
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

us and give us more information. >> Thank you for having me. >> Reporter: you do live with ms and may being you can talk about your journey with it and you know what's it has been like so far. >> Ms has impacted every aspect of my life to my family life, to my work life, to my recreation life. When I was first diagnosed I was the living in the prime of my life. I had a 10-year-old daughter. I was working full time at a teach have my husband travelled a lot for work. So I was managing my house hold on my own. Life was really busy, and I didn't have time to be dealing with an unpredictable episodic disease that would most likely progress like ms. I had to make adjustments to my loif. I had to start doing some self care taking time for myself, asking for help when I needed. But the thing with ms is that it is always there in the back of your mind, and I had to make adjustment and is accommodations for it all the time. >> And so, what's it like being an ambassador. What was the importance of you becoming an ambassador for ms canada. What did it mean to you when may be they approached you about that? >> Well, I approached ms canada when I was first diagnosed with ms because I was looking for a community of people so that I could find out more about what ms was like, and what actually happened was I have gotten way more from ms canada than I could possibly have given of myself. Ms is known as canada's disease with over 90,000 canadians living with it. Women are three more times likely to be diagnosed and people are diagnosed in the prime of their life between the age of 20 and 49. So I felt that it was really important to be an ambassador to get the word out so people could support people like me and the 90,000 canadians. >> Touch on that a little bit too actually with approaching ms canada about getting the connections. How vital is it to have these kind of walks that may be the community can come together to learn from each other, to have you know to share stories about ms. >> Yes. It is very vital the community aspect is very important. When I'm at the ms walk I know that I'm not battling my disease of ms alone and I'm reminded of all of the people that want to support me that are there fundraising and advocating and raising funds for this disease. >> And with ms, may be could you talk about where we stand with the disease? You know I guess research is still very important thing with ms. >> Yes. Research is very important. The funds raised from the walks all across canada will go to fund research to find a cure and research to potentially prevent ms. Money also goes to services and equipment for people to improve quality of life while living with the disease. >> We're just about out of time but before we let you go where can people get more information about the walk and may be if they want to donate where can they go for that information? >> The walk is happening this sunday may 26. For more information they can go online to ms The walk is happening at the park here in winnipeg and event registration happens at 10 A.M. opening sarps at 11 with a short program and then we will walk a 4 kilometre route after that. >> We want to thank you for your time this morning. >> Thank you very much. [ ] Hi, I'm Elsbeth Tascioni. Oh. I call it the "Elsbeth." Hashtag: "Do that thang." ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth season finale tonight at9 Eastern on Global. Stream on StackTV and theGlobal tv app. Every time I open my eyes... I am still there. (Sentimental instrumental music) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Okay, and root beer to drink? No. [gasping] What? He didn't get root beer? I'm getting frozen root beer. Oh! Try frozen a&w root beer with sweet cream.

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We're behind the Blue Cow logo. This Global program is brought to you in part by the True North Youth Foundation Flatlander's Beer Festival, June 7th and 8th. >> Gabby: good morning, thanks for joining us on thursday, may 23rd. We are talking about a local push to revive westminister church. Clay young has more on a play. First, let's take a look at headlines: part of city council voting to remove a member of winnipeg's police core. What kyle mason says led up to the vote san his resignation. And gearing up for summer fun. This is this is one for the parent. What you need to know about signing up for summer swimming lessons and leisure guide. >> This global news morning. The city's executive policy committee voteded in favour of a motion that seeks to remove a member of the winnipeg police board. That motion passing yesterday after a very brief discussion on removing kyle nason from the board, replacing him with a former police board member, colleen pay your. The motion say it was determined ason had breached be the board's code of ethical conduct. Both mayor scott gillingham and chambers were asked for further details. Both said none could be given. >> Question specific to that item, I differ to the police board chair to answer the questions. It is that specifically as a police board matter. >> I don't want to stonewall. I don't want to provide misinformation. I want to ensure that processes and procedures are followed. This is a very serious matter. Matter for me and matter for the board. And we just want to make sure that it is done correctly and fairly. >> Gabby: before joining the board, mason found and ran the north end family centre in winnipeg. Said he chose to resign on may rd. Mason says he was pull over and ticketed for driving without proper insurance and says he resigned after a number of discussions with the board. More details on the breech of the ethical code of conduct, could be made public at the police board's next meeting. Seeding is halfway done in manitoba. Producers made another jump this week. According to the crop report, 40% of acres are seed with epp corn, creole and peas leading the way with 65, 70 and 90 prpt respectively. Producers started putting canola in the ground this week. Chp is 20% finished. They are expected to plant 3.2 million ache others oil seed this year only behind 3.3 million ache others wheat. Seeding trails the five year average of 52% pressure for the first week of may. Is well ahead of last year when it was only a quarter done. >> Here is one for the parents at home. Swimming lessons are a summer staple for many children and the city of winnipeg has now released rig station time for the pools. Starting the morning of june 4th, residents will be able to sign up on line over the phone or at city run pools. Non-s are dents will be able to sign up starting june 6th. The city also put out the summer leisure guide swimming pro dur, which can be found at >> A major fund-raiser is being launched to help renovate a historic church in winnipeg. A production company is presenting a radio play called journey to the centre of the earth. Money raised will help fix up westminister united church. Clay young has the story. >> So we are continuing to look at the fabulous live radio play "journey to the centre of the earth." >> Tell us about this production. It's a fund-raiser for the incredible looking church we are in. >> Yes, it is. About a year and a half ago, we found engineers -- engineers structural issues so we made decisions thousand move forward with and the project will need a substantial amount of money and so I know bryan and crystal from another part of my life, they sing in one of my community choir and I had heard them -- that they were doing a radio show before christmas and as we here driving to revietd liez this space, I thought a radio play would be perfect because it is a smaller stage and so I

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