
CKND - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #6

>>> >>> Happy update to a story we brought to you about the winnipeg humane society rescuing dozens of dogs. From a home in richmond west. They started with 68. That were seized from home on wednesday. Now they have 79 because a couple of dogs had puppies. They say that five dogs are ready to be adopted. Their manager of adoption services says the support from the community has been astounding. They are reminding perspective pet parents that many may have their sights set on the bunch they were already at overcapacity and they have other pups who are in need of other homes as well. >> May be it is small and cute, but is it really suitable for you? May be a big fluffy one might better suit you because their personality is better. You never know. Don't focus too much on just appearance and actually come down and spend time with them and see who is the best fit for you. >> Gabrielle: significant rainfall is expected in southern manitoba today. The city of winnipeg says its teams are ready to respond to any weather related issues. The city says you might want to pull out your generator in case the power goes out. And adds it is a good idea to make sure that your phone is charged before the storm. You may look at a back water valve make sure your gutters are clean and down spouts pointing away from home. If you have important items in the basement it is best if they are plastic bins verses a card board box or off the floor. Mike says it is still too early to tell if any specific area of the city is at risk of flooding. >> As the system starts to come through there may be some more information that becomes available in what is tracking. Really good to look at the weather radar and to see where the storm is tracking and where the intense hot spots are >> Gabrielle: gaming has evolved over the years and now schools are looking to tap into that interest. Esports became prominent in many sports across the country. Nicole teaches at a school and was interested in starting an e sports team for sometime, but knew that starting small was important. Despite a group of her students -- despite that rather a group of her students claimed provincial and national recognition for an escape room they built in the game of mine craft. >> They were required as part of it to incorporate something they are learning in their current course of studies. They built an escape room around ancient egypt. >> I think the endless possibilities and how you can make it whatever you want. >> Gabrielle: melissa burns is a ceo for esports canada. Her team organized the expo that is happening that started yesterday. Still goes today. She says with some structured and intentional guidance, video games are being used to nurture students interest and help them develop other life skills.

>>> A popular arrest indicated game usually played for fun will get serious in the province. This is the first pin ball championship that is just south of spring field road. It goes friday till sunday. Pin ball has been competitive in the province for a few years after the league was formed in 2017. It was a league started by david morris and he says this weekend's championships features five different events. >> We're having people come in from all over canada. Some of the best players in the country are going to be here, and it is really a great opportunity to come out meet some people play some pin ball and have some fun! Snows [ ] touter cla >> Gabrielle: if you liv liv l southern manitoba you are waking up to rain out there. We could get a lot of it. Potentially concerning amounts in some areas. Let's bring in moises on your friday. >> Moises: happy friday morning to you. And good morning folks. Thank you for joining us on what is a rainy start here in winnipeg. And you're going to be looking at the rain throughout the day. We're at plus 6 as the starting temperature. Windy outside to start with the winds just short of 30 kilometres per hour. We talked about this yesterday, but we will bring this back up. It is our weather alerts map and you can see the rainfall warning for southern manitoba including winnipeg. Dense fog advisory up in the church hill area as well this morning. Zero visibility to start out of that section of manitoba. We will tell you more about the rain in a moment. For winnipeg portage starting off at 6 like in dauphin, brandon. Swan river at 3. Morden and sprague starting at 7. For portage dauphin area only getting up to 7° today. You will notice for dauphin, brandon there is the rain and snow mix on the way with brandon only getting up to 6 today. Melita 7. Swan river 8. And for winnipeg looking at a high of 10 today. It will be a lot cooler than what we have experienced so far this spring with heavy rain this morning. For southwest and central west areas of manitoba you're possibly looking at snow. That rain will continue into tomorrow morning but it will shift towards northern sections aways go into sunday. This is our look today folks as we look at stirling line as part of your ok tire traffic report and see the rain really starting to fall here across the city. Shot of portage and notre-dame. Looking at your gas prices sorry to wrap things up here. Co-op stations still representing the common price $1.44 for regular. Your average remains unchanged. Gabby. >> Announcer: sky tracker weather is brought to you in part by the walk for alzheimer's may 25th in assiniboine park. >> Gabrielle: thank you very much for that moises. Still ahead I've never hadthese feelings before, but I'd be sadif I had to kill her. -Having triplets is...amazing. -expensive. So, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with Tide. So we're back to Tide, and the clothes are clean again. Do three times the laundry and get a Tide clean. Wall paper or paint.We make thousands of financialdecisions every day. Stay on top of it all withalerts and insights from the cibc Smart Account. Sometimes a sub comes along and hits just so right. And then we show it like this and you think: "That can't be $4.99." Guess what? The Subway 6 inch Turkey Breast sub is only $4.99. Not forever. Offer ends June 23rd. ( ) When you're looking for effective pain relief choose Tylenol. It's clinically proven to start working in 15-20 minutes. ( ) Tylenol. ( ) ( ) Stop dreaming. Start shopping. Red Tag Days are on at Toyota, with great offers on select models. Find yours today, at Where are we right now?Beautiful northern Minnesota. We're going to go lookfor some wild plums. They are so vibrant. We're both from New York and we've gone on so manyadventures together. The water, it's quite magical. I feel like we gota taste of Minnesota. It's truly special. [ upbeat rock music ] [ ]

Closed captioning of thisprogram is brought to youin part by ok Tire. Service, repair, and tires. It's going to be ok. . >> What he needed was help but he was met with force. >> That made me even more angry. >> Announcer: crime beat fridays on global. >> Antony: hello and thank you for joining us on this friday may 24th. I'm antony robart. Here's a look at your national and international headlines [ ] >> Antony: retailer london drugs has confirmed what had been feared, files stolen by cyber criminals last month have been leaked on to the dark web. Cyber criminals breached company computers in a ransomware attack. London drugs closed all stars in western canada as a result. A group called lock bit claimed responsibility and threatened to release stolen data, unless london drugs paid $25 million. The company said it's unwilling and unable to pay. Customer and patient data bases, it says, were not affected, but employee data may have been, and they're getting free credit monitoring services and identity theft protection. Well, just one week before the start to have atlantic hurricane season, there are dire predictions from forecasters in both canada and the united states. The national oceanic and atmospheric administration is projecting the highest number of named storms in history. And experts warn it could be the most active hurricane season on record. Jackson proskow has the story. >> Reporter: hurricane otis seemed to come out of nowhere. Decimating ak poke co-after rapidly intensifying from a category 1 to category 5 in a single day. That nightmare scenario could happen again and again this year. >> This season is looking to be an extraordinary one in a number of ways. >> Reporter: never have american forecasters been so certain of a violent hurricane season. Calling for 8 to 13 hurricanes, with four to seven major storms of category 3 or higher, fuelled by record warm ocean temperatures in the atlantic >> They're equivalent to what we would normally see during august, and they're dramatically warmer than in 2005. >> Reporter: 2005 was the year that brought katrina. Which killed over 1,800 people, and caused upwards of $125 billion in damage. Since then, climate change has super charged the ingredients for hurricanes. >> The most intense hurricanes will become more intense. That was a projection of the last ipcc report. At the same time, the rainfall associated with hurricanes is also projected to become more intense. >> Reporter: canada's hurricane centre warned storms could also be stronger as they make their way north, like 2022's hurricane fiona, the costliest weather event in atlantic canadian history. The risks have not stopped people from flocking to coast, places like florida have witnessed a population boom in the last decade, even as some home insurance providers pull out entirely >> Some ininsurers are cutting back, making it challenging for home owners to find coverage in the high risk states. >> Reporter: that will all by certainly raise the costs of the next major hurricane to make land fall. Making the dire forecast a wake up call about our vulnerability to more frequent and more extreme storms. Jackson proskow, global news, washington. >> Antony: medical sper experts from across the current are raising concerns about delays in updating national cancer screening guidelines. The canadian task force on preventative health care is being asked to more frequently revisit its recommendations. Especially as medical technologies rapidly evolve. Meghan king has the story. >> Waiting 10 plus years for an update is not acceptable anymore. >> Reporter: it has been over a decade since national guidelines were made recommending women age 50 and older should have access to mammography to screen for breast cancer. Since then, evidence showing the age of breast cancers incidents is becoming younger has urged experts in the field to call on the canadian task force for prevennes care that sets national guidelines to lower the recommendation to age 40. >> This will save lives. There is no question about it. The sooner that the breast cancer is detected, the earlier the stage, the much more higher rate of cures that we can accomplish. >> Calling for equity on a federal level, many provinces have taken the change into their own hands. Nova scotia starts screening for mammography starting at 40, not the only cancer it's making ice own decisions on. Lung and spei took the nova

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