
CKND - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #3

late next week to see some more wet weather it roll and that will mean also some windy conditions. That will not be until thursday. Expecting gorgeous conditions by wednesday, temperatures on the climb as well and we see those strong winds, 22 degrees for friday under some showers, drying out by saturday 21 degrees. [ ] >> Still to come growing up some change. California coffee shop is slipping up fbi! Announcer: fbi, fbi: International andFBI: Most Wanted, only on Global. Hi, I'm Don Gaultier. I'm Shannon Gaultier, and we're Manitoba Egg farmers. Without the hen you have nothing. We have a huge responsibility to look after these animals. Every morning, I get a report sent to me that was taken from the previous day. So if ever there was an issue or a hiccup, I would know it even before I came to the barn. As soon as you walk in the barn, you can tell it's just kind of a nice humming sound. You can tell they're happy and everybody's content and doing their thing. We're egg farmers, we love what we do. Your mouth, yourteeth and your gums areamong your most valuable assets, help chew and digestfood, talk and speak clearly. And of course, providing a healthy smile. When taken care of, they can last you a lifetime. So doesn't your mouth deserve the best possible care? The Manitoba Dental Association is the regulatory body for Manitoba dentists and registered dental assistants. We care aboutyou and your oral health. [muffled noise] ( ) When my hearing changed, HearingLife understood. ( ) I don't just want to keep hearing my customers. I want to keep being me. Book a free hearing test with one of our hearing professionals and see how our personalized care can help you - keep being you. Love your ears at HearingLife. Closed captioning for this global program is brought to you in part by Access Credit Union. Get a mortgage with more flexibility, options and solutions. Visit access mortgage. Visit Sprung before we leave you a copy shop in los angeles road up a unique business plan built on female empowerment. Laureate shows us how the company roots started in mexico and ended up in southern california. >> Every been for la's copy is roasted slowly and scientifically. >> Knowing one to pour steam and went to poor smoke. >> The owner and says what makes them all the sweeter is where they come from. >> Women make up 70 percent of that manual labour on this coffee farm, that are far less represented as decision-makers as owners. And a lot of that is its and their husband's name, and their father's names. >> This is in the state in mexico. With a source sustainable women on farm like that's on. Formally and international human rights lawyer and 2020 she decided to take her advocacy in a different direction. >> Women's rights is so important to so many people and has not really, people don't know how to help. I think having companies are able to let customers make it an impact just by drinking a cup of coffee which are going to drink anyway choosing brands that align with your values I think really that important. >> One copy scenes are lodged they were the only roster in the country's sourcing exclusively from women-owned firms. And remain the only one focused on women's empowerment a percentage of every sale goes to supporting women's nonprofits around the world. And there's another female figure they support. Mother earth. >> We wanted everything to be sustainable, we have a solar and all the materials we use. >> They use 100 percent renewable energy. As does its roastery. Its agreement women lead women ground cup of joe. >> You can actually deliver not just a cup of coffee but deliver a message with that cup of coffee, I find that supercool. >> You can find the copy and events and cafés around los angeles or online. Laurie cbs news los angeles. >> Who does not love a strong cup of coffee and a big shot of positivity. Thank you so much for being with us tonight as always log on to global for the latest news and information anytime and you can also find us on the global tv app have yourselves a great night. [ ]

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with their family. [son] I have no understanding what that part of Dad's life would have been like. It nags at you. [Narrator] During both World Wars... generations made extraordinary sacrifices that impact who we are today. How did he enlist? [Narrator] Many of their stories have been forgotten, or never told. It's crucial that all our generations know what happened. [Narrator]Now, their descendants are on a mission... uncover the incredible truth of their family history... This is unreal. Oh, my gosh. ...that's been hidden until now. My name is Jillian Gallant. My great-grandaunt was Rena McLean. She was a nurse in the First World War. Rena really was a pioneer for her time. She was one of the first women to be in the front lines. After a number of years in Europe, she was assigned to theLlandovery Castle-- which was a hospital ship-- bringing wounded soldiers back to Canada. On their way back to Europe... [blast roars] ...they were torpedoed by a German submarine. She went down with the ship. The sinking was huge news. This was one of the seven atrocities of the First World War. You hear lots of war stories of soldiers and the big battles. But growing up, I had never even considered that nurses could die during the war. [ ] [Jillian] Birdie! Come here. [Birdie barks] Would you put her off the table? Birdie! Birdie. Sit. [smooch] [Peter] Birdie, come here. Come here. [Lynn] She fell into Andy's pit water today-- -Oh, ho, ho! -...So there's that. [hearty laughter] [Jillian] So, my parents-- Peter and Lynn Townsend-- are potato farmers. Very traditional P.E.I. role. I'm sure when people think of the Maritimes, they just assume we're all potato farmers, fiddling, playing lobster-fishers. That is true! [laughing] Remember my Heritage Fair project? -Yeah? -All right. Grade six, yeah. [laughing] [Jillian] In grade six, I had to research Rena's story. This is TheHalifax Herald. "Hospital ship which sailed from Halifax torpedoed off Ireland." They used the sinking to motivate the soldiers that were still fighting. "Look what they did to our nurses." Her story affected people greatly. Ottawa, Halifax... everybody's talking about this-- front page. When I did this project... ...I dove into the part of the story that was focused on the sinking... ...and I never considered Rena, the person. I just knew that Rena had gone over to Europe. So, 1917, I have "with my pal in Salonika." She'd been a big part of setting up the hospitals. I wonder if some of your work on this is part of why you ended up a nurse? Yeah. So I've been a registered nurse since 2010. Primarily, I treat veterans and RCMP with PTSD. It's really prompted me to know more about her time in service. Like, what did that really mean-- to be deployed overseas, like, during wartime? This is my favourite picture. [Peter] That's a great picture. It is a nice picture. [Jillian] I'd like to know more about the Rena behind this photo. What kind of nurse was she? I had forgotten that you did this much work in-in the project. [Jillian] This story's always been important to my dad. It's his family story, so my father and I are going to take this journey together, to learn more about Rena. I really want for him to know that the story is gonna live on. [ ] I'm Jakob. My great-great-aunt was Anne Hereford. [chuckles] What do I know about Anne Hereford? Very little! I believe... during World War II, she was working on some very secret, highly-classified things. I would really like to know what she did. [Narrator] Jakob has arrived in Anne's hometown of Ottawa, Ontario to reunite with her daughter, May. [gasping] -Oh, my! -[laughs] Yeah. [chuckling warmly] Oh, boy! I'll give you a hug. [May] Oh! [exhales] It has been a few years. It has. Yeah. And I'd love to know what you've been doing.

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