
CKND - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #13

it and it is highly personal information on london drug employees; medical and human resources files. >> For example, we have seen salary information end up line. Details of discipline fairy records, performance reviews. Lockbit claimed responsibility for the attack. It demanded $25 million by thursday london drugs refused to pay. Ths is deeply distressing. London drugs is taking all available step to mitigate any impacts from the criminal acts including notifying all current employees whose personal information could be potentially impacted. And providing them with complimentary credit monitoring services and identity theft protection. As previously stated we have no indication to date of any compromise of patient or customer databases. Cyber security experts all agree there was no easy way out of this for london drug. >> This group has lied about things in the past. They promised to delete information if the victim pays the ransom and when they were busted the servers and things in the U.K. that they used to display the stolen data, even the data promised to be deleted had been retained by the criminals. >> They could pursue legal action against the company, but... >> You have to be able to show the damages you suffered as a result of the effect it's had on your personally. But that effect must make objective sense. In other words, if you're a very, very sensitive person and you're upset your name has been taken, you're not going recover very much. >> Thursday's data dump to the dark web significant. 300 gigabytes and unclear if lockbit is finished with london drugs or plans to release more stolen info in the days ahead. >> Antony: an merge response is under way after a massive landslide flattened dozens of homes in a remote village in northern papua new guinea. Many people were buried when the land slide hit at 3:00 A.M. local time. Estimates of the death toll were above 100, lot of fishls have not confirmed that figure. The country's prime minister says authorities are responding to the disaster and release more information when its becomes available. Weather experts are predicting an exceptionally busy atlantic hurricane season this year. >> This season is looking to be an extraordinary one in a number of ways. Based on our data and models with the el nino playing out a significant role. The key this year as in any year to get prepared and stay prepared if we're going to be emphasizing throughout the connect, is the best way to reduce reduce risks. >> Antony: the administration announced that warm sea temperatures and falling wind sheer conditions are expect today result in an increase number of storms that are also stronger than usual. Experts say there's an 85% chance for an above average hurricane season with four to seven major hurricanes. The forecast is the highest the organization has ever issued in its may outlook. The 2024 atlantic hurricanes season begins on june 1st. Former president donald trump held a rare republican campaign rally in the bronx, new york. In a state that hasn't gone red in a presidential election since the era of ronald reagan. Trump is hoping the move will help peel away black and hispanic voters from president biden this november. The biden/harris campaign is trying to gain support from a certain factor of gop voters. >> Together we are going to make new york city great again. >> Former president donald trump took the campaign stage in the bronx, an area that voted overwhelmingly blue four years ago. >> The simple fact is joe biden is not getting the job done for the bronx. He's not getting the job done for new york. >> The native new yorker is trying to woo black and hispanic voters away from the democratic party. >> We should listen to both sides of the argument and make informed decisions in the best interest of black people. >> President biden spent yesterday hosting kenya's president. First african leader to have a state visit in 16 years. In a new political ad his campaign paints trump's dealings with black americans as adversarial. >> The trump campaign denounced

the@as a quote, cheap attempt from the biden campaign to gas light black voters. The biden-harris campaign is trying to inform voter that nikki haley will vote for trump. A new cbs news poll shows more than half of americans believe trump is definitely or probably guilty. Trump denies all wrongdoing. Astrid martinez, cbs new, new york. >> Antony: now to some stunning new image to show you that are literally out of this world. European space agency released this. Five images from the euclid telescope featuring unprecedented viewing of a star-forming region in the milky way and clusters of hundreds of galaxies. The telescope will gather image to help scientists understand two of the universe's greatest mysteries. Dark matter and dark energy. That is what's making national and international news for this friday, may 24th. You are watching "global news morning." we'll be right back. Three renovation teams... ...renovate threebeach houses... ...with a little helpfrom three pros. (Announcer says words on screen) Gru, your family's lives are at stake. We have to get to the safe house. What about all my friends? You'll make new friends, probably better ones. A lot of emotions, less talking, more walking. It has a vending machine! This will be great. [ laughter ] Fire in the hole! [ laughter ] Beautiful!Minnesota gold right there!Nice Katie! Love it. We're from the Carolinas and always wanted tocome to Minnesota. I'm so hungry and readyfor some good food. It's kind of build yourown adventure here. Wow! 10/10 recommend. Your best defense against erosion and cavities? Is strong enamel. Nothing beats it. New Pronamel Active Shield actively strengthens the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. I think that this product is a game changer for my patients. It really works. Special occasion in your future. Celebrate with Global News. Let us be a part of the festivities. Each week, Global News Morning is giving away a $50 party stuff gift certificate. Send in photos of your celebration to GlobalNews.CA/Winnipeg/Contest for your chance to win. Brought to you by Party Stuff. Look up! Contact with overhead powerlines can have serious or even fatal results. Always maintain a safe distance. Keep yourself and your equipment at least three meters from any powerline. Safety. it's in your hands. Our health care system has been through a lotin the last few years. And the battle isn't over. When you buy your ticket in thetri hospital dream lottery, you're doing morethan getting a chance to become a millionaire. The dedicated health careprofessionals in Manitoba's Big Three hospitalsmeet the challenges every day. We serve over 1 millionpatients and deliver close to 11 thousand babies annually. Please go to Tri Hospital Dreamdot com and show your support. Tri Hospital Dream Lottery. We are here for you for life. >> Moses: happy friday. Good morning, folks. Thanks for joining us on what is going to be a rainy and cloudy here in winnipeg. Getting us to 11 degrees this afternoon. You'll see the rain right into tonight. As we look furthe west, a little warmer and not as rainy in regina and saskatoon with saskatoon, calgary, edmonton getting up to 14. Rain showers for vancouver. Toronto continuing with those 20 degree temperatures at 23 and halifax just by there at 22° coming up this afternoon. Going to be seeing some heavy rain throughout southern manitoba today, folks. Into the afternoon hour, not only heavy rain but possibly looking at the southwest corner to get with some snow and rain/snow mixture at that. For winnipeg, we'll see the know concentrated in particular southwestern manitoba. Going into tonight and tomorrow morning, start seeing that rain move further north so not affecting as much of winnipeg. More so central and northern areas of the province but it is going to be windy today and tomorrow with gusts anywhere from 40 to 50 kilometres an hour. As we get into sunday monday, a little breezier with the winds relaxing. You can see that it's going be a little cooler couple of days

here. By sunday, we should get close to the 20 degree temperatures in winnipeg and brandon and for your pollen report, total pollen is moderate. [ ] >> This global news pollen report is brought to you by reactine. Breathe it all with reactine. >> Gabby: we love bringing producer corey callahan on the show. Clay has been talking about doors winnipeg open all morning. Have you been? >> I did it last year. Went to a few places. The old jail they had there. Really cool to see. They had the cells and everything. Really rare access to some of these buildings.p another bank on main street and got to go go the vault of it. >> Gabby: wow. Was it like hogwarts? >> Basically. There was secondary vaults and everything. Quite school to check out. I know thetions options are end less. >> Gabby: you don't always realize -- I have family from edmonton and made me realize how historical manitoba is. Really neat to see. >> Very lucky we have a lot of history here. Let's hope we embrace it, continue to embrace it and have it for many more years to come. >> Gabby: time for a segment where we're bringing it back in history. First up, mary had a little lamb by sarah josepha hail is first published. Ear worm for so many parents. Mary had a little lamb probably a long time ago, hey? Did you learn anything from this song? Fur was as white as snow and followed her everywhere. I don't know what the point is. >> Maybe don't be too clingy. >> Gabby: okay. All about healthy boundaries in relationships. Thank you so much, sarah. Guessing it was 1892. >> 1898. >> Gabby: 1830! Whoa. Wow. >> Also on this date indiana joan as and the last crusade premieres. >> Gabby: have you ever rewatched and some parts are like ooh, but also very entertaining. '80s? >> I think its was '80s. >> Gabby: '85. >> I'll say '88. '89. Kind of. >> Gabby: we did okay. We got the right century. That's what really matters. We always try. Time for your manitoba. Speaking of trying, andrew tell us this composition was done with the handheld. No tripod was use and he said night photography is difficult and proving to be a goal for him. Very cool. Very spooky. >> I tried night photography -- >> Gabby: what? You're so talented. >> Going hand held in nighttime photography becausele the littlest shake can blur the picture. >> Gabby: it has werewolf vibe to it. >> I always bring up the trees. >> Gabby: you love trees. >> Apparently. Leona sent this in from altona. Quite beautiful. >> Gabby: I like the date stamp, too because you know when you took a photo. >> The real deal. It happened then. >> Gabby: leona, we love your real deal. Keep them coming. Give me all the puppy photo. >> Give me all the photos >> Gabby: corey loves foilage. That's what we're learning today. >> Gabby: that will do it on this friday. Our city looking oh, so green with all a rain. We hope you enjoy your weekend and we'll see you monday. [ ] Right from the start,it's you You hungry, little guy? Kick off your summer... You think he'd see that coming. With a ton of fun. I have that in spades. Ahhh! Cheddar, one of my top 26 favorite cheeses. [mummbles] I don't know. It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! - Hey, thanks Harley. See you next week. - Thanks, bud, have a good one.

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