
CKND - Saturday, May 25, 2024 - 11:00 p.m. (ET) - Segment #2

It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! (Baby crying) ( ) Waiting for the break of day (Grinding) (Splash) (Giggling) Wanting just to stay awake Mm! ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at When it feels like all that's left is “work hard”. It's time to play again. Easily find your next favorite game with Free casino games, Poker tips and Sports odds. Make a play. -Think fast!-Dad! (Announcer speaks wordson screen) sprung hundreds of millions of people across south asia are grappling with the prolonged intent on dangerous heat wave. In india people are trying to stay hydrated in the near 50-degree heat. That heat is also making life unbearable across much of pakistan. South asia is no stranger to high temperatures as eric sorensen reports extreme weather field by climate change is testing the boundaries of what people can tolerate. >> Reporter: it is a hot wind that blows and pakistan sometimes called the hottest city on earth. The temperature forecast near 50 celsius about 120 degrees fahrenheit. It's like the desert only people live here. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> It's very hot he says. We are without power many hours of the day. And the other city 11 million people are sweltering under increase in leandra c. Work goes on but doctors warn of heatstroke and other health issues. [ Speaking Alternate Language ] >> I soap this cloth on my head I drink water artwork earlier in the morning so this worker. This month says that he is so intense yes to come inside after 10 minutes. They must work so these labourers to be their families. That are constantly is extreme heat but not as. Spent 46 degrees. >> Temperatures in the mid-40 are six to 8 degrees higher than usual it says this meteorologist, and no rain is forecast so it will remain hot. One climate scientists scientists as areas of south asia and southeast asia are experiencing a new normal. Where periods of extreme heat and humidity may be uninhabitable. >> The intensity of the long period of hot weather I think we'll have to make sure that people know about the risk. >> In india the drought is using up a groundwater that could cause persistent crop failures. A potential disaster for a country so dependent on farming. >> Increasing temperatures lead to more ground respiration and lack of ground availability. The frequency and the intensity of these droughts is supports to increase. >> Back in pakistan the government in his closing schools this week. Everyone is suffering said the shopkeeper. Especially children and a sink. Health officials say people should stay inside and not travel as millions who do will took a b. To global warming must ride out extreme heat waves that are likely to get worse with climate change. Eric sorensen global news toronto. >> Italy had announced it will resume funding for the united national policy and relief organization on rocky arc as part of a 35 million euro aid package. Italian foreign minister antonio making the commitment during a meeting with palestinian prime minister mohammad mustapha p. Arc and telling prime minister george says italy supports efforts towards a sustainable cease-fire in gaza, along with the release of the israeli hostages. 5 million euros were reportedly going to the projects the remainder being sent it to its food for gaza. Italy was one of a number of countries to blockade to the organization following accusations that some staff members were involved in the october 7th hamas attack. Hundreds are feared dead after a landslide and struck a remote area of new gangway. The entire side of the mountain came down early friday morning. Burying an unknown number of people and homes. There is now a frantic search for survivors and the impact and villages. Local media is reporting that somebody's had been recovered and at the death toll is expected to rise. Significantly.

>>> At least two people are dead and over 20 others are injured after a russian strike had the ukrainian city of kharkiv on saturday. Officials in the region say a market in a residential area of the city had been hit. Triggering a massive fire. Emergency services attended the scene to battle and contain a place. Aziz mayor says mayor says many people are still unaccounted for and gave no immediate figures. Officials also added that up to 200 people could have been at the market at the time. >>> Voters in india turned out and waves to cast their ballots in the sixth phase of the world's largest election on saturday. More than 111 million people and 58 constituencies are eligible to vote in the most recent phase. Prime minister modi is currently the favourite to win a third consecutive term. Voting for the national elections began on april 19th and will conclude on june 1st. >>> It's been four years since the death of a george floyd, it was on this day in 2020 that a white police officer derek kneeled on his neck for more than nine minutes. The encounter was caught on video and seen it by millions. Sparking outrage and international protest. Calling for change. The mayor of minneapolis released a statement this morning marking the anniversary. Saying that since his death we have consistently worked together as a city and as a community in the name of change. It was set forth on a journey to reshape policing not just for minneapolis for the entire nation. >>> An italian teenager who died of leukemia in 2006 is set to become the first saint of the millennial generation. He was a computer prodigy who earned the nickname god's influencer while using his skills to spread awareness the catholic faith. Pope francis has officially recognized the second miracle a beaded to him after he reportedly healed a girl with head trauma in costa rica. The teen was first declared blessed by the church in 2020, after witnesses said he carried a brazilian boy with a birth defect in his pancreas. Heat acknowledgement of a second miracle means he can now officially be elevated to sainthood. However, the vatican did not say when this will happen.

>>> Alec baldwin's motion to dismiss the rust shooting trial has been denied. A judge on friday rejected a motion to dismiss the case after she heard arguments from baldwin's lawyers and prosecutors. That now means alec baldwin will stand trial for the involuntary manslaughter charge of 2021 shooting on the set of rust p. Arc baldwin who has pleaded not guilty is set to go on trial in july. The charge of involuntary manslaughter carries a maximum prison sentence of 18 months if found guilty. [ ] >> American rapper nicki minaj has allegedly run afoul of drug laws in the netherlands. She was detained for hours at the airport en route to a performance in manchester. She was held on suspicion of exiting the country when the world's most progressive in the world on drug laws, marijuana in her luggage. >> Announcer: local first. >> Visit at winnipeg says it's failed more than 9000 potholed. >> Our city spent a budget that increases property taxes. >> Your news. >> Winnipeg's first match This Global program is brought to you in part by the True North Youth Foundation Flatlander's Beer Festival, June 7th and 8th. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at Abel: Hi, I'm Abel. Mom: I often forget to mention that he's an amputee because Abel will try any activity he can. Abel: My arm helps me with basically everything! Mom: He doesn't see what he can't do, he sees what he can do. Abel: Yeah, this is helping. Mom: The War Amps has just given him the ability to do all the activities every kid can do. Abel: When youdonate to The War Amps, you help kidslike me. Thank you! We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) ANNOUNCER:9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. >> I'm dawna friesen in a month george and was planned abroad. Touching off the most fierce fighting. >> It's a fragile truth. Dawna friesen in iraq. Moscow, pakistan. I'm dawna friesen ahead on global national. [ ] >> Noor: 18 degrees fear sunday and winnipeg. It will be a gorgeous date for much of the morning into the afternoon as well cloud overhead and into the early evening. Showers will also rolling today. Highs very much lagging behind. Surprise we got to see the double digits in winnipeg also in st. Andrews. Before the most part another cool day temperatures have not been on par with the seasonal things. Things are changing and the prairies we will start to see those temperatures pick right back up for seasonal, a lot of relief today once again in other parts of central canada and into the east, temperatures have been closer to seasonal but most importantly its banquet feeling closer to what the thermostat is measuring. That's good news we needed some relief in those parts of the country. From the hot and muggy air. For us in manitoba not expecting a tempting. When the temperatures start to climb tomorrow, for the most part here is the rain early tomorrow morning towards flin flon, will start to see things got on the heady side in the late evening slash the overnight. This is more so it toward the emerson reasonable. And as we head into your monday it will be mostly showers on and off for much of the day in southern manitoba island lake still seeing some light rain as well, for tuesday looking better and better, as we start the day off mainly sunny, swan river, dauphin and the brandon kings will slowly catch up in the southeastern portions of the province. We are expecting as we head into

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