
CKND - Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

(grunts) Hadn't thought about that. Mm-hmm. But you do believe me, don't you? ("Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, Op.27" playing) Ah, ladies. You all look stunning. I still can't believe she's gone. I know, but she is. Oh, God. Okay. We're just here to pay our respects. Wendy was like a friend to me. WAGNER: And, in truth, Mr. Mason, we're closing in on the prime suspect. Oh. Oh, oh. I see. Well, took you long enough. So sorry I bothered you. I was just trying to find out the truth. I understand, Elsbeth Tascioni. Reality's my business. Let's go! Places, please! Tracy? Tracy. Hello, again. Oh, hi. You know, I wanted to ask you, are you absolutely sure that you met Skip at 9:00 on the night that Wendy died? Yes, I was only a couple of minutes late. That's what Skip said. I remember it so clearly. SKIP: Tracy! (snaps fingers) (Tracy sighs) Wendy. What can I say about Wendy? God, I loved that bitch. I always knew she had my back. Who's gonna have my back now? I know if Wendy were here, she would say... Katricia? (others murmuring) She looks great. It's filler. I know who killed Wendy. He almost killed me, too. Wh-What is she doing here? Who let her in? This came in the mail today. Wendy sent it before she died. Take a look. You all know her handwriting. Okay. Uh, we're gonna cut. Um, Katricia and I need a mic off. Her body looks great. Ugh. I need to get back to Pilates. (gasps) Oh, wait, that reminds me. I texted my Pilates instructor on my way to Skip that night. Really? Can you show me? Where is it? Ow. You're hurting me. Where is it? I'm not, I'm not mic'd, Skip. Then what do you want? I want people to know the truth about what you did to me. What good is that gonna do? Oh, no. I know you. You want back in. Okay. Come back. You can take Wendy's place. I thought I was bad TV. Oh, you were, but this little stunt shows that you've changed. I like that. Well, what about Wendy? She wanted justice. Oh, please, Wendy was just using you to blackmail me. And look what happened to her. Don't make the same mistake, Katricia. Is that a threat? You tell me. You're not as ridiculous as the others. And the truth is, you've always my favorite. So, what's it gonna be? You're gonna end up like Wendy? Smart lady. TRACY: (gasps) Oh, my God. I texted my Pilates instructor at 9:24, so I must've been much later meeting Skip. Honey, you're always late. He knew you would be. So, that means... SKIP: Katricia and I had a little talk, and we are all good. So... let's go again. Yes, hit it, Rudy. SKIP (on recording): Don't make the same mistake, Katricia. KATRICIA: Is that a threat? SKIP: You tell me. Wait, I don't understand what's happening. You're not as ridiculous as the others. And the truth is... Okay, turn that off.'ve always been my favorite. Rudy, stop. Turn it off. So, what's it gonna be? You're gonna end up like Wendy? Can you-- turn that off? I-I don't, I don't know what's going on. Look inside. Surprise. Rudy, the sound guy, helped me set that up. Apparently, you're not that fun to work for. No, but th-this is Wendy's handwriting. She sent me a 20% off coupon for a blender. But I'm not getting one, those things are dangerous. Mm. Take him away. You knew right away, didn't you? I guess reality is my business, too. I'm gonna need a new show to watch. Can I say, "Cut?" Captioning sponsored byCBS and Toyota. Captioned byMedia Access Group at

[ ] >> Kevin: cannot on global news at 10, changes to the 911 system as winnipeg moves from a two-tier to a five tier system. What it all means and what nonems organizations will be able to help with calls. >> Lisa: plus is about to get white in southern manitoba. The rain on the way and what homeowners should watch out for. >> Kevin: and a so-called lost canadians to have their citizenship rights stored. The move by ottawa to overturn a controversial move for more than a decade ago. [ ] > Announcer: you are watching global winnipeg. This is global news at 10. >> Lisa: good evening thank you for joining us. Changes are coming to the way crews respond to 911 calls in the city. And more organizations are getting involved. As a part of it. >> Kevin: iris takes us through the hook calls will now be prioritized and white part of the strategy is a first in the country. >> No 86 tonight, responding. >> There is no such thing as an average night for the winnipeg fire paramedic service. Between fire alarms, and medical calls. Wf psw chief scott says crews are stretched then. With a 17 percent increase and calls in the past two years. >> The patient is uncooperative for the patient is a miner in the patient literally can wander into traffic and is not risk themselves. We have to continue to help manage this until we can get them into safe place. >> Some calls need a listening ear. Instead of deafening silence. >> There is a vast majority of individuals that when they phone 911 they may not be for critical emergency or what people may feel the critical emergency there are traditionally used to. >> And now the wf bs dispatch accruals at the downtown community safety partnership and community safety team to low priority calls. Until recently calls to wf ps or triaged into two priorities. About three quarters of calls were classified as a priority one, emergencies like a heart attack or critical injury and license sciences ponce. >> Everything else was l'engle -- labelled priority to call. Under the new system there are five priorities. Deputy chief ryan says this change is better able to match each kind of call with an appropriate response. >> It's a party for an five and that's where we start thinking of other agencies that we can partner with and using our committee paramedic resources. >> Winnipeg is not the first city to move to vermont to coat the five system. Ottawa fire for... Has already seen positive results send that city made the switch in april. >> We moved from a blunt instrument that really had two categories, alone a high and the problem with the old system is it significantly over triaged calls. >> Winnipeg will be the first in canada to transfer calls to nonems organizations. >> The patients wanted to say this is what's going on, what do you think? Sometimes it requires someone to listen and answer some questions. >> The triaging system uses all wf ps patient data back to 20 call. To sort calls into the five priorities calls. The view fps medical director says the risk of scoring a high acuity call into the wrong tier is less than 1 percent. >> You can very accurately predict what the patient is going to look like when we arrive. And that means if dc sp is closest they will be the ones to respond. Saving the lights and sirens for life and death. >> The resource that is put back into the system allows us to respond in a timely fashion to those other emergencies. >> Wf ps is already introducing a five party system. Transferring some low acuity calls to the dc sp and early may. They plan to fully adopt the system over the next several months. Iris global news. >> Kevin: you heard in that story the downtown committee safety partnership is one of the organizations getting involved. Its executive director says if they aren't sent to a call that actually needs emergency help after all of. He will be able to identify it quickly. >> One of the things we give our teams is a first at eight training, they are in the position to do those quick assessments, that a number of cases here who've got unseen unable to advance the paramedics with the right information's. >> Winnipeg police are searching for a suspect after a brazen carjacking that involved a family still in the vehicle. Officers were called to the cbc headquarters on portage avenue on tuesday afternoon where they found a vehicle that had crashed into the building. Police believe a woman and her

teen were waiting in the vehicle while her husband was in a nearby store when a suspect got in the car and try to see a. Did not get far, crashing into the side of the building. And police say the man attacked a woman on the ground. She suffered only minor injuries and the 18-year-old was on her to. No suspects have been named, police are asking anyone with information to call the major crimes unit. >> Kevin: progressive conservatives have announced their candidate for the upcoming tuxedo by election. It's a family lawyer lawrence pinsky. Who will look to keep the tories and power in the riding after former mla heather step down earlier this year. She has three decades of legal experience and will look to keep the tuxedo seat blue, which it's been since it's inception in 1981. The ndp liberals, and green party have already announced candidates for the boats, which goes june 18th. The pcs won the season last fall's election, but by just 268 votes. >> Lisa: after some public outcry the provinces partially walked back up funding cuts to programming. That finds summer jobs for young people. On wednesday the minister responsible en announced that he is adding $300,000 to the green team program which helps nonprofit groups and municipalities hire young people in the summer. Last week several organizations across the province learned they did not receive the funding they usually get if any. And were concerned about the impact of programming. The manitoba camping association says it's unclear exactly what will happen with the announced funding, particularly as torrential politicians enter into a blackout period prior to an upcoming by election. Kim but that camping association says while at 300 grand is not a cure-all she is hopeful. >> It's sounding like a funding additional funding now open for green team is going to be some that will help camps were denied funding in that first intake. Were really hoping that they will come through with that. And that camps will feel supported and kill heard. Because it was such a cut and huge loss to the. >> The manitoba government is planning new rules for landlords who want to raise rents. Bill now before the legislature would set down a few conditions for landlords who want to raise one does not grant above the annual guidelines tide to inflation. Currently landlords can apply to residential tendencies director for a higher rent increase and make the argument. The bill would limit such applications to cases where landlords and face are sharp uprights and taxes, utilities and security because. Or where they invest in capital projects such as plumbing and heating. The bill would also give a residential tendencies director the power to order rent increases to be phased in over a number of years instead of taking a fact immediately. >> Kevin: many manitoba families have been benefiting from ten-dollar a day childcare for more than a year now. Certain families still do not qualify and there's a push to get that changed heading into the summer. Right now the fees are ten dollars a date for those with infinite, preschool caulk and a nursery school spaces, during regular full-time hours. It's different for school-age children and for those kids during in-service days and school holidays such as summer break the fees they remain the same as before. Nearly 21 bucks a day. The ndp government is set in their election campaign and they will change that to make it 10 bucks for all kids no matter what day. And they cannot comment on this today due to a blackout period with the upcoming by election in tuxedo coming up. Jody at the manitoba childcare association says summer break is approaching and they want some answers. >> Families will need to plan for the summer, they need to know how to budget for their summer. Those that were fortunate enough to have a space deserve to know. We've been hearing about this for the last nine months. >> Lisa: an update to a story we brought you about the winnipeg humane society rest going dozens of dogs from a home in richmond west. They started with 68 that were seized from the home last wednesday they now have 79. Because a couple of those dogs had puppies. Charges have now been laid under the responsible pet ownership bylaw the w. Hs tells us five dogs are now ready to be adopted. Manager of adoption services says support from the community has been astounding but is reminding perspective pet parents that while many mages have their sights set on dogs from this bunch, they were already over capacity before they came in. They have other pops in need of forever homes to. >> Maybe it is a small and cute but it's really suitable for you. You don't know. Maybe a big fluffy one might better to do because her personality is better. You never know. Do not focus too much on the

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