
CKPR - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 09:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

>>> Weather watcher today in the ladybug class at knox... Purple flowers sprouting from the grass. Sun shining, and there are blue raindrops. And nice mix there of everything that happens in the spring. Thanks so much for sending that in, a beautiful picture. >> Reporter: great colours. >> Graham: there time to check on our team. >> Reporter: looking at some hockey playoffs for sure, keeping and I on the walter cup final, but the rangers looked to even things up with the panthers in game two of the nhl eastern conference final there are more signs that the ten-dollar per day daycare program could be in trouble here in ontario. This comes as another centre in the toronto area has announced it's at risk of closing because of a lack of funding. More on that tonight. Get the news anytime anywhere at Join me tonight for ctv news at 11:30. >> Graham: thanks for that kimberly. A pivotal game in the pwhl tonight, boston taking on minnesota as camberley mention. Game three of the walter cup final. >> Announcer: scores! >> Graham: the teams are deadlocked, minnesota defeating boston 3-0 in game to go on tuesday night giving boston a first postseason lost -- minnesota back on home ice at the xcel energy centre for tonight's game. Exciting to see that, would love to see a canadian team in the next year. Were you watching the oilers? >> Reporter: I was, I fell asleep, but I woke up as the replay was playing, so it was like I didn't fullest sleep. >> Graham: I was hanging on and... It's a great series if you're not a hockey fan, it can be a little late, but double-overtime ... Connor mcdavid, unbelievable. >> Reporter: playoff hockey. >> Graham: we leave you tonight with this exhibit at the were museum, beautiful pictures and artwork of canada in conflict. By women artists, very well done and worthwhile to check out. Camberley is back here at 11:30

good luck to all runners out there, we will cover it all weekend long. Have a great evening everyone! [ ] News Talk 580 cfra Ottawa's Number one news talk station . >> Hi, I'm ryan bonazzo. Welcome to word for word where we offer you an in-depth look at some of our interviews with newsmakers from across the northwest funderbirk police are speaking out about a rise in drug offences involving handguns. Three recent drug investigations resulted in the seizure of two loaded handguns as well as cocaine and fentanyl . The op also confiscated a handgun during a take down in thunder bay last week. Here's detective inspector jeremy pearson. >> We're here somewhat unusual in that we have reported on all of these seizures already so we've already received media releases as these seizures were taking place, felt it was worth noting, however, that in the span of four days these are the seizures conducted by our intelligence unit here in the city of thunder bay and these all resulted from unrelated investigations. So these are these are independent investigations time consuming and thorough investigations that culminated in the seizures you see before you not only a significant quantity of illicit drugs but also most alarmingly two loaded handguns that were also seised. So we felt it was important not only to note the work that was was being done but also to make the public aware that there are out of district players in the city all of the persons arrested six in total in these investigations were from our district from the greater toronto area and that the the work of the funderbirk police service is extensive in order to to attempt to stem the tide of drugs and weapons into the community. Being able to talk a little bit about each, certainly they appear out of order. However, essentially we see the the seizure the significant seizure in terms of quantities search warrant was executed to outoftown individuals were arrested and a significant almost two are actually just over two kg cocaine seizure as well as approximating a half a kilo of fednor was seised in that search warrant and that was in the fiveyear bichette heartland streetthe on the 14th of may. Then we move to to the far end of the table to to my left and we have a single loaded firearm that was seised three outoftown individuals were arrested and a quantity of crack cocaine seised as well moving them closer to myself. Our most recent seizure was on the 18th of may and this is where a single individual was arrested in a public place on the 400 block of wall street west loaded firearm as well as a quantity of cocaine, crack cocaine and fednor allseason were there any risk to the public and the public during the well we undertake these arrests very cautiously. There's a seasonbottom planevo that goes into them in the case of the arrest that occurred in the public outside of the search warrant, we utilise not only members of our intelligence unit but also members of our emergency task unit so that we were sufficiently prepared for whatever took place at that arrest. There was a great deal of planning the element of surprise as well as having proper numbers and appropriately equipped and trained individuals to conduct the arrest safely. We're going to work on this issue for a while. How is periodcody these operations and boardhis or bayvo? Well, I mean we always talk about being situational situationally aware and and being aware of the potential for for threats and for violence for any officer, anyone who's engaged in enforcement, whether it be in primary response, whether it be in a speciality unit or an investigative unit. I think when we actually conduct the seizures it drives home the reality. I mean that's part of training and police college one beforesot one's even served a day they're told always be mindful of the potential for for threats, the potential for danger while we're actually seising these in in this number and in the short period of time in the community, I think it drives on to all officers. I think it makes officers more mindful hopefully the risk they're associated. But it's it's sobering as a member of the community to think about the harm that is potentially out there and the risks to which the officers expose themselves daily to be kind of geraldton I mean, you know, the material to everybody is pretty well the way that seems to be pretty big ones that have been placed under such a big market. >> Well, there's I mean it's

basic business, right? You have supply and demand. There's the demand here in thunder bay because of our our remote comparatively remote nature geographically prices can be can be elevated so there's a willing market and profit to be made and people who are of an entrepreneurial mindset will go to where the money is not. Well, I hope that the community take solace in the fact that that we are working diligently and and working quite actively . As I say, these are independent investigations. These are these are independent and complex investigations that were being run simultaneously by you know. So I hope that the hope that the community take solace in the fact that we do have dedicated officers who are putting in the time and effort and have the skills and training to effect these sorts of results in terms of the those who would come to this community to to sell drugs, who bring firearms to our community. We hope that this possibly creates some second thoughts in terms the profitability I mentioned just earlier there is demand here. There are profits to be made. There are also risks involved in coming the city of nishnabe and dealing drugs because we are aware of this issue and we are working diligently to attack it. Um, can you about the impact that on getting off the street and so on? >> Well, I think it's I'm not telling tales out of school when we talk about the lethality of fednor all the number fentanyl overdoses and opioid overdoses in general that we see in this community the devastating impact on the community when you look at the microscopic outsot fednor that can be deadly and then you look at the amounts we've seised here. I mean that is potentially dozens of deaths that may have been prevented. I can't guarantee that. Of course I can't I can't predict what the future would have been for these drugs but they are extremely dangerous. >> This is a significant amount and I hope that the seizures made an impact. Outgoing confederation college president kathleen lynch is confident the institution is in good shape for when she leaves she delivered her final report to the community yesterday at the annual president breakfast . Here's what she had to say afterward knowing it was her last oh it feels exciting and a little nerve racking but so nice to see everybody come up today to support the college and me as that's my last breakfast. So yeah, it was really nice to see everybody. >> Can you talk a little bit about the importance of delivering a report like this to the community so let the community, you know, sort of understand and realise just how much of an impact the college has in thunder bay and in northern ontario. >> I think it's a wonderful opportunity to highlight some of our successes. So of course we can't go through everything we've achieved. But I think giving people a sense of what the college is doing is really important. People are interested in the college and they want to see that we're responding to local needs and the needs of northwestern ontario. So this is a perfect way of doing this and I'll be going on the road after this to do this and all of our regional communities where we have campuses to show them the work that we've done in the region as well. What are you I guess most proud of in this report or what are a couple of things that you're most proud of in this report? >> Well, I'm really proud of our sustainability development goal award from the college's institute canada. We've worked really hard on sustainability on the campus and a lot of people put a lot of work into this including our faculty and our students. So it's great to be recognised. I'm really happy with our launch of our bachelor of science in nursing programme and that has been so well-received. It's been full and we've had great retention too in the programme this year. So I'm really happy to see those things come to fruition. >> Lots of obstacles facing any school. What do you know what were some of the obstacles I guess that the school has been facing and how did you overcome them? >> Well, we're always facing the obstacle of declining domestic population so we have to work really hard to recruit all the students that we can from northwestern ontario and then of course the announcement by federal immigration minister mark millar took us a bit by surprise. But we're we're really happy with our allocation permit allocation. But I think, you know, it remains to be seen how canada is perceived by international students. So I anticipate they'll be a bit of a rocky road ahead until we regain some equilibrium in the international market. Are you happy with student numbers of thirty seven thousand one hundred something ? We're thrilled with the student numbers this year and it's been great. We've had over 500 additional post-secondary students as well so we're really happy with the students. It's it's the future that is always, you know, an unknown.

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