
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

>> That will allow the kids of boston resident to become canadian. >> They want to come here they want to learn the language, they want to go to school here, they want to do so many things here because this is what they consider home. >> The liberals are forced to make the modification after ontario superior court ruled the lot limiting citizenship was unconstitutional. >> It will be the first time that the citizenship act is actually chartered applying. >> Reporter: the old rules imposed in 2009 by the then conservative government after they spent $94 million repatriating around 14,000 canadian citizens during the war in lebanon. Evacuees many in the harper government you as canadians of convenience. Apartment estimate group of over 4 million canadian citizens living outside the country. Who can ask is canadian social services like health care, and reduce university tuition while paying little to no taxes. >> We don't have the same system as in the U.S. where if you're an american citizen wherever you live you have to feel your income every year. >> Immigration minister was unable to say how many new canadians there would be from the changes but a report from said that 2 million canadians living abroad obtain their citizenship. Mckenzie gray global news ottawa. >> Lisa: of ukraine's second-largest city was pounded by a russian missiles today, killing at least seven people. >> Lisa: the attack destroyed a large printing facility which publishes about one third of ukraine's books. Troops are struggling to hold off russian soldiers on an intense cross-border offensive. Today ukrainian president zelenskyy expressed renewed frustration over defence limitations and begged world leaders to be more decisive with military support. >> Kevin: taiwan has put missile on alert over a full-scale chinese military drills surrounding the island. Taiwan's coast guard is telling a chinese vessel to leave saying quote severely undermines the peace and stability of taiwan's strait. China is calling the military exercises strong punishment for the self ruled nation separatist ask. It is inauguration speech on monday taiwan's new president called on china to accept the existence of its democracy china sees taiwan as a breakaway state that will eventually be under beijing's control. >> Lisa: the united states justice department along with thousands of estates have formally filed an antitrust lawsuit against live nation. Arguing the concert promoter has a monopoly that's resulting in higher prices for consumers and less competition. Speaking the lawsuit comes in the wake of a 2022 fiasco that prevented millions of taylor swift fans from booking tickets for her errors tour. Reggie cecchini has a details. >> Reporter: in 2010 when live nation acquired ticketmaster there were concerns the merger would result in too much exclusivity for one company limiting innovation and a ticket industry and hurting competition. The doj chose to not block that move but on thursday it's along with 29 states and the district of columbia filed an antitrust lawsuit alleging the company violated the terms of sale and is now abusing its monopoly. >> Live nation relies on unlawful anticompetitive conduct. >> Reporter: the justice department says competition is being suffocated with promoted towards playing in spots were ticketmaster's charge of sales. The two companies control an estimated 70 percent of the ticketing and live event venue market in the U.S. unlike in other countries where venues often use multiple company for ticketed events. In early 2023 the company's execs were grilled by lawmakers in washington after a botched ticket rollout for taylor swift concert the year before. Which a company blamed on bots. >> The reality is you have 14 years of a clear pattern of anti- competitive product where consumers have had to pay more and have thought the level of service is reduced and competitors have really been cut off at the knees. >> Breaking of the company went up in the multibillion industry and follow several of the targets of antitrust lawsuits including apple, google, a nominal. And in a rare move the department of justice is seeking not only damages but a jury trial. >> Some monopolies are just so entrenched and some problems so difficult to address that they require decisive and effective

solutions. >> Reporter: live nation responded to this lawsuit saying it was a result of quote political pressure. President joe biden quote prod catalyst has said in the past and not catalan. Its explication. Reggie cecchini global news washington. >> Kevin: charlie that former bassist and founding member of the american pop rock band train has died at the age of 58. The sister confirmed the musician's death on wednesday to the associated press the variety reported that colin slipped and fell in the shower while housesitting for a friend in belgium. Call and let the band in 2003, train formed in san francisco in the early nineties and their best known for the hit songs drops of jupiter and meet virginia. Suite sending images to show you tonight that are out of this world. Literally. The european space agency released five images from the telescope today they feature unprecedented views of the starforming region in the milky way and clusters of hundreds of galaxies. The telescope will spend the next few years serving to help scientists understand two of the universe's greatest mysteries, dark matter and dark energy. >> Marney: next on global news peter quinlan is back with a full forecast. >> Lisa: and peter friday to forget is on the way. >> Peter: thank you so much. Grab a raincoat, the rain boots will be seeing steady pockets of rain throughout the entire day tomorrow with up to 60 kilometres an hour suppressing temperatures after Closed captioning for this Global program is brought to you in part by Bath Fitter Your bath and shower experts for over 35 years. Book your free consultation today. Joy: Riley's officially a teenager now. Please, can somebody pinch me? (Thud) Ow! Hello! (Screaming) I'm Anxiety. We're Riley's new emotions. I'm Envy. Anxiety: That's Ennui. En-what? That's Embarrassment. Welcome! (Whimper) Oh, we're doing a fi... no. Oh. What's going on? I know change is scary but Riley is in good hands. You aren't packed yet? I'm the wo-o-orst! (Crying) Well, that's a preview of the next 10 years. (Screaming)Only in theatres. Dig safe! Building a fence, planting trees, adding a sprinkler system? Click before you dig to have underground natural gas and electrical lines located. Safety, it's in your hands. ( ) The fact that this Reese's ad showed up at this exact moment proves that your devices are listening... to your stomach. ( ) ( ) ( ) Daisy Wild, The New Eau de Parfum, by Marc Jacobs. It's the time of the year to Get Gardening with Global News and St. Mary's Nursery and Garden Centers expert Horticulturist Carla Hrycyna. Will talk about the proper care to keep your plants happy and your landscaping looking its best. Get Gardening Mondays on Global News Morning. We're for the dreamers... The pilots... The drivers... The builders... Were for the imagination in all of us eliminator R.C. we sell fun. Toyota's electrified vehicles are for everyone. Every chauffeur. Snack connoisseur. Every scenery soaker. Practical joker. Every road tripper. Toe dipper. Every nine-to-fiver. Every long-driver. Starting over 20 years ago with the Prius, we now have the largest line-up of electrified vehicles in Canada. Because this journey belongs to everyone. The tri-hospital dream lottery summer bonus could make your dreams come true. Besides six incredible grand prize choices. The summer bonus brings you a chance to win one of two electric luxury vehicles Or 65 thousand dollars cash. Plus, the fifty-fifty draw just keeps growing. The summer bonus ticket deadline is midnight tonight. Go to try hospital dream dot com now in order your tickets. Don't miss out your dream of becoming a millionaire could come true. Let's all win together Spring cleaning, recycle old household cleaners insect and weed killers and used oil and gasoline in their original containers for free at any 4r Winnipeg Depot This Global program is brought to you in part by the True North Youth Foundation Flatlander's Beer Festival, June 7th and 8th. 's report will come back here's look outside of the cam those clouds continuing to slide in

rain to follow and today temperatures were actually fairly mild compared to where they have been but still below the average of 21 degrees for a high sunrise at 5:32 and sunset at 9:19. As we look across the country were on the boundary rain in calgary and I were married to the east. Montréal ottawa had the thirties yesterday today back to the mid-twenties. This is the upper low combining with some instability and an upper trough in saskatchewan to generate very late and potent area of low-pressure neck swayed by the middle of the week will see a return to sunshine and heat. All eyes tonight on a low pressure system building and from the dakotas and it will transition to that reign over the snow in parts of west man, and then we'll see that moisture finally taper off into the day on saturday. Waves of rain beginning overnight and into tomorrow as you're heading to work and school see some of the steadiest pockets pushing in the southwest will start to see some snow at the turtle mountain higher elevation areas writing up the national park as well and maybe even a swath including trans-canada. This will be very heavy and then into winnipeg area still heavy pockets of rain easing back to some lighter showers early in the day, and then as we work our way to the saturday morning still some lingering showers this will pull off as we take sunday maybe see some sunshine for the next round of clouds rolled in with a chance of showers. In these purple colours some rural areas for brandon could see 20 centimetres of snow just a few centimetres I don't think this will accumulate on the ground for a town except in the pockets because it will be falling on rain and it will quickly melt. He is once again that look at rainfall amount. 50 to 60 millimetres in general range expecting from ever sent to winnipeg more than winkler and gimli where that rainfall warning is in effect tonight and it will be coupled with more easily wins 30 gusting to 50 kilometres an hour staying strong through your entire friday even into saturday 30 gusting to 50 but from the west easing later on and then next week will see those winds pick up again. Probably tuesday into wednesday. From the north. Tonight down to 5 degrees winnipeg three and brandon for portage panama into northern ontario around kenora, 13 tomorrow afternoon thompson 11 and the norway house area a little but drier to the far north and then we had the wet weather and a single digit highs. Risk of white snow and deep water at five, brandon five as well. Six portage m. A debt as well as fisher branch, steady rain pain a lot might make 10, 13 and kenora, seven and gimli six common mortal winkler and nine in steinbach. Tomorrow winnipeg could see a months worth of rain in just one day 40 to 60 millimetres a high of eight. Lingering showers saturday a high of nine or 1017 on sunday some sun in the morning with clouds returning chance of a late day shower. Risk of more sprinkles monday at 16, by tuesday and we could be back to the twenties with some son. It's time now for your manitoba the ark clifford started off with this pelicans along the red river in selkirk. Our second shot taken of a cedar wax in the apple blossoms. Is not beatable. Cool feathers on that bird. Thank you for that one. You can e-mail your photos to us just send them to winnipeg global >> Announcer: your manitoba is brought to you by at lightning a lot of. Know your limit play within a. Speaking time for a glance at today's top business stories. [ ] >> I'm anne gaviola what topic highlights. Real estate secured lending and mortgages are among the top risks facing canada's financial system according to a new report. In its annual risk outlook the office of the superintendent of financial institutions says as homeowners renew their mortgages they potentially face a payment shock because of higher interest rates. The banking regulator says it expects the payment increases to lead to a higher incidence of residential mortgage loans falling into arrears or default. Td bank's second-quarter profit fell compared to the year ago as it was hit by cost related to investigation of the U.S. tide to the failure of its anti- money laundering programs. Td says it earned $2.56 billion for the quarter that ended april 30th that's down from 3.31 billion the same quarter last year. Revenue was up total more than 13.8 billion dollars. Canadians are feeling more financial stress than they worked two years ago. Despite the bank of canada's progress in bringing down annual inflation rates close to its 2 percent target. That's according to those your financial stress index from sp canada. 44 percent of respondents said money is the leading source of stress rising six percentage points from a similar polling two years ago. Higher grocery prices overall inflation and housing costs were the most common concerns. Westjet plans to sue --'s only introduce a new cheaper fare category for travel is willing to without a carry-on bag. Ceo says the new fare category

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