
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #1

and sharing the source of life that's found in Christ. Thank you for doing it. Right now across the continent of Africa, children are suffering facing severe malnutrition and even death. Severe drought and famine, including in crisis areas like Ethiopia, means we must replenish food supplies immediately to keep feeding 350,000 children and help reach more people in desperate need. Through LIFE's Mission Feeding outreach your gift of love can be an answer to prayer for a hurting and hungry child in their time of need. Call now with your lifesaving gift of $30, $50, or $100 to help feed and care for three, five, or ten children for three full months. With your gift of any amount, we'll send The Blessing of Taking Communion. In this book, discover how the sacred ordinance of communion helps to feed your soul and reminds you of the transformative power of receiving the Lord's Supper. With your gift of $100 or more, you may request the LIFE Legacy Journal. This beautiful journal and pen will help you write your personal story and share the experiences that made you who you are. One day, the generations that follow will be able to look back and learn from the legacy you've left behind. Finally, with your gift of $1,000 or more to help feed and care for 100 children, be sure to request our inspiring bronze sculpture, "A Cup of Water." Please call, write, or makeyour gift online today. JAMES: I'm so so glad that Katy is here! And boy, what a prayer. By the way, you keep praying for her because the pain hasn't all gone but you've experienced an indescribable what you'd call one of those biblical miracles, haven't you? Let's just keep it going. But could you not tell in that prayer, that song, she was praying for you, which is why we're here. Now they can go online, they can go and see the original YouTube posting. And then of course, the more production because you've done more production and you've got other songs. So there's the website if you want to go and see what she's gotten and where she is going, or if you can get her to come to your area and share Jesus. We just thank you so much for being a blessing. KATY: Thank you, guys! JAMES: And we want to thank all of you for blessing so many people all over the world with the love of God. And with food. Thank you. JAMES: I promise you, the enemy is trying to take us into that kind of darkness! Preparing to fightthe enemy in the uncertaindays ahead. Next week! LIFE Today is made possible by the supporters of LIFE Outreach International. Your gift will be used exclusively for the exempt purposes of LIFE. The ministry features specific outreaches as examples of the programs it supports and conducts. Gifts are considered to be without restriction as to use unless explicitly stipulated by the donor. The ministry is a member of the ECFA. The opinions expressed in the preceding program are those of the participant, and do not necessarily reflect those of Global Television or Shaw Media. I was a young man... Keep moving! a terrible place. Go, go, go! But I found something there. Someone. What wouldn't you doto keep them alive? (Announcer speaks wordson screen) Stream on STACKTVand the Global TV app. On Sunday, June 16th, chase thatfinish line. Global NewsWinnipeg is a proud partner of the 46th Annual ManitobaMarathon. Good luck to all participants. Yes! Ooh, it's on! ANNOUNCER: What is StackTV? You guy missed a lot. It's a streaming service that bundles the biggest channels and hottest shows together for one low price. I think you guys are gonna wanna see this. Where 12.99 gets you hit shows likeDr. Death, FBIandRick and Morty. Fine, I'll call that one legit. And that same 12.99 gets you reality gold from Slice, Food Network and HGTV.

All right. That is StackTV. Who's ready to watch?! >> Gabrielle: the crown has finished presenting its case in the trial of jeremy skibicki. What we can expect next [ ] >> Gabrielle: and potential changes to the bridge. Why one city councillor wants it renamed and who they want honoured. [ ] >> Announcer: you're watching global winnipeg. This is "global news morning" [ ] >> Gabrielle: good morning. Thanks for joining us on your thursday or baby friday as we like to call it here on "global news morning." plenty of charter about the bands and bridges story but our top story. [ ] >> Gabrielle: the crown has finished presenting its case in the murder trial of jeremy skibicki charged in the deaths of rebecca contois, morgan harris, mercedes myron and a fourth person known as buffalo woman. Yesterday the crown entered into evidence pen pal letters skibicki wrote to a female inmate in nova scotia. In the letters he la meants unfair persecution by white people and a nolf. He also talks about the high profile nature of his case. He has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in the murders. He killed the women but arguing he is not criminally responsible because of mental illness. The crown has painted a picture as a white supremacist who parade -- preyed on his victims at homeless shelters. >> He says the onus is on defence to prove that skibicki wasn't responsible for those actions. He says the crown will be busy poking holes in the argument when the trial resumes. >> I expect they'll be putting tough questions to the experts that are being called by defence I expect it will be interesting. And I expect that we will see the crown end up calling rebuttal evidence in form of expert after the defence essentially calls its evidence. >> Gabrielle: as the number of calls to winnipeg's emergency services increases, the service is in a period of transition. In the first piece of our exclusive two-part feature we look at the changes coming to the triage system as they adapt to the city's ever changing needs. >> Yeah. No 86 tonight. >> Reporter: no such thing as an average night for the service. [ Sirens ] >> Reporter: between fire alarms and medical calls, deputy chief says that crews are stretched thin with a 17% increase in calls in the past two years. >> The patient is uncooperative but the patient is a minor and the patient could wonder into traffic and risk at themselves. So we have to continue to help manage this until we can get them in a safe place. >> Reporter: some calls need a listening ear instead of sirens. >> There is a vast majority when they phone 9-1-1 it may not be for critical emergency or what they feel is a critical emergency what they are used to. >> Reporter: now the service can dispatch groups like community safety team to low priority calls. Until recently calls were triaged into two priorities. Three-quarters of calls were classified as priority one. They get a lights and sirens response. Everything else was labeled a priority two call. Under the new system there are five priorities. Deputy chief says this change is better able to match each kind of call with an appropriate response. >> As we get into priority four and five that's where we start thinking of other agencies we can partner with and using our resources. >> Reporter: winnipeg isn't the first city to move to a two to a five-tier system. Ottawa has seen positive results since making the switch in april. >> We moved from a blunt instrument and the problem with the old system is that it significantly overtriaged calls. >> Reporter: winnipeg will be the first in canada to transfer calls to non-ems organizations. >> The patients phoning to say hey this going on what do you think. Sometimes it just requires

someone to listen and answer questions. >> Reporter: they use all patient data back to 2012 to sort calls into the five priority categories. The medical director says the risk for a high call into the wrong tier is less than one%. >> We can accurately predict what a patient will look like when we arrive. >> Reporter: that means if they are closest they'll be the ones to respond saving the lights and sirens for life and death. >> The resource that is put back into the system allows us to respond in a timely fashion to the other emergencies. >> Reporter: the service has already begun introducing the system and started transferring some low acuity calls in early may. They plan to fully adapt the system in the next months. Global news. >> Gabrielle: the fertility rate among women in manitoba and canada continues to drop as experts are starting to see more trends as to why it is happening. According to statcan, the birth rate per woman in her province dropped from 1.9 to 1.4. meanwhile the canadian fertility rate -- the lowest level since statcan collected data more than a century ago. This doctor the medical director at heartland fertility says he is seeing more examples of families having fewer children. >> The trends are moving towards people starting their families later. Some people want to be the one and done. Economically things are changing. Sometimes raising a family can be more expensive. Certainly in our economic times right now. >> Gabrielle: one city councillor wants to name a prominent bridge after a prominent winnipeg band. He wants the bridge to become the balkman turner overdrive bridge for a five-year period named of course after the legendary rock band led windy winnipegger randy balkman. The owner would not only pay tribute to the band's musical legacy but serve as a point of interest encouraging tourism and a sense of pride in the city's cultural heritage. That report will be discussed at a committee meeting next tuesday. [ ] >> Moises: good morning. Thanks for joining us. Gab gabby good morning to you. Light wind here in winnipeg, but as they say it is the calm before the storm. You can see here we have a little bit of green on this map. It is indicating a rainfall warning. Winnipeg is included in this rainfall warning where we're looking at a decent amount of rain over the next a little bit folks. Tell you more about that in a moment. Remember that rainfall warning. 5° with winnipeg. Dauphin at 5. Cooler in kenora and sprague at plus 2 but warmer in brandon and melita area at 7. Coming up later on winnipeg looking at rain and 13°. Also at 13 morden winkler kenora seeing 12 and in dauphin. Gimly swan river 11°. Let's look at that rain. Remember that area of green that you saw on the map those are areas including winnipeg that could be looking at 50 to 60 milliliters of rain. Let's look at that now. You can see by around midnight we're getting set for rain to reach the winnipeg area. Southwest manitoba already going to be seeing rain showers today. As we get into tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon you can see heavy rain for winnipeg. Possibly some snow mixed with rain entering the forecast for southwestern manitoba as we get into tomorrow and then on saturday we should see that rain taper off. Right now we will show you over to the ok tire traffic report. Looking at stirling line. Quick look at the gas provideses. Esso and co-op 144 point in time. Those are prices that haven't changed lately. 124 one of the lower prices but average around $1.40. Back to you. >> Announcer: sky tracker weather is brought to you in part by the ag wealth management walk for alzheimer's may 25th in assiniboine park. >> We will bring you a look at your national and international headlines ahead including a snap election in the united kingdom. More on the reaction -Think fast!-Dad! (Announcer speaks wordson screen) (Song in Italian) ("il geghegè" by Rita Pavone) ( ) Bright and zesty. The Chimichurri Steak & Cheese and Chimichurri Veggie

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