
CKND - Monday, May 27, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #9

coming up here later on. >> Still quite short of the normal high we get to this time of year which is about 22°. You can see that light rain shower coming up around lunchtime definitely looking at rain in the north eastern chunk of manitoba later on today. Getting set for a little bit of cloud coverage to start our day off tomorrow morning. Folks the temperatures will get warmer as the week progresses. As for the winds, staying a little breezy today and tomorrow. We will see the winds at the strongest coming up later on this week. That will be wednesday, thursday. Pollen report total pollen is at a high level [ ] >> Announcer: this global news pollen report is brought to you by reactin. >> Gabrielle: time for one of our favourite segments. Bringing in cjob cohost. Good morning greg. Monitoring this fire rment arlington and logan. >> The fire continues as 6:30, 7 o'clock this morning. Fire crews have been on the scene since about 5 o'clock this morning. One of a handful of fires in the city overnight as we learned as clay young of course is live on location at that fire. It is a ware house as we understand that is adjacent to a retail operation that many people in winnipeg might be familiar with. Not naming that retailer. We want to clarify that. It was quite the view that we had the fire going back looking west that logan and arlington area. Winnipeg facing another fire. It something that seems to be a real part of our community right now. It is quite bothersome whether it be in a vacant building, an abandoned home or a business that is a big part of the community. >> Gabrielle: clay young will be checking in with him shortly. We have about 2 minutes left here. We want to talk about the jets's new bench boss. >> Reporter: scot orneil. This is a surprise to probably nobody that follows the jets in any way shape or form. When he was brought in to be rick bowness assistant coach. There was a couple of times when he filled in when bowness himself needed to come back for health testing. This is not a surprise that we will hear from him this morning as he officially gets the key to the on ice product of the winnipeg jets. >> Gabrielle: looking forward to that. Exciting times for jets fans. And here's one for the parents and the students. We still have a minute left here. Province announced a standardized english test set for today has been canceled. >> We will find out if it has been suspended or rescheduled. We will learn more this morning. One of my kids was those impacted. It is the grade 12 provincial exam. It is supposed to take place over a couple of days. It is not like one of these math quizzes that you might have gotten 5 out of ten on and the teacher put it in the gage. This is a big deal not only for the provincial education system but for students as in terms of how they get their marks in their grade 12 year. >> Gabrielle: certainly to watch. What was your kid's reaction? >> He was disappointed. >> Gabrielle: what! >> Dad I was ready! I was so ready for this! We'll see how it goes and whether or not this has some implications for other things for kids in school as they are winding up the school year. >> Gabrielle: good on your kid. >> Any time. [ ] >> Gabrielle: all right with that we will take a break here. In the meantime, here's a sho Oh! Apologize to yourgreat-grandma Sadie. Sorry, Sadie. Not that way. That way. (Announcer speaks wordson screen) Stream on STACKTVand the Global tv app. Closed captioningfor this Global programis brought to you in partby One Gre Gru, your family's lives are at stake. We have to get to the safe house. What about all my friends? You'll make new friends, probably better ones. A lot of emotions, less talking, more walking. It has a vending machine!

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Brought to you by Party Stuff. ANNOUNCER:Hidden Assets, new series Wednesday,June 5th on Global. [ ] >> Gabrielle: a stabbing in osborne village. What police are saying about that incident that's right shoppers and safeway. Plans for change in point douglas. We're speaking with different community advocates. Their concerns over garbage and crime in the neighbourhood. >> Announcer: you're watching global winnipeg. This is "global news morning." >> Gabrielle: good morning. Thanks for kicking off the week with us here at global news winnipeg. Monday, may 27th. We're inching oh, so close to june. Probably hoping for a little warm-up and beach weather after this soggy weekend. Clay is going to bringing us more from point douglas all morning long. For now, a look at the top story. Police say one person was taken to hospital after a stabbing in osborne village. It happened saturday night around 9 between the shoppers drugmart and safe way near river and osbourne. That investigation is ongoing. No word on the conditio of the victim or if any arrests were made at this point. Bringing you a developing story this morning. There is a fire in the logan and arlington area. According to winnipeg fire paramedic service's car log, crews got the call to a structure fire in that area around 4:35 this morning. Thick plumes of grey smoke can be seen all the way from winnipeg's downtown. We'll bring you more information as it becomes available. Begin, that's an area you probably want to avoid especially as a motorist. The cleanup continues after a blaze early sunday morning in winnipeg's core. Firefighters got the call to a two-story building in the 100 block of notre dame street just before 1:00 A.M. one resident was looked over by paramedics but didn't have to be taken to hospital. An early investigation suggests it was cautioned by and electrical malfunction. A convenience store has been torn down after a weekend blaze in west broadway. Firefighters got the call to the 1 hung block of yonge street where they found the commercial building engulf under heavy smoke. One person managed to get out before crews got there. Nobody else was hurt thankfully. People inside nearby suites were temporarily evacuated as a precaution. Investigators say they're looking into the cause of the blaze. Plans are afoot to improve a beleaguered winnipeg neighbourhood. We brought you many stories point douglas. Some of them that include crime, fires and at times concerns from residents over garbage piling up. But as global's clay young tells us, things are looking up for that area. >> Clay: right now I'm joined by tanya blatz, a point douglas resident. Good to see you again. We've talked. >> We have. We've talked about litter in the past. >> Clay: how long have you lived in point douglas? Seven years. We own a house and we bought the neighbour's house. It's a rental now. >> Clay: as a point douglas resident, give us the good, the bad and the ugly of living there? >> Well, there's a lot of good. Beautiful houses. There's beautiful people. There's a real arts scene and a -- just an interesting vibe people that choose to live in this neighbourhood. A real care for community. People who move to this neighbourhood have a little bit of a thicker skin and they're willing to get their hands dirty for the most part which is awesome. Now, for-- >> Clay: go on. Yeah, yeah. >> Some of the bad. A little hamlet in the city so I feel like sometimes that means contractors or whatever or whomever can sometimes kind of cruise through here and use this as a bit of a dumping ground. It can be a place for crime. A little bit off the main track and as you know, we have a lot of fires here. >> Clay: I was just going to mention. In the background what remains of vulcan ironworks, a disastrous fire in july of last year. And you know, it's still the site of fires. They still keep breaking out. Your thoughts? >> We also have a fire directly that broke out last year in

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