
CKND - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #7

scotia high cancer rates into consideration, when beginning screening availability at 50, regard than task force recommended age 55 >> Discussing with partner populations, our communities, our folks tend to start younger. With that in mind, we started here at 50 was the age. >> Reporter: so what that creates is what we call a postal code lottery. So if you're in a province that does allow screening in the appropriate age group, you're lucky. And that actually anies against the canada health act and it creates inequity. >> The coalition for responsible health care guidelines is calling for the restructuring of the independent federally appointed task force and for accountability. A representative for the task force says it's working on a comprehensive evidence review for it's upcoming draft guidelines on breast cancer screening. The draft recommendations are expected out later this spring. >> We hand by helplessly and watch as they create guidelines that don't align with what experts know, you know, actually happens in reality. >> Reporter: the coalition wants experienced specialists to be part of the crucial guideline decisions, meghan king, global news, halifax. >> Antony: a new survey reveals canadians are more interested in this year's summer olympics than the previous one. An ipsos poll done exclusively for global news finds nearly 58% of people are looking forward to the world's biggest sporting event, actually a significant increase since the 2020 tokyo summer olympics, which piqued the interest of 33% of canadians. While 85% of people surveyed said canadian participation in the games will make them proud, 4 in 10 believed olympics are not worth the hype. Overwhelming majority hope the competition will bring people together, despite conflicts plaguing various parts of the world. The paris olympics kick off july 26th. And that is what is making national and international news for this friday, may 24th. You're watching "global news morning." we'll be right back. [ ] 9-1-1, what's your emergency? My plane's about to crash. Announcer: The epic new season of9-1-1... (Sobbing) Please help my Mom! He's not breathing! Help is coming! Is a wild ride. In pursuit. (Sirens blaring) Thursday... We're ready. Let's go, let's go! (Sirens blaring) We're gonna get both of you out of here. Dispatch all available rescue units. That's it! Go back, go back! Need a lift? 9-1-1,season finale Thursdayat 8 Eastern on Global. Joy: Riley's officially a teenager now. Please, can somebody pinch me? (Thud) Ow! Hello! (Screaming) I'm Anxiety. We're Riley's new emotions. I'm Envy. Anxiety: That's Ennui. En-what? That's Embarrassment. Welcome! (Whimper) Oh, we're doing a fi... no. Oh. What's going on? I know change is scary but Riley is in good hands. You aren't packed yet? I'm the wo-o-orst! (Crying) Well, that's a preview of the next 10 years. (Screaming)Only in theatres. Depend offers all day protection. So you can say "yes" to alll-most anything. Yes! Yes! Yes! No! Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. G & l Furniture Warehouse is Winnipeg's only authorised factory clearance centre for the worlds top furnature companies. Come shop right in our warehouse and save big. G & l Furniture Warehouse Located in the Inkster Indsutrial park at 30 Hutchings Street. You can't leave without cuddles, but you also can't leave covered in hair. With Bounce Pet, you can cuddle and brush that hair off. Bounce. It's the sheet. Start to finish. The only thing that can measure up to the beauty and craftsmanship of a Huron window is Huron windows. Every Huron window is manufactured right here in Manitoba. Huron windows and doors. You'll love the view. Canadians want to be informed. That's why more canadians than ever are turning to global news. For the most extensive news >> Announcer: canadians want to be informed. For the most sense extensive news coverage available on all platforms watch listen and follow canada's trusted source for news. Global news. [ ] >> Moises: good morning. Thank you very much for joining us, folks, on a friday that will be cloudy and rainy. You know what really cool temperature compared to what we normally see this time of year. We are getting set for 11° this afternoon in winnipeg. Now to compare that to our normal high which is about 21° this time of year. Looking at 10 to 20 kilometres

per hour of wind. Gusts that could get up to 50 today with the rain. And winnipeg is part of a rainfall warning that is also for areas of southern manitoba. Dense fog advisory. We have a frost advisory in some areas of north western ontario. As you can see on our map it will be a rainy one for the next couple of days. By sunday at 5 o'clock. Fisher branch 44 milliliters for winnipeg looking at 35 milliliters. Gimli at the 40 mark. So it is going to be a rainy weekend folks, but at least you won't have to water the flowers. As we're looking at the this afternoon even possibly some snow for southwestern manitoba. That won't be good for the flowers. As we go into saturday you will see more of the rain showers moving further north and into central areas, but for winnipeg, brandon, cooler day today including for thompson but temperatures get cooler for thompson over the weekend. We will see them warm up in winnipeg and in brandon. >> Announcer: weather is brought to you in part by the walk for alzheimer's may 25th in assiniboine park. You're watching global news. [ ] >> Moises: police in spain say they have recovered a painting by the late british artist francis bacon. The piece titled study for portrait was one of five valuable paintings stolen from a home back in 2015 and the fourth painting to be recovered. The group of five stolen paintings are estimated to be worth a combined $25 million euros. Back in february police arrested two people accused of stealing the art work which they say ultimately led to the discovery of the painting. In total, 16 people have been arrested in connection with the robbery. Police say an investigation and search for the final stolen painting continues.

>>> When a kingston man's mother was diagnosed with als he decided to help raise money the only way he knew how. This weekend a wrestling match a show for mom features current professional wrestlers and a few celebrities. We have more. >> Reporter: according to kyle there is nothing quite like wrestling. >> It gets the blood flowing. >> Reporter: it was 15 years ago when he was inspired by the words of his grandfather. Who told him that one of his only regrets in life was not trying wrestling. >> I was going to try it for him and when he passed I just ended up continuing on. >> Reporter: it is fitting that it was another member of his family that inspired what he's described as the biggest event of his life. >> It is a. >> Reporter: the event called stepping up a show for mom is raising money to help his mother buy mobility equipment to deal with her als diagnoses. >> It was devastating. >> Reporter: jessie bell is both a student and friend of leader and jumped to help. >> Kyle really has become like family to me. When your family suffers, you suffer. >> Reporter: the show will be held at kingston's arena saturday may 25th. [ ] >> Reporter: and will feature an appearance from the star the mountie and current tna star frankie who will be opposite leader in the main event. >> He will have to do absolutely everything to hold me down because I'm not coming to lose in front of my mom. >> Reporter: all are welcome for a good cause. Global news. [ ] >> Moises: stay with us. Your local headlines are next [ ] This Global program is brought to you in part by the True North Youth Foundation Flatlander's Beer Festival, June 7th and 8th. Gru, your family's lives are at stake. We have to get to the safe house. What about all my friends? You'll make new friends, probably better ones. A lot of emotions, less talking, more walking. It has a vending machine! This will be great. [ laughter ] Fire in the hole! [ laughter ] It's Leon's Storewide Super Sale! Save up to 50% on furniture. Save up to 50% on mattresses. Plus, get an l2 washer and dryer set for only $998 including a 2 year warranty! Ends Wednesday! Boulevard North was the perfect choice for us. I'm as active as ever, and he's taking his favorites. We're together, we're happy, safe and secure, enjoying all the great comforts of home. And if we need extra care, it's right there. Secure community living boulevard north caring comfort. Come see for yourself. Look up! Contact with overhead powerlines can have serious or even fatal results. Always maintain a safe distance. Keep yourself and your equipment at least three meters from any powerline. Safety. it's in your hands. Up to 75% of athletes, mostly males, have tried smokeless chewing tobacco. It's highly addictive and can cause many health issues like gum disease, tooth decay, and can lead to oral cancer. How's that for something to chew on? Oral cancer kills. Spit it out. A message brought to you by the Manitoba Dental Association. Closed captioning for this Global program is brought to you in part by Bath Fitter. Beautiful tubs and showers in as little as one day. Book your free consultation today. We came here with skills, -to keep me alive and thriving.- (Man grunting) Look at that shadow. That's the shadowof a warrior hunter. (Announcer says words on screen) Stream on StackTVand the GlobalTV app.

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