
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #4

>>> People in the wedding industry are sharing how some of the newest trends are impacting their bookings for the summer. There is a boom in 2022 due to many pandemic related wedding postponements. Planners and venues we spoke to say numbers for this year remain behind the pace experience inned 2022. The current trend seems to be smaller weddings less than 100 guests. This wedding planner says money is a factor for many couples preparing to tie the knot. >> I feel like the big weddings big meaning more than 150 weddings may be are a thing of the past now. I feel more couples want more personal, more intimate, more focused on the family, more elopement style weddings. You know in my opinion that's one thing that I think will continue. >> Gabrielle: the catering director at winnipeg's green wood ball ram says 50 weddings in the year was the goal which was the typically what they would see. But just 20 are on the books this year with already the same amount penciled in for next. She says they have lots on the go and they are only anticipating more. >> Brides are getting more comfortable booking a little bit further out. I would say for sure after the pandemic. Bookings would come in quicker. Less turn around time just out of fear that may be something might come back. I think everyone is just kind of getting back into booking and feeling comfortable to book you know for future dates. >> Gabrielle: here's one for the parents at home. Swimming lessons are a summer staple for many children and the city of winnipeg has now released its registration times for the pools. Starting the morning of june 4th residents can sign up online over the phone or at city run pools. Non-residents will be able to sign up starting june 6th. The city put out the summer leisure guide which can be found on [ ] >> Gabrielle: all right. It has been kind of a soggy week out there, but rain we certainl need in some parts of manitoba. So let's bring in weather forecast moises with your update. >> Moises: good morning thanks for joining us. Gabby good morning to you. On this thursday we're starting off at 5°. It is a mainly cloudy start with a light wind here in winnipeg. But as they say it is the calm before the storm. You can see here we have a little bit of green on this map. Remember that rainfall warning. 5° with winnipeg. Dauphin at 5. Cooler in kenora and sprague at plus 2 but warmer in brandon and melita area at 7. Coming up later on winnipeg looking at rain and 13°. Also at 13 morden winkler kenora seeing 12 and in dauphin. Gimli swan river 11°. Let's look at that rain. Remember that area of green that you saw on the map those are areas including winnipeg that could be looking at 50 to 60 milliliters of rain. Let's look at that now. You can see by around midnight we're getting set for rain to reach the winnipeg area. Southwest manitoba already going to be seeing rain showers today. As we get into tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon you can see heavy rain for winnipeg. Possibly some snow mixed with rain entering the forecast for southwestern manitoba as we get into tomorrow and then on saturday we should see that rain taper off. Right now we will show you over to the ok tire traffic report. Looking at stirling line. Quick look at the gas prices. Esso and co-op 144 point in time. Those are prices that haven't changed lately. 124 one of the lower prices but average around $1.40. Back to you. >> Announcer: sky tracker weather is brought to you in part by the ig wealth management walk for alzheimer's may 25th in assiniboine park. >> We will bring you a look at your national and international announcer: Tonight... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) 9-1-1,all new tonightat 8 Eastern on Global. Don't pay to haul awayyour old working fridge or freezer. Efficiency Manitoba will pick up recycle, and pay you 30 dollars for it. Book your pick up at today It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture.

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taken to a city for a last ceremony before being buried in his home town. Thousands of people held placards and waived flags marching in the streets to bid the president fair well. The 63-year-old died along side his foreign minister and six others when their helicopter crashed in the country's north west region earlier this week. >>> The council in charge of assisting hat's transition for the next head of state says it expects a security force to help restore public safety to be operational in the coming days. We have more on the international effort to stabilize the country. >> Reporter: it is a country that has been in crisis for nearly three years. Hatie living with violence on the streets as police look to get back territory. They have seen armed -- follow unrest from the presidential assassination. On tuesday, the council aimed at guiding haiti's presidential transition noted it had a productive meeting with the national police and that troops from the security support mission should be deployed by the end of month. The council says quote... >> Reporter: the bulk of the security team is made up of kenya soldiers with the nation offering 1,000 soldiers and the kenyan president was the first african head of state to hold an official visit since 2008. >> This security support mission is exactly that. A support mission. A support mission of the institutions of the haitian state not a replacement for it. >> Reporter: this president was set to hold meetings with joe biden wednesday and thursday with haiti expected to be one of the larger topics of the discussion between the leaders. American officials say haiti is in a dynamic situation -- 80 officers were killed in accidents or disappeared last year. >> This is going to require an adaptable approach but one guided by certain core function and is operations. Kenya has laid that out. It has worked that out in close collaboration with the united states and it has consulted closely with the un on this along the way. >> Reporter: earlier this year, ottawa ear marked more than $80 million towards the un security mission and sent armed forces members to help train soldiers who will be part of the un security force. The rcmp has also deployed officers to assist the national police. Kyle benning global news. >> Antony: new data from interpole is confirming canada ranks among the world's top worst countries for auto theft. The international law enforcement agency says more than 1500,500 -- this information comes after the rcmp integrated canada's database for stolen vehicles with interpole's earlier this year. The agency says thieves are attracted to canada's abundant supply of high value models such as suv and cross overs.

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