
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #11

approached them and they were very generous to offer to do this show here and even more generous to donate the profits from the show to the church. In order to help mitigate some of the costs of the repairs. >> I'm just fascinated because you can see this church, literally from miles around. Historic landmark. What exactly is the problem and how much money will it cost to rectify it? >> My understanding of the problem is that this ceiling structural support are collapsing. The wooden supports are rotting so the ceiling is starting to come down. In various places. And the estimates that I'm aware of are in the area of about $4 million. To repair this ceiling structure in the sanctuary part of the building and the sang cure rare has been kind of the artistic centre of this part of winnipeg for long time. Many concerts have happened here over the course of westminister's life. The manitoba chamber orchestra called this place home for many years. I know the university of manitoba choirs often perform here, winnipeg music festival always did their concert productions here. The choir part of their festival here as well. So westminister has been a very prominent artistic hub in winnipeg for a long time. >> Reporter: so this is one fund-raiser. Obviously you have other plans in the works. You know raise more money? >> We do. So this sort of revitalization project started with a concert they gave here in february. Which was very successful. First concert held in the space in many years. And next season, we are looking at in the end of november doing a sing along mee siya up here with full orchestra, soloist and choir. I'm looking at doing a couple of other proekt >>s around easter time up here. I'm look at ing -- >> With full orchestras and soloist. We have a flute chamber ensum ensemable. I'm look at small change chamber project. >> It is well-worth what you are endeavouring right new. >> It was one of the first performance venues I encountered here in 2010en has been a large part of my artistic life living here in winnipeg been >> Thank you so much. >> Thank you very much. >> All right. The big question, will that rain continue or will we see more of a windy day? Hopefully a lit hl sunshine here in winnipeg. Let's bring in moses with your thursday forecast. >> Moises: good morning. Thank you for joining us. A look at H.D. sky cam. We have got sunshine coming through here nor downtown winnipeg. A bit of a cloudy one. It is mainly cloudy currently. We should be getting set for partly cloudy conditions throughout the morning here. Right now income our starting temperature, plus 5 and we have been enjoying light winds. We will tell you more about this rain that is coming up here for southern manitoba in a moment but first looking at current temperatures with thompson -1°. Churchill -3°. Lynn lake, island lake at 0. Island lake, not as sunny as in lynn lake but a bit of know in the island lake area this morning. For pinawa, sprague, plus 1. One of your warmer spots is melita at 8 and brandon is at 7, dauphin swan river at plus 5 with winnipeg. So there's a rainfall warning in effect for section of southern manitoba. Which does include winnipeg and we are kind of seeing that in the southeastern, south central corners of the province. Take a look at what we are getting set for, over the next 48 hours. You can see here, that midnight we will start looking at rain here in southern manitoba including winnipeg. Tomorrow, at 8:00, that rain is going to be very apparent and you will see yellow and orange come up on map, which indicates we can be looking at some heavy rain, possibly some thunderstorm activity. Also, you see that purple which indicates southwest enmanitoba could be looking at snow tomorrow. So we are going to see a decent amount of precipitation folks, over 50 mill metre of rain. So some of those areas in southern manitoba pand anywhere from 50, 06 millimetres of rain by saturday. As we look now, your ok tire traffic report, with a quick look at downtown winnipeg. That is portage and notre dame camera there. Esso and co-op stations to september represent your common price, regular fuel dlks 1.44, average short of $1.41. Gabby? >> Announcer: skytracker weather is brought to you by...

>> Gabby: thanks so much. That is moises. Still ahead, iran's prime minister laid to rest. We will bring you -Think fast!-Dad! (Announcer speaks wordson screen) ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. (Music Begins) Summer breeze makes me feel fine Blowing through the jasmine in my mind ( ) Summer breeze makes me feel fine (Silence) Blowing through the jasmine in my mind Summer starts here. Get your pc® Summer Insiders Report today. [ ] Ever notice some odours don't come out in the wash? Odours from sweat, urine,and other musty odours can get trappedin fabrics. Try DownyRinse & Refresh. It helps remove trapped odours 3-times better than detergent alone. Try Downy Rinse & Refresh. There's a new Tims run in town with new Flatbread Pizza. Served hot out of the oven and freshly prepared in Chicken Parmesan, Pepperoni, Simply Cheese, and Bacon Everything. Try Tims new Flatbread Pizza. It's time for Tims Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. Sturgeon Creek 2 is the idealretirement residence. The first week I was here it wasamazing, I made so many good friends. There are so many things to do here whether it's exercize class or relaxing with friends inthe bistro. The meals here are wonderfuland I just love the staff. One of the advantages of Sturgeon Creek 2 is there is a nurse on duty. I just love living here at Sturgeon Creek 2, I couldn't imagine living anywhere else. [ announcer ]:Call today to book a personal tour. Announcer: Tonight... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) 9-1-1,all new tonightat 8 Eastern on Global. Canal. >> Antony: hello. Here is a look at your national and international headlines... >> British prime minister sunak called a national election, which will happen on july 4th. >> Now is the moment for britain to choose its future. This election will take place at a time when the world is more dangerous than it has been since the end of the cold war. >> Antony: sunak says king charles iii granted his request on wednesday to dissolve parliament, which his office says will be suspended on friday. This announcement comes months ahead of when it was expected with the governing support dwindling after 14 years in power.

>>> A warning the images in the next story are disturbing. The farmly of several lil israeli hostages killed by hamas have released new footage in an effort to? >> In u aid is final new aid is finally reaching. >> In a desperate plea to israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, family of five israeli women abducted from a military base on october 7th have released graphic footage from that day. These images captured from the video show the young soldiers bound and bloody, ushered into a vehicle at gunpoint. The five women are believed to be in hamas captivity. In gaza, the U.N. world foot program says the U.S. built peer is now up and running. With the first delivery of human theirian aid being handed out amid warning of saf separation in the territory. International pressure to ends the war is mounting. On wednesday, the leaders of norway, ireland and spain, announced they are recognizes a palestinian state. >> We do so because we believe in freedom and justice as the fundamental principles of international law. >> In the u.s., the biden administration says they are closely monitoring the expanded operation into the southern gaza city of rafah. >> What we have seen so far in terms of rim's military operations in that area, has been more targeted and limited. We now vu to see what unfolds from here. >> Pro palestinian protests continue on college campuses. Cbs news. >> Antony: at least nine people are dead, dozens of others injured after a strong gust of wind toppled a stage at a campaign rally in mexico. The governor of the state confirmed in the tragedy and said among the deceased was a child. The collapse happened during an event event. >> Charlie colin, the basi and founding member of the american pop rock band train, has died at the age of 58. Colin's sister confirmed the musician's death on wednesday to the "associated press." variety magazine reported that colin had slipped and fell in the shower while house sitting for friend in belgium. Train formed in san francisco in the 90s and are best known for the song, drop of jupiter and meet virginia. This month, london drugs stores reopened after a cyber attack forced the closure for a week. We know the group claiming to be behind the attack is demanding a multi-million dollar ransom. This news comes as another cyber attack has been made public. This time, on a health authority. >> The method are not subtle. Pay up or the data is dump or not the dark web. London drugs latests to be target by the group known as lock bit, demanding $25 million from the richmond based company to relieve -- trooef the employee data. London drugs a small company. Experts say it doesn't matter. .

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