
CKND - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

>>> We will have a general election on the 4th of july. >> Reporter: the timing of this election call surprise many, as has his first big campaign announcement. >> We will introduce the bold bold new service for 18 -year-olds. >> Reporter: the finally teach teens choose between a year in the military or complete the weekends of community work across the air. The vast majority would do the latter. Cirnac claims it would help society and national security. The 16 -year-olds who can't vote yet could be among the first to be enrolled. Not a founder and tiktok in the morning at my parents are speaking about it. >> Reporter: what are your parents say? [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> My dad he sat reship rishi sunak's idea was good get but my mom to be my early to win, especially have a hearing but what is done with this now as well. I don't want him to win. >> At 64 years since britain has had national service, with the governing tories far behind in the polls, this could be seen as a hail mary pass to appeal to disillusioned voters. Is 80-year-old man remembers his uncle being called to serve pickens as this is a reflection of global instability. >> Certainly fought working up to find that the britain art goes british armed forces or not and you were near prepared to fight a war anywhere. >> Reporter: this former social worker believes it's purely election politics you have five negative gimmick. If you really cared about people's welfare you would invest properly in education. >>> The idea is far from unique in europe, among them are ireland and switzerland.

>>> With the U.S. justice department taking legal action to bring up ticketmaster and live-action there's live nation. Many say pension expect their tickets to drop in price picks. >> Many say won't affect the fans are a much in price, it will just change where you have to buy your ticket picks. >> Everyone hates ticketmaster because they think ticketmaster is setting concert prices which is not true. They are set by the artist on their manager in conjunction will promoter. Ticketmaster has nothing to do that. Only thing they do is add a fee which is usually something around 5% of the face value of the ticket which is how they make money. >> Reporter: ticketmaster, owned by live nation, currently control 70% of the ticket market new U.S. picnics in the lawsuit will not solve issues about service fees. Legal experts say may be a year before trial starts and then likely months of arguments and then an appeal at the judge orders a breakup of the companies. >>> Oscar-winning composer richard m. Sherman who wrote songs for classic disney films like mary poppins, has passed away. [ ] [ Singing ] >>> In the statement released by disney, sherman passed away due to age-related illness in los angeles on saturday. Sherman and his brother robert won two oscars in 1965 for their work on mary poppins. Blood to those legendary musical force was behind 200 songs and 27 disney songs and has 120 witch countless awards for their work picks sherman has been called one of the most prolific lyricists in family entertainment. The funeral will be held may 31st in california. Sherman was 95 years old. >>> The death toll is rising after a series of powerful storms ripped across the southern U.S. suspected tornado struck communities in texas, oklahoma and arkansas. Forecasters morning there could be more disruptive weather still to come. Heather yourex-west has the latest. [ Siren Wails ] >> Reporter: across three states, a series of powerful weekend storms have cut a path of destruction and death. >> Is like a punch to the stomach really, it's my community. I know people live here and work here, I see them everyday. >> Reporter: a super shelf I rubbed it saturday night and by mourning it stretched across two counties. Seven people, including two children or among the dead and state. Officials say at least 20 others have been injured. >> We ran up under the stairs and in the little bathroom than went boom like we are hit by lightning or something on new could hear the whistling it was scary was the worst I've ever experienced. >> Damaged homes and treason into communities east of tulsa. Baseball -sized hail was also reported. Two people were killed in the storm that rolled in quickly on sunday morning. >> I'm so trying to process that bears everything to work for all these years is gone. She got me out in a minute. Make us immediately broke and hit that tree. >> Part of arkansas were hit to. And at least one person is confirmed dead in parts of the state are still without power. They come from severe wet weather systems and deadly tornadoes throughout the recent speak making 2241 of the worst spring seasons and at least five years with more severe weather in the forecast before the american memorial day weekend is through. Heather yourex-west, global news, calgary. >> Miranda: the city of winnipeg says it's filled more than 9000 potholes. >> Announcer: your city, your news ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at Your mouth, yourteeth and your gums areamong your most valuable assets, help chew and digestfood, talk and speak clearly. And of course, providing a healthy smile. When taken care of, they can last you a lifetime. So doesn't your mouth deserve the best possible care?

The Manitoba Dental Association is the regulatory body for Manitoba dentists and registered dental assistants. We care aboutyou and your oral health. Watch out! Contact with overhead powerlines and poles is a safety hazard. know the height, and width of your equipment and choose a safe route. Safety it's in your hands. Lightning Lotto! Hey, what's that? Oh that's Lightning Lotto, it's our newest instant win game. Hmmm... Jackpot starts at $100k, grows with every ticket sold. Get me one of them. - Yeah? - Yeah Alright. [thunder and lighting] ( ) Next! Whoa, I'm rich! Lightning Lotto! -Think fast!-Dad! (Announcer speaks wordson screen) >> Announcer: the newscast that's more than just news of the day canadian screen award-winning global national dawna friesen nighttime global. [ ] >> Noor: we are looking at mostly dry conditions free day tomorrow, although there is a chance of showers in the morning and parts of the afternoon as well, with cooler temperatures under cloud cover and the winds from the north, northwest at 16 or 17° for your hike today, 18° though in terms of the hyper- winnipeg. 15° in future branch. A tad bit cooler in grand rapids. It was a big change in comparison to what was on the past few days a lot of us and to the single digits in southern and that that will kick some early morning snow for sun like an dolphin and brandon. For the past few days we are slowly getting warmer across the prairies in the next few days as we and dissipate the arrival of summer, less than weekly guys, 12 in vancouver under cloudy conditions and rain. And a lot of warmness in southern ontario, southwestern ontario in southern québec namely that they are headed for some severe weather. We had active weather of our own, in saskatchewan pushing into manitoba over the past two years, we don't expect this to be severe, and things will certainly die down by tomorrow morning, light rain for communities in the southeast, with areas in morden and winkler as well, as well as early morning rain. And things will start to turn into showers in them or afternoon, with many communities in seven parts of the province. And we will die up trap by the evening. Starting up tuesday seven manitoba, parts of the central region as well, as the day progresses get a chance to see the sun more and more an overall heading towards wednesday a gorgeous day. And as we get to high pressure systems here. And we do have some rain pushing up in the north. However, 4° tonight in grand rapids and thompson like. Approaching the double degree marked down in stan or steinbeck. Tomorrow, midteens for a lot of us in southern manitoba by wednesday. And the two sweet spot, 22° with a lot of sunshine in the wet weather rules and, was thursday a chance of showers and a lot of wind, taking us and friday as well. Was saturday still in warm temperatures. Was that chance of showers and 22° for your high. [ ] >> Salima: still to come, a hit trip around canada, and artist created all: Let's see your voice! It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at (Upbeat music) When you're performing at your best, it's hard to imagine anything holding you back. ( ) But performance inhibiting deposits restrict your engine's performance, robbing it of its true potential. Don't let anything stand between you and performing at your best. New and improved Shell V-Power Nitro+Premium Gasoline. Performance unbound. (Shell mnemonic)

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