
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #12

>>> They go for organizations that are most likely to pay u. Organizations that will be under significant pressure to get back up and running. >> All 79 london drugstores were shut down in april for more than a week to deal with te attack. Company has confirmed what happened. And despite claims from lock bit it offer dlrd 8 million in ransom, london drugs says it is unable and unwilling to pay, saying we acknowledge the criminals may leak the corporate files. This is deeply distressing. Cyber attacks are on the rise. B.C. has been hit several times in just the last few weeks. First it was london drugs then the provincial government reporting intrusions now the first nations health authority has been targeted. >> I can femme you it is different -- can tell you it is different from what the province faced and different from what the london drugs incident. >> According to the health authority, the attack was discover kerred may 13th. And in a statement says while the investigation is still at an early stage, F.N.H.A. uncovered evidence that certain employee information and limited personal information of others has been impact. The cyber student industry says companies and organizations targeted need to con form ward with more information about the nature of their attacks. Without direct access to the information fother companies remain vulnerable. >> This chief of rating officer has been pretty tight-lipped on exactly how this took place. What was happening. And we don't want other companies to get into that same issue. >>en lo don drugs is paying up to -- >> London drugs is paying up two years of credit monitoring for employees' identity. Erin McARTHUR, global news. >> With the penny having been out of rotation in canada for more than a decade, you may want to consider yourself extra lucky if you come across this coin today. May 23rd marks lucky penny day. That's right. They aren't worth very much, the superstition brings good omens to those who find pennies today. Believing metals like copper war gift from gopdz to protect themselves from evil. Nan is what is making national and international news. You're watching global news morning on then thursday, may 23rd. We will be right What's with all the pomp and circumstance? (Horn blaring) Start the clock. (Howling) (School bell ringing) (Clapping) It's a masterpiece.Amazing. Yes!(Cheering) Real recognize real. Yes! Ooh, it's on! (Grunting) I'm carrying this team! Yes! That's the wrong basket. Announcer: Abbott Elementary, season finale tonightat 7:30 et on Global. [Suspenseful music] (Son) Dad, the side of your face is drooping. (Mother) Raise your arms up in the air for me? (Mother) Why are you slurring- [Father responds incomprehensively] (Mother) Honey?! (Son) Dad! (Mother) Call 9-1-1. Hello? I think he's having a stroke! [Music continues] Last call to make youfamous guys! Ready, go! Ohhh!My name is Ben,my name is We're both from New York andwork in the food media space. I think we're going to golook for some wild plums. They are so vibrant. The water is so clean andso clear, it's quite magical. I just love exploring, see whatit's all about, meet the people. Makes me really appreciate seeing the worldfrom other perspectives. I feel like we gota taste of Minnesota. There's so much variety, so muchculture, it's truly special. ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylenol. It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Yes! Ooh, it's on! Back. [ ] . >> Moises: good morning and thanks for joining us here on thursday. A look at almanac. Normally we are at a high of 21 here in winnipeg this time of year with an overnight low of 7. You will see continuing with those below seasonal temperature.

at least for the daytime high. We are at 13 today, which is well below but 6° for tonight. That on par for what we normally see this time of year in winnipeg. Still, quite short of the record that we set back in 1980, actually 21° short. That was a 34° day back in 1980. Sun set at 9:19. Rainfall warning in effect for southern manitoba. Including winnipeg. This is an area of the province that is getting set for 50 to 60 millimetre of rain that will start up tonight and is going to go into saturday. Looking at midnight tonight you can see some rain in southern manitoba, entering the forecast than system is going to grow in size. It will take command of southern manitoba and even central areas by friday afternoon. So that is tomorrow afternoon. With some heavy rain for winnipeg. Snow to the southwest. So it is going to be a bit of a rainy day tomorrow. With that rain continuing in to saturday. We look at camping forecast now. So cooler temperatures on saturday but warming you were a bit on sunday with partly cloudy conditions. And we will end up. With this wonderful photo from loucille. >> Skytracker weather is brought to you by walk for alzheimer's. >> Silhouettes of 80 soldiers were etched on sand on wednesday. Ahead of the 80th anniversary of the d-day landings. The etching were placed on the beach in the town of broadster to mark each year that passed since the infamous battle that ultimately led to the culmination of the second world war in europe. On june 6th of 1944, 150,000 allied soldiers invaded france to drive out the force of nazi germany. That day, some 14,000 canadians soldiers stormed the beaches of normandy. >> Are your seasonal allergies worse this year? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. As karen libermann reports, spring allergies have been starting earlier in recent years and that trend is expected to continue.

>>> This year is the worst. The other years were ok. This year, nothing seems to want to work. >> Sharm has tried every allergy medication but nothing seems to be helping. >> Sinus and my throat. That is why I sound all stuffy. >> The typical seasonal allergy symptom, sneezing coughing and feeling more miserable are being felt by many. >> All I wish is for them to go away. Everyone has gt my sympathy. >> About a quarter if canadians suffer from seasonal allergies. And if it feels like yours are worse this year, you are not the only one. >> As our warm months start earlier and fall tends to be warm for longer the overall season, where different pollens are ing go up in the air is extending for longer and so more people are feeling it. >> There is a lot of pollen in the air. I can get condition jested. >> At victoria commons pharmacy, allergy medication is flying off the shelvess. >> I have to order completely new stuff. >> Marco says patients have been coming in regularly asking for advice. >> Allergy medication, changing filters in the car, or in the house, and sinus, which is a mixture of salt and water. Top help clean out the sinuseses. >> In is type of condition that can change over time. Sop your symptoms may not have been bad long ago and getting worse because your counts are higher. . >>> Few simple strategy to keep seasonal allergies under control, the first one is stay indoor if you can on drien a windy day. Avoid your gardening chores because they tend to stir up the allergies and if you have been outside, remove your clothing and take a shower to rinse your hair or body of the pollen. Will head indoors right now because I have been struggling with my seasonal allergies. Back to you in studio. >> Well, now tow a barbie world life is plastic. Set up fantastic if you ask ris teen sinclair. The canadian soccer superstar is an I nong nine athletes including venus williams who are being honoured with a one-of-a-kind bashrbie. >> We have got the canada jersey. The little nike. Got the arm band. The weirdest memory of barbie for me semibrother and I actually might have used their heads as hockey pucks going up oncationnally. Everyone has barbies growing up and now to see one in any likeness is absolutely crazy. And my two nieces, they are like, we can't wait to see it. Like they are so excited. As a soccer player, you dream of winnings olympics world cups but to be given this honour, very unexpected. One of my goals one of my mottos is to show those young girls in canada that absolutely anything is possible. >> All right. We will still bring your local headlines are right after this. You are watching global news wis on thursday. Where did you come from? -I'm Melissa.-Joe. Are you ever gonna stopfollowing me? I was wrong to think you werea run-of-the-mill serial killer. I've decided I wantto get to know you better. (Announcer speaks wordson screen) I'm very good at solving murder cases. ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth, season finale tonightat 9 eastern on Global. [ upbeat rock music ] [ ] The Sounds of Summer Sale is on now at Visions Electronics! Incredible savings on amazing tech for outdoor entertainment TVs, speakers, car audio, and more! No Interest and No Payments Until 2026 Plus a chance to Win your purchase See all the deals atVisions dot ca Stay safe near dams. Hydroelectric generating station can be a dangerous place. Water levels around dams can change quickly. Obey all warning signs and barriers. They are there to protect you! Safety, it's in your hands. My name is Esther Thiessen, and we farm south of Winkler. Eggs offer a lot of nutrition and protein, and they are so easy to make. It is very important for me as a mom to make sure that our children are fueled up with energy to go to school and learn.

Eggs are a part of a complete breakfast for my children. We are egg farmers. We love what we do. ( ) Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto, it's our newest instant win game. Hmmm... Jackpot starts at $100K, grows with every ticket sold. Get me one of them. - Yeah? - Yeah Alright. [thunder and lighting] ( ) Next! Whoa, I'm rich! Lightning Lotto!

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