
CKND - Sunday, May 26, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #1

[yelping] [screeching] -[horns honking] -[sirens wailing] [screeching]

[ ] >>> Stronger together. >> We have to give more thought to people who can't come to some environments. >>> The journey to a more accessible future, bringing together indigenous communities and disability organizations to affect change. >>> And a barrage of rockets is launched as aid trucks are allowed into gaza. >> Announcer: you're watching global winnipeg. This is global news at 10:00 pm. >>> Good evening and thank you for joining us. Local indigenous groups are taking new steps to ensure ceremonies are made more accessible to those living with disabilities. Tonight catherine dorian looks theirs gives us a closer look at efforts beginning with the full moon ceremony. >>> This week marks national accessibility week back in those coding the forks celebrating the occasion with this week's full moon ceremony. >> We have to give more thought to those people that can't come to some of our events, come to mixers at certain times, because we don't allow the -- make those allowances. >> Reporter: the full moon partner is a collaboration between multiple indigenous groups and community organizations and has brought in a new partnership with the manitoba legal persons with disabilities. Executive director melissa graham says they will be working together to make events like this more accessible scheme at the point of the event is just to start the journey of combining indigenous committees and organizations and disability communities and organizations in building those relationships together. >> Reporter: with guidance from... The group will hold ceremonies in accessible venues and bring into ports a gaia cell interpreters. Melanie marsden, who is visually impaired is is is a critical shift in attitude that will help people feel more included. >> It will ensure that I the support that I need in a sacred ceremony. >> Reporter: this was filming was prohibited, but it's a celebration of indigenous identity and a chance for spiritual healing and hope this will open the door for more people with disabilities to participate. >> I encourage people to take the time, because if you know someone in your community that might have various gifts and abilities, to show them to apostate address power or how to do a round dance. Catherine door aniin, global news.

>>> Cystic fibrosis manitoba was chapter hosted the walk to make cf history today. The event that woodhaven park community club aimed to raise funds for cystic fibrosis support and care. It was launched in 2005 in the walk takes place in more than 40 communities across the country. It raises funds in support of cf. Canada's work to lengthen the lives of 4400 canadians who live with this condition. They see taking part in this walk is crucial for awareness. >> These walks are often the only opportunity that members of our community have to get together, because they live all of crossman castle we are delighted, because it is like a family reunion brings us together in the spirit of community. >> 's only event were multiple people in cf can come together. And celebrate how long shall far we have come. >> Reporter: crews were called to a two-story building fire overnight and 100 block of notre dame street just before 1:00. One resident was looked over by paramedics but did not need to be taken to hospital. Firefighters brought the blaze under control within an hour. Early investigations suggest it may have been caused by an electrical malfunction. No serious injuries were reported. >> To people from winnipeg are facing charges after being caught was a stolen vehicle yesterday. Winnipeg police were contacted just before 5:00 pm. Hours later, the victim tracked the stolen suv to a parking lot on the 1500 block of regent avenue. Both suspects fled on foot before police arrived, but they were coloured quickly caught and arrested without incident. The male suspect was found to have about $1300 worth of stolen property from nearby stores, along with fake ids. Officers recovered the vehicle and returned the stolen property to the rightful owners, at 38-year-old man is facing multiple theft charges and has been detained in custody. 29-year-old woman was also charged with possession of stolen property and was released with an appearance notice. Suspects and victim were not previously known to one another.

>>> Time now for our first check on whether, with more and what you can anticipate. Let's bring in our weather specialist. >> Noor: thank you very much. It was a gorgeous start to our day in many parts of southern manitoba. And that is where we saw a lot of sunshine earlier today. But the more you had north, the less bright it was. With all of this cloud cover. And we did have some clouds start to roll in late in the afternoon for southern communities. And that, along with some showers in the past few hours, brings thunderstorms towards the southwest. On those are saskatchewan and north dakota as well. We are not worried about whether those thunderstorms will get severe or not. But chances are that they will not. We are seeing weather advisories for saskatchewan and alberta, and a few hours ago for potential for funnel cloud formations put in for a lot of us manitoba, temperatures have been warmer today, but still, humidity at bay. And also the winds have been mostly calm and that is a good thing, as we head through the overnight. You can see periods of heavy rain through 3:00 am in some communities. And heading into tomorrow morning, it will get a little bit on the lighter side toward the southeast, and the rest of your day, a little bit of shower activity heading through the afternoon and evening on monday. So expect 8° for that low. And to come tomorrow mainly cloudy conditions. In the morning the afternoon. And the tempter is cooler, with a hive about 17°. >> Salima: thank you so much. For the first time in four months, air raid sirens sounded in tel aviv, sending israelis grumbling for cover. Thomas launched at least eight long-range rockets, several were intercepted and no one was hurt. Israel wants his own airstrike on iraq, target there's claiming is targeting a compound holding hamas militants and that it successfully illuminated to hamas senior leaders. David aiken has more.

>>> For the first time in four month, air raid sirens sounded in tel aviv, residents scrambling for cover. This video, released by hamas, shows the missiles leaving gaza and the israeli army says they will launch roughly, from site where israeli forces there's less than a kilometre from when israeli forces were setting. >> Must want these rockets from near two mosques and rafah. Thomas has been attacking israel from wrong foot. >>> One person was injured seeking shelter from the attack and damage was otherwise minor. This house in central israel was damaged by shrapnel. But still, it was a demonstration that even after seven months of fighting hamas still has significant weapons. Meanwhile, israel allowed around 208 trucks to the cream showroom crossing, bypassing the main ruffle crossing that has been waiting for six weeks. But some of the food is been waiting so long across, is starting to rot. And on the diplomatic front, norway's foreign minister presented the print palestinian prime minister muhammad off with papers confirming norway's recognition of the state of palestine. Mustapha use this opportunity to repeat calls for an end to the war picks. >> I think it is time to go beyond condemning actions and requesting israel to stop the war in gaza. I think that we need to demand a cease-fire picks. >> With a rocket attack makes a cease-fire much less likely. One part premier stern and yahoo's cabinet army to hit roughly even harder. David aiken, global news. [ ] >> Salima: after the break, election promise. In the uk, rishi sunak announces plun Closed captioning is brought to you by Capital Lincoln Sales Inc. 555 Empress Street, across from the Polo Park Mall. Come and take a look and see what we got. Summer fun... M-hmm. ...kicks off. Odie, you'd think he'd see that coming. Now playing in theaters. [ding] It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! (Upbeat music) I've been around cows for as long as I can remember. You work with cows long enough, you see they have personalities. There's Ember, she's the prettiest by far... and she knows it. Halo is so sweet. And everybody gets a kick out of Valina. She's so small but she has the biggest attitude. [cow moo] ( ) They're the reason everything I do is all from a good place. ( ) [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance When it feels like...all that's left is “work hard”.. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. After britain's prime minister rishi sunak triggered an election, momentum is not getting any better conservatives they are feeling more than 20 points behind the rival labour party in opinion polls. Can help students has he will bring the mandatory national service that reelected next month. The plan involves 18 -year-olds choosing either to enlist in the military or perform community work. Of the proposal could remain just that. If sue next political fortunes don't improve mentioned it has more.

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