
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

I call it the "Elsbeth." Hashtag: "Do that thang." ANNOUNCER:Elsbeth season finale tonight at9 Eastern on Global. Stream on StackTV and theGlobal tv app. >> Gabrielle: the crown has finished presenting its case in the trial of jeremy skibicki. What we can expect next. [ ] >> Gabrielle: and potential changes to the bridge. Why one city councillor wants it renamed and who they want honoured. [ ] >> Announcer: you're watching global winnipeg. This is "global news morning" [ ] >> Gabrielle: good morning. Thanks for joining us on your thursday or baby friday as we like to call it here on "global news morning." plenty of charter about the -- chatter about the bands and bridges story but our top story. [ ] >> Gabrielle: the crown has finished presenting its case in the murder trial of jeremy skibicki charged in the deaths of rebecca contois, morgan harris, mercedes myron and a fourth person known as buffalo woman. Yesterday the crown entered into evidence pen pal letters skibicki wrote to a female inmate in nova scotia. While wait to go go on trial. In the letters he laments unfair persecution by white people and discusses his plan to write a novel. He also talks about the high profile nature of his case. He has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in the slayings. He as acknowledged in court that he killed the women but arguing he is not criminally responsible because of mental illness. The crown has painted a picture as a white supremacist who preyed on his victims at homeless shelters. >>> Brandon traffic is the brandon trask is the assistant professor of faculty of law at the university of manitoba and he says that the onus is now on the defence to prove that skibicki wasn't responsible for those actions. He says the crown will be busy poking holes in the argument when the trial resumes. >> I expect they'll be putting tough questions to the experts that are being called by defence I expect it will be interesting. And I expect that we will see the crown end up calling rebuttal evidence in form of expert after the defence essentially calls its evidence. >> One city councillor wants to name a prominent bridge after a prominent band. -- the honour would nont only pay tribute to the band's musical legacy but serve as a point of interest encouraging tourism and to foster a sense of pride in the city's cultural heritage. That will be discussed at a committee meeting next tuesday. >> A local organization helping support young people could be force to make major changes after critical funding from the feds has yet to be approved. The resource assisted for youth organization operates a program called level up which provides more than 80 at risk teens every year with paid employment and training to help them transition out of a life of poverty. A grant application submitted to ottawa last november has yet to be approved. It is funding that ray has gone since 2018. And staff there say if the funding doesn't come soon, it could lead to layoffs up to a dozen staff members potentially even a closure of the program. >> The level up program is successfully working with over 100 employers who may experience significant losses within their own businesses. If they can no longer hire ray youth with the support of this program. >> Gabrielle: your blue bombers back to the practice field to start week two of training camp after loosing in their first exhibition game to the rough riders. The bottomers loosing more than just the game on monday. Their injury list continues to grow. The bombers also loosing defensive tackle lawson to a long term injury. He's their fourth player to go on the six game list already joining big hill, parker, and hallit. And listening to the head coach mike o'shea it sounds like it will cost lawson much of the season

>>> A major fundraiser is being launched to help renovate a historic church in winnipeg. There is a radio play called journey to the centre of the earth. Money raise will help fix up west minister united church. Clay young has the story. >> Reporter: welcome back and welcome to the journey to the centre of the earth. Pto my right I am joined by. >> Dana. >> Reporter: and to my left. >> Jeremy. >> Reporter: you're two of the performers in the play. How are you involved with each other? >> A love interest I understand? >> Yes I am the love interest and also work at the professor's house with my love interest. And then I'm also a foley arrestist. I give axel hope. Tell him we will get married. >> Reporter: you're encouraging him to go downtown centre of earth and you're not saying don't be crazy. It is dangerous. >> I think the whole thing is I'm trying to get to prove to him that he is a man and that he can proof his worth to me. >> You know in this play she is definitely worth it her character and our love is solid and before I leave to go to the centre of the earth we make a commitment to each other. So that keeps me going as I head on this adventure. >> Reporter: you're going down there for research not just to prove your love. >> Yes I go reluctantly because the uncle is leading the journey. I'm being dragged along by hip and so I would have to kind of just get the courage to do this adventure even though I don't want to at first. >> Reporter: but throughout the journey it kind of catches on and I jump in full force. >> Reporter: what's it like to be involved in a live radio play so to speak. >> It is my first time doing live theater, live radio production. It has been a very good experience for me. Something new for me. And I really have enjoyed it. >> I did lots of theater as a kid and up until I was 19. It has been a while. I'm excited. I've never done a live radio play. Doing the sound affect is totally new to me and very fun. >> Reporter: very, very cool. Actually, I'm looking forward to seeing this. This should be wild. >> Yeah. I think it will be great. There is a lot visually to see as well as the sound affects. It will be good. >> Reporter: thank you both. >> Thank you too. We encourage everyone to go to our website to get tickets. We would love to see you out. >> Reporter: all right. We will be back. [ ] >> All right. It has been a soggy week out there. But rain we certainly need in some parts of manitoba. So let's bring in moises with your thursday update. >> Moises: good morning thanks for joining us. >> We have sunshine coming through here. A bit of a cloudy one as well. Mainly cloudy currently. Right now our starting temperature plus 5 and we've been enjoying light winds this morning. We will tell you more about this rain coming up here for southern manitoba in a moment. Current temperatures lynn lake at 0. Island lake not as sunny as lynn lake but we are seeing a little bit of snow in the island lake earlier this morning. Sprague 1. Melita as 8. Brandon at 7. We're seeing dauphin, swan river at plus 5 with winnipeg. There is a rainfall warning in affect for sections of southern manitoba which does include winnipeg and we're kind of seeing that in the southeastern south central corners of the province. Take a look at what we're getting set for over the next 48 hours or so. You can see around midnight we will start to look at the rain in southern manitoba including winnipeg. Tomorrow at 8 o'clock that rain is going to be very apparent and you will see yellow and orange come up on the map which indicates we can be looking at heavy rain possibly some thunderstorm activity. Also you see that purple which indicates southwestern manitoba could see snow tomorrow. We are going to see a decent amount of precipitation folks over 50 milliliters of rain. Some of the areas in southern manitoba anywhere from 50 to 60 milliliters of rain by saturday as we look now your ok tire traffic report with a quick look at downtown winnipeg. That's a portage and notre-dame camera there. Esso and co-op stations still

REPRESENT THE COMMON PRICE. REGULAR FUEL $1.44. AVERAGE $1.41. GABBY. >> Announcer: SKY TRACKER WEATHER IS BROUGHT TO YOU IN PART BY THE IG WEALTH MANAGEMENT WALK FOR ALZHEIMER'S MAY 25TH IN ASSINIBOINE PARK. >> Gabrielle: WE ARE GOING TO TAKE A LITTLE BREAK HERE AT GLOBAL NEWS WINNIPEG. STILL AHEAD A SNAP ELECTION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM. PWE WILL BRING UT LATEST ON THE REACTION ACROSS THE POND. THAT'S (Man roaring) I'm about to push my body further than I ever have. (Announcer says words on screen) Vanessa:Hi, I'm Vanessa! Tori:Vanessa likes gymnastics. She loves soccer, she loves to ride her bike. She loves to stay at the park as long as she can. She shows me every day that she can do anything she puts her mind to. The War Amps is able to provide Vanessa with the devices and support that she needs because of the generosity of the public. Nothing will stop her. Any help that she ever needs is right there because of your generosity. Vanessa:Thank you! [Giggle] ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylenol. It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. Follow Follow the sun (Laughing) Which way the wind blows (Indistinct chatting, laughing) When this day is done Watch the Camping Forecast every Wednesday through Friday on Global News Morning and Global News at 10 p.m. Submit your camping photos to for a chance to have them featured. The Camping Forecast is brought to you by Transcona Trailer Sales Offering you the complete RV Experience. The tri-hospital dream lottery summer bonus could make your dreams come true. Besides six incredible grand prize choices. The summer bonus brings you a chance to win one of two electric luxury vehicles Or 65 thousand dollars cash. Plus, the fifty-fifty draw just keeps growing. The summer bonus ticket deadline is midnight tonight. Go to try hospital dream dot com now in order your tickets. Don't miss out your dream of becoming a millionaire could come true. Let's all win together (Horn blaring)Start the clock. (Howling) (School bell ringing) Yes!(Cheering) Yes!Ooh, it's on! ANNOUNCER: Abbott Elementary, season finale tonightat 7:30 ET on Global. >> Antony: GOOD MORNING, AND THANK YOU FOR JOINING US ON THIS THURSDAY, MAY 23rd. I'M ANTONY ROBART. HERE'S A LOOK AT YOUR NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL HEADLINES... [ ]

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