
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

appearance. On actually come down and spend time with them and see who actually is the best fit for you. >> Kevin: the next one he for hours is expected to be a white stretch. Rainfall warning is in effect for much of the southern part of the province and the province also issuing an overland flood warning for parts of southern manitoba. If you are a homeowner and you might to pull out your generator in case the power goes out. Is also a good idea to make sure your phone is charged before the rain starts. Also take a look at your backwater valve if your homeowner if you have sunk pink draining system and makes your gutters are clean as well and pointing away from your home. If you have not poured maintenance basement it's best if they're in plastic bins versus in a cardboard box or off the floor. Mike gold checks it is too early to tell of any specific area at the city is at risk of flooding. >> As a system starts to come through there might be some more information that becomes available on where exactly is tracking in those areas really good to look at the weather radar and to see where the storm is tracking and where maybe those intense hotspots are if there are any. >> Lisa: peter quinlan joins us tonight with a look at your forecast. It is going to be a wetland tomorrow do all the preparing you can the rain boots, the rain jackets. What else we need for tomorrow? >> Peter: maybe even a rain pants because that rain will be sideways. >> Lisa: all of the things. >> Peter: except for the umbrella I don't think that will work so well with the strong winds. Keep that in mind maybe even a rain hat if you want to keep your hair from going wide. Let's start you off with a look at the very latest. We began with the rainfall warning environment canada is issued for the city of winnipeg. Portage area steinbach and winkler as well, this is for 50 to 60 millimetres of rain expected by saturday afternoon. Most of this rain will fall tomorrow and we will also potentially see up to 60 kilometres an hour gusts what doesn't major low-pressure system building in. Localized flooding a possibility. Rain ramping up in a few hours the heaviest rain into the day tomorrow that rain risk will begin to the minutes as we head into saturday afternoon. Here's an early look at maps those models pinpointing pretty much exactly in that 50 to 60 millimetre range and on average in the month of may winnipeg sees about 50, -- bitty six millimetres of rain, were talking a month's worth of rain in just a day or so. Lots flooding deftly possible in some could even season what's no as for today it was a warm before the rainstorm as you can see we made it into the mid teens overnight tonight we are taking those temperatures down to 5 degrees, the rain ramping up in those early morning hours and at midnight tonight it is a 2024 tri- hospital dream lotteries summer bonus deadline had online for your latest tickets and to be eligible for some extra prizes. There's your wet day tomorrow. We are going to see temperatures suppressed as a result. >> It's time now. Camping forecast. As we head into the weekend 10 degrees and a white shell on saturday still some linking showers spirits which will be dried at 13, 14 for trudeau mountain. And 19 in saint mallow come sunday. 17 in the kenora area. 14 writing down. Your camping photo for tonight taking of a black bear riding mountain national park lucille thank you for that. >> Kevin: when gaming becomes competitive. Next on global news. At 10:00. We dig into the state Every time I open my eyes... I am still there. Your mom, your partner, your grandpa. Who are you walking for? Join the Alzheimer's Society for the ig Wealth Management. Walk for Alzheimer's and help support Manitoban Families living with dementia. Register now at Watch the Camping Forecast every Wednesday through Friday on Global News Morning and Global News at 10 p.m. Submit your camping photos to for a chance to have them featured. The Camping Forecast is brought to you by Transcona Trailer Sales Offering you the complete rv Experience. Tired of looking older than you feel? Are you wanting to look younger but are afraid of looking unnatural? Meet Emface. Emface is the only technology that builds back lost facial muscle while simultaneously building collagen and elastin. No needles. No toxins. No downtime. Totally natural results. Don't let aging change you. Change the way you age at Body Measure. music* ( ) Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be

glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus certain ingredients you might not. Summer Fridays, Merit, Amika, Phlur. Clean at Sephora, is only at Sephora. Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! She's dreaming to the max! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [ ] ALL:Let's see your voice! >> Announcer: here services for global news are provided by edward carrier. >> Kevin: welcome back it's often said children should limit the gaming time but it turns out there are some benefits to the point where some schools are now jumping on the competitive gaming bandwagon. >> Lisa: juice drawmak has more on educators trying to push all the right buttons. >> Don't get gigged. >> Reporter: video games and youth go hand-in-hand. And nasa manitoba schools schools are looking to catalyze on it and just. >> With competitive gaming or e. Sports becoming prominent in many schools across the country. Nicole teaches at winnipeg's alexander she was interested in starting in team for some time is starting small was apartment. >> A little nervous to get started and worried about being overwhelmed so I really kept a small this year my beta year. >> Although they started small the students turned out to be op, that's gamer slang for overpowered. As a group of them claimed provincial and national recognition for an escape route they designed and built within the game of mine. >> They were required as part of a team to incorporate their learning something in the current courses dice. So great it's like about civil civilizations, they build escape room built around eight in egypt. >> Kyle was part of that group for him games like mine craft allow him to explore his passions. >> I really think of the endless possibilities and how you can make it whatever you want. >> As students dreams are buildup they are finding bigger platforms. Melissa is a ceo for e. Sports canada her teem organizing the 2024 scholastic e. Sports expo taking place at red river college thursday and friday. She says with some structured structured and intentional guidance videogames are being used as a conduit to nurture students interests and help them develop other life skills. >> We can make intentional what we can turn things around and instead of just having it be a casual phase where they are no rules we are now introducing a lot of those concepts of traditional sports. >> Don't expect gamers to be putting down those controllers anytime soon. E. Sports canada estimates that 89 percent of canadian youth play video games daily. At this expo they are learning how to take that passion for games to the next level. Juice drawmak global news. >> Kevin: a popular arcade game usually played for fun will get a little serious this weekend and the province. This weekend is a first ever manitoba pinball championship. Taken place at the iceberg arcade that's just south of springfield road near the north entrance cone area. Echoes from friday to sunday. Pinball is actually been competitive and manitoba for a few years now, after the manitoba pinball league was formed in 2017. It was a leak started by david who says this weekend championship will feature five different events. >> We are having people come in from all over canada some of the best players in the country are going to be here and it's really a great opportunity to come out and meet some people. Place n pinball and have fun. >> Lisa: a major fundraiser is being launched to help renovate a historical church in winnipeg. Production company is presenting a radio play called journey to the centre of the earth. Money raised will help fix up westminster united church about a year and a half ago engineers and found some structural issues in the ceiling, the supports are collapsing and it could cost for million dollars for repairs. The doctor director of music at the church says profits from the show are going to help mitigate some of the costs of the repairs. According to them it's it is this a cub and has been for a long time. >> Many concerts have happened here over the course of westminster's life, the manitoba chamber of can call this place home for many years I know the university of manitoba requires often perform here, the winnipeg

music festival always did their concert productions, the choir part of their festival here as well. Westminister has been a very prominent artistic hub in winnipeg for a very long time. >> Kevin: we are being reminded to take care of our shelves repealing friends this world toward a day. Ducks unlimited canada says around this time of year female turtles make a migration to lay eggs. Commuters may soon be seeing the critters crossing roads. It adds with all eight of canada's native freshwater turtles species listed as at risk there is no better time to play it safe the organizations james patterson says one way to protect them is to watch for and help the critters cross in the direction they looked to be heading. >> It might look like it's headed in a direction that a turtle may be should not go it's not back towards water. But because typically this time of year they are females looking for a place to lay their eggs which has to be dry they may be moving into a forest or into a field. >> Lisa: a to get the court. >> Kevin: when we return why the U.S. justice department is filing an antitrust lawsuit fbi! Announcer: fbi, fbi: International andFBI: Most Wanted, only on Global. [ upbeat rock music ] [ ] ( ) Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus certain ingredients you might not. Summer Fridays, Merit, Amika, Phlur. Clean at Sephora, is only at Sephora. If you want to swim 12 months of the year, then you've got to have a swim spa. They're available in a variety of sizes, from 11 all the way up to 19ft. With r35 installation. They cost less to heat for a whole year than the traditional pool cost for just four months. And the best part is, if you move, you can take it with you. So if you like the idea of a refreshing dip on a hot summer's day or ringing in the New Year under the stars call Krevco Lifestyles, your Gotta Have Swim Spa Store. The Sounds of Summer Sale is on now at Visions Electronics! Incredible savings on amazing tech for outdoor entertainment TVs, speakers, car audio, and more! No Interest and No Payments Until 2026 Plus a chance to Win your purchase See all the deals atVisions dot ca Meet Dave. He's feeling the burn of summer. His ac has called it quits, leaving him in a sweaty predicament. Oh my goodness, Dave. What is going on here? Oh, hey babe. Just trying to stay cool. Have you called the ac guys? That's where Abundant Air steps in. They're the heroes Dave needs to beat the heat. With their expertise and speedy service, they'll have him chilling in no time. Here. Pants are back in style now, thanks to Abundant Air. The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. >> Kevin: the federal government is planning an important change to how those born outside the country and gain citizenship. >> Lisa: immigration minister mark miller has announced a new bell to reverse at 2009 rule preventing candians born overseas from passing on their citizenship to their kids. If they were also born abroad. Mckenzie gray explains the proposal and its potential impact. >> Reporter: a new move from ottawa to bring home so-called lost canadians. >> There's no doubt that canadian susan ship is highly valued and recognized around the world. We want a citizenship to be there accessible, with clear and transparent rules. >> Reporter: currently if someone is going to a canadian outside the country they cannot pass on their canadian passport to the child if that child was also born abroad. With the change citizenship could be passed along as long as their parents spent a total of three years in canada before their kid was born or adopted.

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