
CKND - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #10

february behind our property on -- along main street there. The furniture store and the three shops there in a row. That rubble has yet to be attended to as well. It is actually the view of our very back deck so that's one of the reasons we want to stay and be part of making things better because we can see the potential that this neighbourhood has but it takes a little bit of work to get there sometimes. >> Clay: levels of governments seem to think there's potential here because they're allocating money to look at a long-term strategy. What do you think of that? >> We're pretty pumped to have a secondary plan being considered or putting -- being put in place in the neighbourhood. It's going to get everybody thinking and everybody excited about what improvements we could come up with to offer for our neighbourhood and hopefully with this consultation it's going to turn into a plan that we can all agree upon and our neighbourhood can move in that direction. >> Clay: perfect. Thank you so much. >> Yeah, thank you, clay. >> Gabrielle: this week marks national accessibility week and with it local indigenous groups are bringing in new measures to make ceremony more accessible for people with disabilities. The full moon partners brought in a new partnership with the manitoba league of persons with disabilities. They hosted a full moon ceremony this weekend. The group will hold ceremonies in accessible venues going forward, bring in supports like asl interpreters. Melanie marsden who is visually impaired says it's a crucial shift in attitude and hopes it will encourage more people to participate. >> People are open to ensuring that I have the supports that I need in a sacred ceremony. >> You have to give more thought to those people that can't come to some of our events. Can't come and be with us at certain times because we don't make those allowances. [ ] >> Gabrielle: we're coming off a bit of a soggy weekend at times. Maybe not the best one for the gardeners out there, although your grass might be looking mighty grown this morning. Let's bring in moses canales-lavigne with your monday update for weather. >> Moses: good morning, gabby. Good morning, everyone. You can see on the hd sky cam looking sunny but cloudy as well and there's been our theme so far this monday morning. Mainly cloudy conditions. Our temperature hasn't changed from when the show started. We're at plus 9 and a light breeze still going from the north at seven kilometres an hour. You can see from the current temperatures elsewhere, portage, brandon, also starting off at plus 9. A little warmer in gimli, sprague and morden, winkler at 10. Swan river at 6. Gimli is at 12. We're looking pretty cloudy conditions across the province today including around winnipeg, portage, brandon, morden, winkler, 17 with that rain. Sprague, kenora, 16 be a light rain shower. You can see that in the 8:00 hour some rain up in northeastern manitoba. A bit in the western side of the province, too. But it's coming up this afternoon we'll see the rain scatter across central, southern manitoba including winnipeg. Here at lunchtime and northwestern ontario looking at rain today and tonight as well. Heading into tomorrow morning, cloudy start for winnipeg. We're going get set for sunshine to end our day and wednesday morning, oh, boy, nice and sunny in the winnipeg area. A cloudy start in winnipeg. Part of the ok tire traffic report. Showing you sterling line and keniston and portage and notre dame. A look at gas prices right now. Co-op and petro canada representing 1.44 for regular. The average is 140 for regular. For the closures today, three new ones to talk about. Lorette avenue and blenhiem and weatherdon. >> Gabrielle: tragedy in papua new guinea as more than 2,000 people are feared dead in the wake of (Announcer says words on screen) ( ) Surprise! I've got Summer Fridays Masks for everyone. On my day, my besties will be glowing mama. It's this Merit. Does lips, does cheeks, I've got it on both shiny and soft? I know, right? Did you cheat on me? (Gasp!) Girl, no. It's Amika and it's Clean at Sephora. Brands like Phlur have everything you want minus

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big campaign announcement. >> A bold new model. >> The plan would see teens choose between a year in the military or complete 12 weekends of community work across a year. The vast majority would do the latter. Sunak claims it would help society and national security. These 16-year-olds who can't vote yet could be among the first be enrolled. >> I found out on tiktok in the morning and my parents were speaking about it. >> Wht are your parents saying? >> My dad, he fought sunak. >> I don't sunak to win. Especially after hearing what he's done with this now as well, I don't want him to win. >> It's 64 years since britain has had national service but with the governing tories far behind in the polls this could be seen as a hail mary pass to appeal to disillusioned voters. 80-year-old peter lions remembers his uncle being called up to serve. He says the plan is a reflection of global instability. >> The british armed forces are not anywhere near prepared to fight a war anywhere. >> Former social worker steve outerson believes it's pure election politics. >> I think it's a gimmick. Never see the light of day. Just clutching at straws. If you really care about young peoples' welfare you would invest properly in education. >> The idea is far from unique in europe. Many peaceful nations have forms of mandatory military service. Among them, denmark, finland and switzerland. >> Antony: the leaders of south korea, china and japan met to continue discussions about a trilateral free trade agreement. Talks started in 2012 however been stalled since 2019. The three countries reaffirmed their commitment to keeping markets open and avoiding supply chain disruptions. The agreement will encompass areas of trade including good, service, customs and e-commerce and they also say they will strive to hold similar trilateral summits on a more regular basis. Some good news for residents of fort nelson, british columbia. Evacuees are being allowed to return home this morning after wildfires forced them to leave. >> The concern for the next cup of days is for the chance of thunderstorms developing in the area. >> Antony: however, 250,000 hectares are burning in the b.c peace region in the north ease part of the province including the patry creek fire and the parker lake fires burning near fort st. John. 130 firefighters, 11 pieces of heavy equipment and 19 helicopters are battling the blaze. Residents have been away from fort nelson since may 10th. The mayor says services in the cmmunity have been restored. Well, thousands of lucky picnickers enjoyed free delicacies prepared by some of the top chefs in paris sunday while dining alfresco on the champs-elysees. That's what's making national and international news nor this monday may 27th. You're watching "global news morning." we'll be right back. 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. (lively rock music) - [Announcer] At Windeck, we're passionate about building sexy decks and transforming your outdoor project or backyard space. With an award-winning and internationally recognized design and build team on your side, let us show you how we are changing the game in outdoor living spaces. Visit our showroom to discover the incredible products Windeck has to offer and make your backyard dreams come true. Do it once. Do it right with Windeck.

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