
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #14

>>> High-five! Do it! >> That makes me so happy. >> Thank you, canada. >> Watch the morning show with caroline MacKENZIE and jeff McARTHUR. Weekdays on global. >> Antony: hello and thank you for joining us on thursday, may 23rd. Here is a look at your national and international headlines... [ ] U.K. prime minister sunak called a snap election. Stunning some members of his own conservative party. So after 14 years in power the tories who are trailing in the polls, could face a wipeout. Crystal go crystal goomansingh has more. >> Alone, exposed to the elements, any shine shoe knack may have made wash away. >> Shows we are prepared to take bold action necessary for our country to flourish. >> Reporter: come july 4th, sunak will face the voting public for the first time. In 2022, his party chose him from a list of one. >> Rishi sunak is elected leader of the conservative party. >> In the aftermath of the brexit vote which led to david cameron's resignation, the U.K. churned think several prime ministers. He faces opposition. >> Time and again they pursue their own interest, rather than tackling the issues that effect your family. >> Pierce is a novice. Ask for his party, labour was last in office in 2010. >> For anyone who gets voted in, I don't care too much. >> I'm guided by doing what is right for your country. Not what is easy. I can't say the same thing for the labour party. >> Reporter: in terms of conservative leader, sunak is good on paper. But the finance year and oxford graduate has seemed out of step with his party. >> Why now? Inflation is nearly at a three year low but the tory party leader's popularity is nearly at record lows as well. So in less than two months off of the party leaders will have to find a way to inspire voters and get them to turn up at the polls. Crystal goomansingh, global news, london. >> Antony: iranian president ebrahim raisi is being laid to rest today. Raisi's body is been taken for a last ceremony before being buried in his hometown. Thousands of people held placard of raisi. The 63-yearold died alongside his foreign minister and six others when their helicopter crashed in the country's mown towns now northwest region this week. New data from inter poll is confirming that canada ranks in the top ten of the world's worst countrieses for auto theft. That's right. The law enforcement agentsy says 1,500 vehicles stolen in canada have been identifid around the world since february. Information comes after the rcmp integrated canada data base for stolen vehicles with interpols this >>er. The agency says thieves are attracted to canada's abundant sun flip of hie value model such as s.u.v.s and cross overs. Throughout the pandemic, canadian government spent billions of dollars on more than 800 million covid 19 rapid test. The bulk of them were given to province and territories to distribute in free screening programs. But in many places that will soon be coming to t an ends. Rapid testing may soon be based on your ability to pay. >> There used to be lineups for free covid 19 rapid tests. Today, it is no waiting for bill, who picked one up at his local library in halifax. >> We have been somewhere we someone else has covid or if we have gotten -- have the sniffles we use the test. >> The days of ottawa sending millions of tests to the provinces are numbers. Health canada says given the current out looking inventory levels and testing demanding the federal government does in the anticipate the need for federal procurements at this time. New brunswick took that as its queue to announce it will stop handing them out when supplies run out likely the end of next month. Saskatchewan did the same in february. >> Pem whop are -- people who are healthy can continue to buy them. >> That bothers one

epidemiologist who says rapid tests should still be part of the plan. >> If we say we won't have it anymore, we are taking the word public out of public health. >> Nova scotia is planning the next steps as is alberta which stresses no decision has been made. >> Other provinces aren't saying much about what the plan is. Ontario for example, would only say through a spokesperson, that the province has tens of. Millions tests available to the public but would say when they expire. >> Plan testing remains available and is the better tool says one expert. >> The interpretation capacity has to improve and that means that the sensitivity of the tests needs to improve. >> The experts agree tests need to improve and detect other representer represent respiratory viruses. >> Global news, halifax. >> Antony: the calgary human society has found a home for one special surrendered pet. This is slippy the turtle. . H arrived at the humane society last september. Turns out he is map turtle which is controlled species in alberta. And can't be kept as a pet. So after reachings out to organization, the human society finally found a home for slippy. At the victoria butterfly gardens. After arranging a flight for him to B.C. me is now settling in at his new home. And that is what is making national and international news. You're watching go us morning on then thursday, may 23rd. We will be right Three renovation teams... ...renovate threebeach houses... ...with a little helpfrom three pros. (Announcer says words on screen) Your mom, your partner, your grandpa. Who are you walking for? Join the Alzheimer's Society for the ig Wealth Management. Walk for Alzheimer's and help support Manitoban Families living with dementia. Register now at Tired of looking older than you feel? Are you wanting to look younger but are afraid of looking unnatural? Meet Emface. Emface is the only technology that builds back lost facial muscle while simultaneously building collagen and elastin. No needles. No toxins. No downtime. Totally natural results. Don't let aging change you. Change the way you age at Body Measure. ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylenol. It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. Dig safe! Building a fence, planting trees, adding a sprinkler system? Click before you dig to have underground natural gas and electrical lines located. Safety, it's in your hands. Arghhh!!! [woman sneezing] Don't let airborne allergens scare you. Aerius provides fast relief of your 15 worst allergy symptoms. So you can love the air again. Aerius. Save big on brand name furniture at g & l Furniture Warehouse. No gimicks. No high pressure sales. No fancy showrooms. Just big savings. G & l Furniture Warehouse Winnipegs only authorised factory clearance centre for some of the worlds top furniture companies. Beautiful!Minnesota gold right there!Nice Katie! Love it. We're from the Carolinas and always wanted tocome to Minnesota. I'm so hungry and readyfor some good food. It's kind of build yourown adventure here. Wow! 10/10 recommend. Back. [ ] >> Sky tracker weather is brought to you by way walk for alzheimer's. >> Thanks for joining us on thursday, may 23rd. >> Moises: coming up this afternoon in winnipeg, 13 with mainly cloudy sky. We could possibly be seeing a chance of showers this afternoon but definitely getting set for rain over the next 48 hour. Similar conditions in regina. We will be seeing a little rain in calgary at 11 M.P. edmonton at 11. Summer like temperatures out west with montreal and ottawa, mid-20 degree high. A little rainier in ottawa. Northwestern ontario, saw rain, even snow yesterday and will continue seeing a little bit more snow this morning.

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