without having a laptop to be able to access resources do assignments >>And that's all the time we have for this edition of Northwest Newsweek, join us next time for more top stories from across the region. from across the region. from across the region. from across the region. from across the region. from across the region. Beautiful!Minnesota gold right there!Nice Katie! Love it. We're from the Carolinas and always wanted tocome to Minnesota. I'm so hungry and readyfor some good food. It's kind of build yourown adventure here. Wow! 10/10 recommend. Did you know that Superior Coatings sells blinds? Superior Coatings has a wide selection of affordable, high quality, and stylish blinds from Graber! Schedule an in-home consultation with one of their experts, and choose the right blinds for your home! Visit Superior Coatings on Fort William Road. These are the faces of addiction. Faces of your brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. Faces of those battling life controlling issues. Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada is changing these faces of addiction into faces of hope. We see faces full of potential, and full of joy. Waiting to be seen and known. Join us in our mission by making a donation addition to financial donations, we accept clothing and we welcome vehicle donations. Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada. Freedom from addiction starts here. The biggest thing that Charmaine and I get a bang out of it is when is when someone comes in the store and says "how lovely your sotre is, I love how the people treat me. I love your staff", that makes our day. Really great when you tell us you've got a great experience with us. What attracted Charmaine and I to Jones is that they're Like

us. They're community oriented. They want to give back, help the community, this is a community store... That's what it's all about. I think a lot of it is in our blood. We are just born in it. . [ ] >> Heather: tonight, a hero's homecoming from france to canada. [ ] >> Heather: an unknown soldier returns to newfoundland soil. A sombre ceremony more than 100 years after the first world war. >> It is a story of heroism and sacrifice. >> Heather: calls for more intelligence training and tools at canada's borders. >>> Facing an endless barrage, ukraine's air defences with dwindling as zelenskyy urges global support. >> The world has to wake up because we're going to lose. >> Heather: plus the gnome homes creating a friendly neighborhood. >> It was about making other people happy, especially children. >> Heather: making magic and maintaining it one little door at a time. >> Hello! [ ] >> Announcer: "ctv national news" with heather butts. >> Heather: good evening. A historic homecoming for a newfoundland soldier who went off to war more than a century ago but fell in battle and was buried in a french cemetery. A powerful ceremony in france where hundreds of men from the newfoundland regiment were killed during the first world war. The remains then transferred to the canadian government. Ctv's garrett barry has been following the unknown soldier's repatriation. >> Reporter: one of newfoundland's lost soldiers is finally home tonight. A long journeyed capped off by a final chapter that started this morning at beaumont-hamel. Under blue skies, canadian soldiers took one of their own in their arms. Right behind the casket, a hug between premier andrew furey and his young son, serving as the official next of kin >> Knowing that somebody's father, somebody's mother didn't know where this person was is overwhelming. To be there with my son, I feel the weight of being premier and a father at the same time. >> Reporter: by hearse, by plane, and then by fighter jet escort, the unknown soldier was carried home. Waiting to witness his return, dozens lined the streets of st. John's for the procession through the city. >> It's probably one of the most important event in the last 100 years for our province. And to see that the people of newfoundland are supporting us, supporting our boys, is amazing. >> Reporter: beaumont-hamel is home to a devastating chapter in newfoundland's pre-canadian history. Within mere minutes on july 1st, 1916, hundreds of young men were killed and injured after they were ordered over the top by the british commanders. The big push into german machine gun fire. [ Speaking French ] >> Reporter: newfoundland is part of beaumont-hamel, says the mayor of the small french town. We are forever linked. This unknown soldier represents all newfoundlanders who fought and died in the first world war. This soldier's final resting place will be here, a renovated national war memorial in downtown st. John's. A sorryceremony will be held on july 1st, newfoundland and labrador's memorial day. >> Heather: that will be another sombre day. Thank you.

>>> With the backdrop of a looming strike at canada's border agency, there are growing calls for better intelligence training and tracking. A recent evaluation of the program monitoring a range of threats from gun smuggling to human trafficking highlights gaps in the system. Ctv's tony grace has more. >> Reporter: batches of chemicals that could have become 2 million doses of fentanyl. And 25 million doses of ectasy. Both considered intelligence wins at canada's borders in a report calling for improved training and tools. >> It provides an important insight into a hidden part of the work of canada border services agency. >> Reporter: an internal review made public this month found insufficient access to intelligence training for officers and analysts, calling it one of the major challenges that could pose risk to the agencies. With new recruits often working seven months or more without formal intelligence training. >> Cbsa has been struggling since its creation to transform it into what is often called an intelligence-led organization. >> Reporter: and that's critical because of a growing focus on spotting national security threats. Including from the trove of data online that can be open sourced but isn't always sewn together. The report recommending better technology on that front. >> It's a combination of taking raw data, using artificial intelligence, using human analytical capabilities to come up with an intelligence picture. >> Reporter: just this week, the cbsa underscored the need in their bid to crack down on auto theft and sharpen their watch on what's leaving the country. >> We're now looking at things being exported as well. >> Reporter: as a result of this report, the cbsa is reviewing its training standards, certifying it's own instructors, identifying data gaps and new technology to help, and mapping out a new way to measure goals and outcomes. >> The key message that comes out is that the intelligence capabilities that cbsa needs are not really at that point that they are required to be. >> Reporter: what the agency didn't attach to its plan is a timeline. And tonight the union representing border workers, which could strike next month, tells me what they really need are another two to three thousand staff for all areas of their work. And assurances that new technology will compliment workers, not replace them. >> Heather: tony, thank you.

>>> Ukraine's president is tonight urging world leaders to supply more air defence protection following a deadly russian strike in kharkiv. The renewed ask comes well over a year after canada promised a system to help with that very defence. It still hasn't arrived. Colton praill reports. >> Reporter: two employees of this mangled hardware store are the latest victims of russia's deadly aerial assault on kharkiv. Dozens were injured today in multiple missile strikes, targeting residential and commercial areas of the eastern border city. [Speaking Alternative Language] >> Reporter: president volodymyr zelenskyy calling on allies to help bolster ukraine's air defence capabilities. >> Today I am announcing... >> Reporter: in january 2023, canada committed to delivering ukraine a $400 million surface to air missile system. 16 months later, it still hasn't left the united states. >> The western world should get some guts. I'm sorry for being this emotional, but I just see the people die in kharkiv every day. >> Reporter: in a statement, the defence ministry pointed to american production delays. Instead highlighting a recent $76 million contribution to a fund aimed at bolstering ukraine's air defences. The attack comes just weeks before a peace summit. Ukraine has created a ten-point proposal for peace that has slowly gathered more international support over the past year as allies push for negotiations to resume. >> They don't want to be seen as pro-russia, but at the same time they don't want to have an endless funnel of funds and resources and seeing ongoing war at europe's borders. >> Reporter: putin says they've never refused peace talks, but they must not be resumed on the grounds of what only one party wants. An american proposal to use frozen russian assets to finance ukraine's defence gained more traction at a g7 finance ministers meeting in italy today. Russia has pushed back heavily against the idea, even threatening legal action. The final decision is expected next month. Heather. >> Heather: colton praill in ottawa.

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