
CKPR - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

>>> We are now hearing from ventura showing assault from her then boyfriend shaun diddy combs. She offered solidarity with other victims of domestic violence. Diddy has released a video apologizing for his actions. A lawsuit against diddy was settled last november. Earlier this week, a model accused him of sexual assault back in 2003. This is is the latest in a string of allegations against the rapper. >> If you hand someone a bottle of this beer, you may have an interesting answer for them. >> A german company is turning sewage water into beer. What? If >> Of course the company makes sure only the good stuff and none of the bad stuff makes it into your glass. >> Teddy: this oneder beer is wonder bar. >> Kelsey: everything is sewage water. Everything we drink. Our coffee, our tea. >> Teddy: would you drink this? >> Kelsey: absolutely not. >> Teddy: is -- it is bathroom beer. >> Lindsey: it's like a failing business waiting to happen. Let's do an informal poll. There are 15 people in this room right now. Put your hand up if you would be into sewage beer. >> Teddy: I would drink it. I would try it. Complimentary beer, I would try it. >> Lindsey: I think I would have to be paid. You would have to pay me and I probably would say no. >> Lindsey: it's getting it out of my mind. >> Teddy: they are going to do so much stuff on it. >> Kelsey: one of our kids is like that. He can't think it is weird. If he is thinking, he will start gagging. [ Talking Simultaneously ] >> Kelsey: anyway. >> Lindsey: never mind. I'm filtering myself one and-a-half times now. >> Teddy: sorry. It's friday. A little looser. I didn't mean that. I just meant like the vibe. >> Lindsey: stop talking. >> Kelsey: you can turn his mic off. We are going to have the full weather forecast coming up in ten minutes' time. This is what we are talking about. Rainfall warnings have been expanded. We have a risk of severe storms. I will show you where. Next week will be a cooler and wetter week. A return to more spring-like temperatures. After this very summery week in ontario and québec. That's coming up. Now here is today's forecast. >> Kelsey: there is a child poverty crisis unfolding in our country's far north. Now a first of its kind report is shining light on how dire the situation in nunavut is. The child poverty rate was 35.8%. Compare that to the national rate of 15.6%. That is according to data compiled in the nunavut first annual report card on child poverty. The report combines official statistics with community members. Joining us this morning from ottawa on why the problem is what it is and how we can work to fix it is jasmine redfern. She is the president of the nunavut women's association. Great to have you on the show. >> Thank you. Good morning. >> This report.

let's go through some of the statistics. They are shocking. According to data from the canadian medical association. 7 out of 10 nunavut children are food insecure. As are -- your team focused on going out and speaking first hand with community members. What were those conversations like? >> Those conversations were critical for informing what poverty in the territory actually looks like. We understand that typical data collection methods don't capture those community perspectives. When we went out to talk to people, they were really frustrated by that. They felt unheard and unseen in traditional data collection. >> Kelsey: the report talks about gaps in statistics. What is it that is missing when we are trying to get a measure of the issue for the people of nunavut. >> Prior to the release of this report, nunavut didn't have its own market basket measure, which is the traditional method that we use for comparing the cost of living and regions across this country. As well, we -- nunavut hasn't had data that is specifically broken down by age, gender or community specifics. It lacks a lot of the crucial details that are unique to inuit society. >> Kelsey: the territory signed -- this transferred land and resource responsibilities from ottawa to the territorial government. How do you think this new independence helped nunavut that tackled the issues identified. >> I think through greater authority at the local level. We are able to -- and design programss and policies that respond to our unique needs in our region. >> One of the things your organization writes about is that things like traditional inuit country food, culture and traditions could all help in this fight. How so? >> By enhancing local food systems that reduces our reliance on imported foods. Most of our foods are flown up year-round. And the nature of the north is that we have weather issues, sometimes flights are delayed and sometimes flights are cancelled. Sometimes for almost a week or more at a time. And so improving the ability to source local foods, predominantly hunting and gathering ensuring that we have continuous and affordable foods >> You mentioned a couple of different things that could be done to help improve the situation. Is there anything that could be done right now? >> I would say right now, ensuring that we are staying on top of our governments at all levels to make sure they are investing in child poverty. While the statistics in our region are double the national average, our partner on this report campaign 2000 has noted that there has been an increase in child poverty across the country. It's something that we should all be concerned about. >> Concerned about and talking about and a conversation like this helps further that conversation. Jasmine, thank you for being on the show today. >> Thank you so much for having me. >> Kelsey: now we will send it over to lindsey on what's new at the box office this week. >> Lindsey: for anyone who has seen george miller's mad max, it's one of the greatest action films ever made. Now he is taking fans of the franchise on a new adventure. Here is a look at the new trailer. >> As a child, my world was forever changed. My mother was magnificent. And he took it all from me. >> Lindsey: here with the full scoop on this movie and more, rad simonpillai, our film critic. Welcome back. >> Thank you. I'm so exhausted. >> Lindsey: how was cannes? >> Rad: it was such a glorious experience. This time we went without the kids. Sofia, my wife, she was able to immerse herself more in the festival. What is really wild is she got to attend more fancy red carpet premieres than me. She would wave her badge around and get into all of big premieres. >> Lindsey: your instagram was so fun because of all of the videos you were able to share. She had a great time. >> Lindsey: let's talk about "a

mad max saga". You gave us an onview last week. >> Look. It's underwhelming. This movie is riding on the diesel fumes of "fury road". You are still going to get these operatic, incredible action sequences. George miller is just a master at that craft. Where the movie drags is in the story telling and in the backstory they are filling in here. This is the prequel giving the backstory to fur iOSA". And you have chris hemsworth. There was a lot of franchise story telling here that drags the action. But at the same time, if I have to have franchise story telling, I much rather be george miller. >> Lindsey: who is this movie for? >> It's for people who love movies like "the avengers: endgame" that are well made. But redundant kicks at the franchise. >> Lindsey: we are going to move on to a movie inspired by a true story of a fake hitman. >> Rad: I love this movie. One of the best movies of the year. It has a little bit of something for everybody. This is a rom-com. It is a film noir. It is a darkically comic. It's called "hit man". Glen powell having the time of his life. He is a history teacher who poses as a cop for police. As an under cover hitman. He has the time of his life playing hit man characters. Getting into the performance and he gets lost in the charade when he meets a femme fatal. >> Lindsey: you love this movie. Who is this for? >> Rad: it's for everybody. If you love "gone girl" the most twisted rom-com in the world. >> >> Lindsey: "babe". I saw this. >> Rad: I love that you spoke to allana glazer. This is "bridesmaids" and it was an absolutely satisfying comedy. Who is it for? >> Rad: if you loved "bridesmaids" and "book smart". >> Lindsey: from b to the r. Rad, good to see you. Coming up next on the show... Very cold morning temperatures mean, you know it, frost advisories. Kelsey is going to show u where coming up. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! >>Victims of car accidents are exactly that - victims. >>Every day people who need help getting justice. >>We've helped thousands of innocent victims. >>Get the compensation they deserve. >>Call us today. >>And find out today why there's nothing tougher than a diamond. What we love about Camping, at it's core, is the Freedom...that sense of escape. And camping in an rv gives you all the Freedom in the world. With an're not tied to a place or time...You're more free than ever to roam...and explore...To see new places, with your favorite people, and have a shared experience...Without having to sacrifice comfort... Whether you're looking to upgrade your RV...or embrace rv camping for the first time...Get started by shopping for your dream rv at Woody's Marine & RV...selling memories. I'm Al Sebastian, owner of TBay Modular Floors and I love fishing. If you do too, stop by my store, buy some flooring, and enter my contest to win a deluxe Labor Day weekend fishing adventure for two at Moosehorn Lodge in Sioux Lookout. The contest runs until June 30th and includes gas money, a cabin for 3 nights, all meals, 2 full days of guided fishing, and more. So, if you're in the market for flooring and you love fishing, stop by TBay Modular Floors at 1142 Russell St. It will be great to see you. She'll never bend the knee. The greens are coming for you, Rhaenyra,

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