
CKPR - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 06:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

>> Lindsey: welcome back to "your morning." coming up on the show today... A first of its kind study on child poverty rates in nunavut. >> Then working toward a global framework for dealing with the next big outbreak. Pandemic-wise. We are going to check in on the status of a global pandemic. >> In our last hour, dealing with shingles. >> And finally, we have two organizers from the inside out film festival for a preview of all things lgbtq on the big and small screens. But first, here is sidebar. >> Lindsey: okay. Sidebar one on friday. I'm obsessed with this next video. I need to know something. Your best friends in the world. Your group of friends. Do you know what they do for a living? >> Teddy: I'm kind of a friend who knows a lot of details. I like to know about work stuff. I have some friends who may not even know the names of shows that I work on. >> Lindsey: I feel like this idea is universal. I want to do this with my group of friends. Take a look. >> Lindsey: the idea of the party is you have your friends over and everybody has to prepare a powerpoint presentation as to what they do all day for a living. >> Teddy: I like that. >> Kelsey: lindsey deluce, I believe the correct term for this sis slide deck. >> Lindsey: was just reading what's on the screen. >> Teddy: I kind of like this. >> Lindsey: I love this. I know the sectors that my friends are. What do you do all day? It's that kind of stuff. Actually, what do you do all day? >> Teddy: yes. I also like that question, too, of do you hear what somebody does and for some professions that is what that entails day-to-day. I'm a business consultant. What does your day look like? >> Kelsey: one of my favourite things to ask people, when you have small talk and network, I always ask, how did you get into that? 99% of the time people are like, I don't know. It's a great story of what they studied in school and all of the turns they took to get to the weird job that they do today. Party ideas. >> Lindsey: you may wonder what mo mo does all day? This is mo mo. Mo mo has a job. >> Teddy: mo mo is a cat. >> Kelsey: how can we merge those. >> Teddy: look at that. Put behind cat behind that cat and you have the scene from "ghost". >> Lindsey: 100%. >> Teddy: this is fun. >> Lindsey: it's just weird enough. >> Kelsey: you know who I feel should do this is coco with his cat. >> Teddy: coco? Oh, corey. >> Lindsey: look at this, mo mo. >> Teddy: I wonder if they selmo sell, mo mo's features on-line. Pi-cat-so. Anyway, as you were. Go ahead. >> Lindsey: to dumb it down now. We are going to go back to animals and a dog. I meant to try this with piper. >> Lindsey: we all want to do this. Look at it first and then we will talk. >> Have you ever looked at someone and said, this is what love looks like. >> Lindsey: let's watch it again. >> Lindsey: he moved like a human. >> Teddy: now he is smiling. Could your dogs do this? >> Lindsey: yes. Do you think yours could? >> Kelsey: I don't know. I think eddie is more of a

LEANER. AND THUNDER MIGHT THINK HE WAS GOING TO DIE. AND I THINK THE CAT WOULD JUST JUDGE ME. >> Lindsey: IF YOU ARE DOING THIS AT HOME, SEND TO ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA. IT IS TIME FOR SIDEBAR OF THE [Trumpet Interlude] >> Kelsey: NO! LINDSEY DELUCE. YOU DID NOT PICK THE DOG. NO! >> Lindsey: HOW COULD I NOT PICK THIS. IT'S AN ACCORDION AND A HAIRLESS DOG. >> Teddy: IS THE DOG MOVING BY ITS OWN VOLITION. >> Lindsey: KELSEY SAID IT SHOULD HAVE PANTS ON. >> Teddy: TOO HOT FOR TV. THIS IS LIKE MAGIC MIKE. >> Kelsey: OH, MY GOD, LINDSEY. >> Lindsey: IT FEELS THAT WAY. >> Teddy: THAT IS MOST DISTURBING THING I HAVE EVER SEEN. COMING UP IN SIDEBAR 2.0, WE HAVE THE BEST OF THE Make your morning extraordinary. Lost a bet. Nutty... and sweet. Latte macchiato. Okay George, this one is for the prize? Intenso. No, cool. Definitely iced. Sweet. Don't forget to recycle. Bye. Unforgettable. [engine sputters] Nespresso, what else? It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an L2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Did you know that gold is at an all-time high right now? There has never been a better time to turn your unused and unwanted jewelry into cash. It's not magic. It's Thunder Bay Gold Exchange. Their professional buyers know what your gold is worth, and guarantee you'll receive the best price in town. It's quick, and easy! Drop in or set up an appointment...walk out with cash that day and get top dollar for your gold. Thunder Bay Gold Exchange. Don't wait! Gold prices may not stay this high for long! 899 Tungsten Street. Your best friends deserve only the best. The best food... Treats... Accessories... And of course... We can't forget about the MOST important thing... Toys! Get the very best selection of everything you could ever need for ANY of your pets at Thunder Pet! Or maybe even make some new friends! Whether you're already a pet owner, or someone looking to welcome a new companion to their life - know that you can trust Thunder Pet to provide you with the very best for your animals! Because we're pet owners too! Catch the spirit of Faith, right here on Spirit Alive. Join Pastor Roma Fisher each week as he shares a message of inspiration, hope and healing. Build your faith as you learn spiritual truths from God's word. You'll be motivated to grow spiritually. Watch Spirit Alive CKPR TV, Sunday mornings at 8:30 and Saturday mornings at 11. Spirit Alive is sharing the Spirit of Faith across our nation. Did you know that Superior Coatings sells blinds? Superior Coatings has a wide selection of affordable, high quality, and stylish blinds from Graber! Schedule an in-home consultation with one of their experts, and choose the right blinds for your home!

Visit Superior Coatings on Fort William Road. (Dramatic music) I'll show you the way. >> Lindsey: still waiting. This could be good news soon for thousands of people forced out by wildfires in fort nelson, B.C. >> Convenience fees. Platinum fees. >> Lindsey: those are a I noiing and expensive. The U.S. department of justice is vowing to break ticketmaster and live nation up. Accusing them of having an inlegal monopoly. >> My voice is the conductor of my life. >> Lindsey: a new day and a new documentary has come. The trailer for celine dion's documentary on prime video is now out. It has us feeling the power of love, everybody. And resiliency. Stay with us, canada. "your morning" starts right [upbeat theme music] >> Lindsey: welcome to "your morning." anne-marie is away. I'm lindsey deluce. >> Kelsey: I'm kelsey McEWEN. Happy friday. >> Teddy: ipso facto, I'm teddy wilson. You called me edward before. >> Lindsey: that is in fact your name. When you hit security when you come into the building ask you see the person's name before you. Edward. >> Teddy: good to be here. Let's turn to the top news stories we are following this morning. We begin with that tragic story out of papua new guinea. Hundreds are feared dead after that massive landslide. >> They have to clear the landslide off the highway to get through. That's the constraints that they have. >> The slide happened around 3 a.m. Local time this morning while authorities are unable to confirm anything as of now, it is reported that 6 villages have been hit baring more than 100 homes. It happened in a remote northern part of the country. The provincial governor said it is unprecedented and a natural disaster. On the spanish island of majorica, four people are dead after a building collapsed there. This two-storey beach-size restaurant in a busy tourist area in palma. 16 people hurt in the collapse and crews are trying to find survivors. The cause remains under investigation. Palma has declared three days of mourning. >> Israel's military this morning says it has recovered the bodies of three hostages in gaza. There are 130 israeli hostages still being held there ask their families have been calling on the government to accept a cease-fire deal to bring them home. Israel's defence force says they were killed on october 7th and their bodys were then taken into gaza. >> Later this morning... The world court will hand down a ruling on an emergency request for israel to stop its rafah offensive. The request comes from south after raqqa -- south africa. Rulings are final and binding, but the court has no power to enforce a decision. An israeli government spokesperson said yesterday: no power on earth will stop israel from protecting its citizens and going after hamas in gaza. >> A pro-palestinian protest at the university of toronto, the school issued an ultimatum. >> We will issue a notice of trespass. >> The trespass and the lies they spread about hate speech lay the groundwork for violent clearing. >> Teddy: among demands from the students that the school disclose financial ties to israel and divest from any investments. They also want u of t to end partnerships with israeli universities. That's something the school says it will not do on the grounds of academic freedom. The student group plans to

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