
CKND - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #8

[ ] >> Gabrielle: good morning. Thanks for joining us. It is friday may 24th. You're watching global news winnipeg. Just a reminder we are one week away from the bottomers playing -- bombers playing at home. Mark your calendars. Lots of rain to talk about. For now let's take a look at what's making headlines [ ] >> Gabrielle: terrifying moments in a winnipeg car jacking. What happened before crashed into a downtown building. >>> Plus a message to homeowners. With a rainfall warning in place in southern manitoba, what you can do to protect your property. [ ] >> Announcer: you're watching - global winnipeg. This is "global news morning." [ ] >> Gabrielle: winnipeg police are searching for a suspect after a brazen car jacking that involved a family still inside the vehicle. Officers were called to the cbc headquarters on portage avenue tuesday afternoon. They found a vehicle that had crashed into the building. Police think that a woman and her teen waiting for her husband. Was in a nearby store when the suspect tried to steal. They didn't get far. Crashed into the building. Police say the man attacked the woman on the ground. She suffered only minor injuries. The 18-year-old was unhurt. No suspects have been named at this point. Police are asking anyone with information to call the major crimes unit. >>> An update in the political world, the manitoba tory haves announced their candidate for the up coming tuxedo by election. Family lawyer pinsky look to keep the tories in power in the riding after heather stefanson stepped down. She has three decades of legal experience and looking to keep the seat blue. Which had has been since the inception of the 1981. The ndp, liberals, and green party have announced their candidates. Which goes june 18th. The pcs won the seat in last fall's election just 268 votes >> Gabrielle: after public out cry, the province has partly walked back a funding cut to programming that funds summer jobs for young people. On wednesday, the minister responsible bushie announced he's adding $300,000 to the program which helps nonprofit groups and municipalities hire young people in the summer. Last week several organizations across the province learned they didn't get the funding they usually get if any. They were concerned about the impact to programming. The manitoba camping association says it is unclear exactly what will happen with the announced funding particularly as provincial politicians go to a black out period prior to an upcoming byelection. Kim sugar says that while 300 grand isn't a cure all, she is hopeful. >> It is sounding like the funding that the additional funding now open will be some that will help camps who are denied funding in that first intake. We're really hoping that they'll come through with that and camps will feel supported and heard because it was such a huge loss for them. >> Gabrielle: many families have been benefitting from 10 dollar a day child care for more than a year now but certain families still don't qualify and there is a push to get that changed going into summer. Right now the fee are 10 bucks a day for those in infant preschool and nursery school spaces during regular full time hours but it is different for school aged kids and for those children during in services days and school holidays like summer break. The fees stay the same as before. Now the ndp government said in their election campaign they are going to change that to make it $10 for all kids no matter what day. They could not comment on that promise thursday due to a black out period with the up coming by election. Summer break is quickly approaching and they want answers. >> It is urgent. Families need to plan for their summer and know how to budget for their summer. Those that are fortunate enough to have a space need to know. >> Gabrielle: significant rainfall is expected in southern manitoba today and the city of winnipeg says its teams are at the ready to respond to any weather related issues. The city says you might want to pull out your generator in case the power goes out and make sure your phone is charged before the storm. You should inspect your back water valve make sure your gutters are clean and down spouts pointing away from home. If you have important items in the basement it is best if they are in plastic bins verses in a card board box or off the floor. Mike says that it is still too

early to tell if any specific area of the city is at risk of flooding. >> As the system starts to come through, there may be some more information that becomes available on where it is tracking. Really good look at the weather radar and see where the storm is track and go where may be those intense hot spots are if there are any >> Gabrielle: morden winkler has been hit hardest. They could still see 50 milliliters by the time the system moves out. >> Gabrielle: in the sports world the blue bombers have been very fortunate to keep much of the roster in tack to the four year run but at this training camp the blue bombers have a competition for spots with six starter jobs they have to fill after all those off season departures. They have a back up roll in need of attention that defensive tackle lawson could miss much of the season. He serveds the back up to thompson last season while being used in rotation. With lawson out long term, tanner is the next man up. He appeared in five games as a rookie where he was credited with a sack and one tackle. Head coach has seen growth in his game in his second pro camp. >> Way ahead of the game in the first training camp. And it shows on the field with these guys. Tanner is one of them. Using his hands way more. He's doing what he is asked to do way more. He's just built for that spot, right? [ ] >> Gabrielle: shaping up to be a very soggy friday out there with rainfall warning in place and some concern for some homeowners potentially. We want to bring you the details. We have moises with your weather on your friday morning. >> Moises: good morning. I hope you brought your umbrella or rain coat at least bushing -- but folks if you're going out the door today, well you want to make sure you have something covering your head. It will be rainy throughout. 6° is the starting temperature. We're not only seeing the winds get up to 30 kilometres per hour almost right now, but we could see gusts get up to 50 kilometres per hour across southern manitoba which is under a rainfall warning as you can see here. This does include winnipeg. Church hill right now dense fog advisory. Near 0 do 0 visibility with the chunk in manitoba. We will look over to thompson norway house flin flon and the pas at 2. Church hill in that dense fog advisory area now at -4. For swan river one of the cooler areas on this part of the map of 3 but for winnipeg, portage, brandon, dauphin all at 6. Gimli, morden, winkler, sprague at 7. And melita start at 5. Heavy rain coming up for southern manitoba and take a look at this as we go into the afternoon hours, we're looking at snow for the southwest and western areas of the province as we go into 7 P.M. tonight continuing with that rain. You will start seeing for the winnipeg area overnight tonight that that rain will start tapering off because it will move further north and then start seeing a little bit of rain to wrap up the weekend in northern and central areas of the province. You can see that rain falling here as part of your ok tire traffic report and we will switch on over to what we're seeing out there. Quite rainy here on this friday morning. For your road closures... >> Moises: we will send it back to you now. >> Announcer: sky tracker weather is brought to you in part by the walk for alzheimer's may 25th in assiniboine park. >> Gabrielle: all right. Thank you very much for that, moises. Still ahead we will bring you a look at your national and international headlines including an update on that london drugs cyber attack. Data has been released after the company refused to pay a ransom. We will have more on the fall out right after the break Are you ready to playBig Brother? Mmm, are you ready? You don't wanna miss out. Announcer: Big Brother, special two-night premiere July 17th and 18th on Global. You hungry, little guy? Kick off your summer... You think he'd see that coming. With a ton of fun. I have that in spades. Ahhh! Cheddar, one of my top 26 favorite cheeses. [mummbles] I don't know. Follow Follow the sun (Laughing) Which way the wind blows (Indistinct chatting, laughing) When this day is done (Baby crying)

Woman: (On tv) It's Temp v. One shot makes you a Supe for 24 hours. Waiting for the break of day Mm! (Crying) Have fun, you two. Bye. Oh! (Baby cooing) (Gasp) ( ) Wanting just to stay awake ( ) Should I try to do some... Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. Meet Dave. He's feeling the burn of summer. His ac has called it quits, leaving him in a sweaty predicament. Oh my goodness, Dave. What is going on here? Oh, hey babe. Just trying to stay cool. Have you called the ac guys? That's where Abundant Air steps in. They're the heroes Dave needs to beat the heat. With their expertise and speedy service, they'll have him chilling in no time. Here. Pants are back in style now, thanks to Abundant Air. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours at announcer: Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. >> Antony: hello, and thank you for joining us on this friday, may 24th. I'm antony robart. Here's a look at your national and international headlines... >>> Retailer london drugs has confirmed what had been feared: files stolen by cyber criminals last month have been leaked on to the dark web. Cyber criminals breached company computers in a ransomware attack. London drugs at one point closed all of its stores in western canada as a result. Now, a group called lockbit claimed responsibility and threatened to release stolen data unless london drugs paid $25 million. The company says it is unwilling and unable to pay and customer and patient databases, it says, were not affected, but employee data may have been, and they are getting free credit monitoring services and identity theft protection.

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