
CKPR - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

and it is meant to draw you in. >> Anne-Marie: I am excited to read this next book. It's called lies and weddings. Coming up after the break, the one and only marilyn denis is here in the "your morning" studio. We will catch up with h After a night shift, I do everything to stay quiet. But the second I touch the bed... I'm We have mattresses to help reduce motion transfer. So light sleepers can stay asleep. At Sleep Country, We Solve Sleep. The Do Not Disturb Event Is On Now Rock 94 and Norteños Taqueria are sending you on a 3 Night Stand in Minneapolis to see Metallica, Green Day, and then more Metallica... Along with hotel and 500 bucks spending money... The 3 Night Stand... From Rock 94! >>I've been hiding it for.quite a while now.and people were telling me it's wrong. >>Psst... here's your package >>God bless you my son. Umm... my wife is threatening to leave me over this and I don't get what the big deal is, I mean I think their music is good.have you heard that song of theirs; Photograph? >>Psst... here's your package >>Thanks! (high five) The biggest thing that Charmaine and I get a bang out of it is when is when someone comes in the store and says "how lovely your sotre is, I love how the people treat me. I love your staff", that makes our day. Really great when you tell us you've got a great experience with us. What attracted Charmaine and I to Jones is that they're Like us. They're community oriented. They want to give back, help the community, this is a community store... That's what it's all about. I think a lot of it is in our blood. We are just born in it. >> This is a fun game! >> What are you doing? >> Hey it's your sister! Maybe she wants to help Daddy! Wow! >> Should I get mom? >> Mom doesn't need to know. Mom doesn't need to know. ...Hey Ron! The new battery powered 60 volt mower from Toro makes mowing simple so you can enjoy more quality time with your family. >> Lawn looks good though! Northern Turf Equipment. Your authorized Torodealer at 710 b Balmoral Street. Imagine a new, state-of-the-art Central Library Branch that meets the changing needs of our community. Imagine an expansive, accessible space for active children's learning and play, tech-centric hangout spaces for teens, Indigenous cultural and ceremonial spaces, a growing collection of books, media and more! A space where Thunder Bay can learn, connect and collaborate in the Heart of the city. Visit to learn more, and provide feedback. Thunder Bay Central Library. Your Library. Reimagined. >> Lindsey: marilyn denis has inspired so many of us. This week, she will n be honoured by the canadian screen awards. It honours a canadian individual for an exceptional lifetime of work that has had a profound impact on the media industries. Welcome marilyn to our studio this morning. >> This is my first experience on "your morning" because I'm usually doing the chum morning show. >> Lindsey: this is exciting. >> I'm very excited about this. The family is coming in. We are going to celebrate. >> Lindsey: and there's so much to celebrate. When we look back on your screen. You have always had this ability to connect with people. Was that a learned thing? >> I just got a comment from your producer carolyn about that. My mother was saying, I am just going in for milk after church. She would talk to everybody in the store. I thought, why is she talking to so many people. I think I picked that up. I talk to people. >> Lindsey: I said this on television many times, too. You will stop in the hallway and you will talk to everybody. When you ask, how are you? You want to hear what people have to say. You want to connect with people. This is hallway talk. >> And that's something we missed during the pandemic. And I even said on the radio, if you can go back to work, I know you are comfortable in your sweats and everything. Come back and connect with people because that gives awh different layer of feeling better. It makes you feel better. >> Lindsey: I still wear the sweats, too. I just come to work with the sweats on. You have interviewed so many

people in your career. Is there anyone that made you nervous? That you couldn't sleep the night before. >> Elton john. I had met him before, and he was going to be on this new show called "the marilyn dennis show". I woke up at 2 o'clock and I had elton john blasting through my house. I was not married at the time. He was very reaccepttive. David furnish was waving in the back. We had such a great conversation. And he just had their first son. He was the one who told me to go and get my eyes done with the lenses because he had it done. I said, you still wear glasses. He said it was a life changer. That's the kind of conversation we had during the commercial breaks. I love elton john. That was a big deal. Lindsey when you look at that footage, you can remember it. You can remember how you were feeling. >> I got brand-new shoes and a brand-new suit. I wanted him to think I was really there. >> Lindsey: we have to talk about radio. You are doing the radio show here. You have been doing that for how long? >> This is my 38th year. >> Lindsey: what do you love about radio? >> You are having a conversation with people at home or in the car. I like that. That was a companion for me when I was a kid. My parents gave me a transistor radio and I had that one piece in my ear. The guys because it was mostly guys in the '70s, they were having such a great time. The other thing I loved about it is I love the fact that radio, I would see how far the station would go when you are traveling. I couldn't believe it went from pittsburgh all the way through aberfoyle. I loved it that it was so immediate. It is your friend. It is one-on-one. >> Lindsey: lifetime achievement award. What does this mean to you? >> I'm grateful for this. I got a lot of people that got me to this point. I had so much fun. I can't believe how quickly it has gone by. I'm so grateful for all of the people that got me to where I am. The radio people and the television people who were so great. Whether they were criticizing for supporting or, you know, curating. All of the things. You need that. You don't do it alone. I wish my parents were here. My sister is coming. >> Lindsey: that is lovely. >> Sisters are the best. >> Lindsey: you are the best. From all of us here at "your morning," congratulations. >> Thank you, lindsey. I appreciate it. Thank you, friends. >> Lindsey: you can tune into the 2024 canadian screen awards this friday at 8 p.m. On cbc and cbc gem. We will be right back. Make your morning extraordinary. Lost a bet. Nutty... and sweet. Latte macchiato. Okay George, this one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. Sweet. Don't forget to recycle. Bye. Unforgettable. [engine sputters] Nespresso, what else? - When it comes to technology, our military reigns supreme. They'd never use a flashlight with an inferior beam. They'd use something like this: the newest edition to our tactical line, the Tac Light Max from Bell + Howell. Lab-certified at 50 times the brightness of regular flashlights, Tac Light Max can spotlight objects hundreds of feet away, and be seen up to10 nautical miles. Even better: that light lasts for hours, even on full brightness. Then, simply plug it in to recharge, no batteries needed. Features five presetmodes at 200-times zoom, and a tactical strobe that can stun and disorient the strongest attacker. Plus, it takes durability to a whole new level. In freezing temperatures, acar battery will stop working. But even inside thisgiant slab of ice, the Tac Light Max keeps on working. That's right. When it comes to performance,the Max is a real monster. So, you know we had to do it. Let's run this light over with a monster truck! (engine growling) Now that's what I call military tough.

You definitely don'twant to try that with a regular flashlight. And even though it's rugged and durable, it's lightweight and easy to hold. So let's review. Tac Light Max is 50 times brighter than regular flashlights, features fivepreset modes, never needs batteries, lasts for hours, and is more durable than ever before. I mean, there's just nothing like it on the market today. - [Narrator] Act now to get the Bell + Howell Tac Light Max for just $29.99, and we'll even ship it to you free. It never needs batteries because it's rechargeable, and comes backed by our Bell + Howell 10 year warranty. But wait, order today and you can get a second Tac Light Max. Just pay a separate fee. That's right. You can get it all, with free shipping. Here's how to order. (upbeat music) Oh Canada!! their time has come The stage is set And it is spectacular!! >> Lindsey: TOMORROW ON "YOUR MORNING"... A SNEAK PEEK INTO THE LARGEST BANKSY EXHIBIT IN THE WORLD THAT'S COMING TO CANADA. START "YOUR MORNING" IN THE KNOW, TUESDAY ONLY ON CTV. >> Lindsey: HOW GREAT IT WAS TO TALK TO MARILYN. >> Kelsey: SHE STOPPED YOU IN THE HALL. SHE COMES BACK STAGE AND GIVES ME A BIG HUG AND IMMEDIATELY SAID SOMETHING TO ME ABOUT THINGS SHE KNOWS THAT ARE GOING ON IN MY LIFE. SO INTENTIONAL AND THOUGHTFUL. MARILYN, WE LOVE YOU. WE NEED MORE MARILYNS. >> Lindsey: YEAH. >> Anne-Marie: SHE IS INCREDIBLY INSPIRING. SHE IS ICONIC TO WATCH ON AIR. THE CONVERSATION SHE SHARED ABOUT ELTON JOHN WAS AMAZING. ENJO Spring is here and there'sno better timeto get into a new Nissan. ( ) You've been waiting forthe right moment to get out and drive and great offersare ready and waiting for you. So, check out all the latesttech, features and thrills - it's all happening right now. During the Nissan Spring into Savings event, lease select models from as low as 2.99% for 24 months. ( ) You're resigning? >>I'm tired... >>But you've been with us for so long. >>(sigh) too long...I can't keep up anymore! The rest of the neighborhood's already moved on. I mean, I'm not fibre, I just don't have the bandwidth, you know? (coughs...sounds like a device "glitching") guys expect me to stream 4K movies like it's nothing...and then your kids, with their devices (groans)'s too many...the writing's on the wall here guys. For the sake of your network, it's time. >> To be there... everyday...making our lives easier...making their lives takes a special person. >> They say you're not supposed to get attached. It's impossible. >>When you look at St. Joseph's Care Group, it's not a job, it's a passion. They have to have a passion for this, otherwise who would want to? You can't train care. >>No. >>And you can't train love... >>It's either there or it's not. Yeah. >>And people are there and they truly care. Ashley Homestore's 10-Day Sale means you can shop for great deals on just what you want right now! Plus pay no tax! All your favorite furniture is on sale at Ashley! Incredible savings up to 50 percent off storewide! Plus no tax on beautiful living rooms and bedrooms! No tax on dining rooms and comfortable mattresses! Save up to 50 percent off beautiful looks for every room! Pay no tax! Plus enjoy 0 percent financing for 36 months! Don't miss the 10-Day Sale! On now at Ashley Homestore Thunder Bay! These are the faces of addiction. Faces of your brothers, sisters, sons and daughters. Faces of those battling life controlling issues. Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada is changing these faces of addiction into faces of hope. We see faces full of potential, and full of joy. Waiting to be seen and known. Join us in our mission by making a donation addition to financial donations, we accept clothing and we welcome vehicle donations. Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada. Freedom from addiction starts here. I mean to fight this war. The biggest... The world ain't built for guys like us. ... hit series... Wow. There's only one place, CRAVE. Final game in the tournament. Did you ever think you'd be back on top? Yes. The most talked about...

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