
CKND - Friday, May 24, 2024 - 07:00 a.m. (ET) - Segment #5

[heist music plays] [music intensifies] Grrrr! [applause] Watch the Camping Forecast every Wednesday through Friday on Global News Morning and Global News at 10 p.m. Submit your camping photos to for a chance to have them featured. The Camping Forecast is brought to you by Transcona Trailer Sales Offering you the complete rv Experience. Let's maximize those dreams. That's right. The next lotto max jackpot is an estimated $70 million, plus an estimated 12 maxmillions. A backyard putting green? What about a whole backyard course! She's dreaming to the max! Get your lotto MAXtickets today! [ ] >> Announcer: weather is brought to you in part by the walk for alzheimer's may 25th in assiniboine park. >> Moises: happy friday. Good morning, folks. It will be a rainy and cloudy day here in winnipeg. Getting up to 11° this afternoon. You will see that rain right into tonight as we look further west a little warmer. Not as rainy. Calgary, edmonton 14. Toronto twng the 20° temperatures at 23 and halifax just by there at 22° coming up this afternoon. We will be seeing heavy rain throughout southern manitoba today folks even into the afternoon hours. Not only heavy rain, but we are possibly looking at southwest corner to get with some snow and may be even rain snow mix at that. For winnipeg I think we will miss out on the snow. We will see the snow more so concentrated in the western side of the province particularly southwestern manitoba. Going into tonight and into tomorrow morning we will start seeing that rain move further north. Not effecting as much as winnipeg. More so central and northern areas of the province, but it will be a little bit windy today and tomorrow with the gusts anywhere from 40 kilometres per hour and then as we get into sunday and monday it will be breezier with the winds relaxing. You can see it will be a little bit cooler couple of days here, but by sunday we should get to the 20° temperatures here in winnipeg and brandon and for the pollen report total pollen is moderate. [ ] this pollen report is brought to you by reactin. Breathe it all in. >> Moises: a give away for you now. It is your chance to win tickets to the flat landers beer festival t takes place june 7th and 8th. Call 204-235-8589 for your chance to win. Good luck. >> Announcer: you're watching global news. [ ] >> Gabrielle: here's a very neat one ahead of the weekend. Doors open winnipeg is back for another year this saturday and sunday. It is a chance to explore some of the city's most unique buildings with rare access. Here's clay young with more on how you can take in the fun. >> Reporter: cindy the executive director is joining us now. This all starts tomorrow. Another edition of open doors winnipeg. What's new and exciting? >> We have 70 building and walking tours throughout the city. We have buildings in transcona in st. Boniface, st. Nobert downtown a big part and an in the exchange district where we are right now. >> Reporter: are there some venues that might be more popular than others? Who decides -- I remember a few years ago there was a big long line ups. Have you managed to figure that out? >> The vaughn street jail is only open one weekend a year and they do a very wonderful historical performance. I think that one is super popular but believe it or not the ledge open all year round and it is the one of the most popular tmpts testament to unique buildings and people just love to learn about history. >> Reporter: there are places that during this weekend people will be able to enter that they normally wouldn't be -- you're talking about the vaughn street jail. I remember I did a story about it on the event and I actually went inside the cell and I mean you can't do that. >> But you go and learn about the history and of the building and the architect. You're learning about the nonprofit organizations behind the stew ward ship of the buildings. People learn more about the

social and cultural history also in the history. >> Reporter: we're in the exchange. There will be walking tours. >> Yeah. They do wonderful themed walking tours and because the exchange strict is 20 city blocks and over 100 historic buildings we thought the walking tours were wonderful t gives you the bredth of the history. This is a national historic site. We have city hall celebrating winnipeg 150 this year. -- so we're really proud to have all of these buildings participating in the exchange. >> Reporter: and it runs saturday and sunday. Will you split it up or have some venues that are open both day sns. >> We have some buildings that are open just saturday or saturday-sunday. We have evening events this year. And little brown jug is ending the event on sunday evening. There is something for everyone. We have contests for families and kids. >> Reporter: when you say evening are we talking entertainment here? >> Yes. Some entertainment. We work well with the -- >> Reporter: we love entertainment. >> We love the local artist and is we like to partner with them. >> Reporter: so if people want more information on all of this, where do they go? >> Everything that they want to know about this event is at doors open And it is all free. >> Reporter: all right. Thank you very much. >> It was a pleasure. [ ] >> Gabrielle: all right. Well that rain is falling here in winnipeg. Here's a wet look from our tower cam at main street. Please stay safe. We will be back with your local headlines right after the break [ ] announcer: What is StackTV? You guys are gonna wanna see this. Ha-ha! It's a streaming service that bundles the biggest channels and hottest shows together for one low price. Woo! That is StackTV. Don't pay to haul awayyour old working fridge or freezer. Efficiency Manitoba will pick up recycle, and pay you 30 dollars for it. Book your pick up at today [ ] You might not know how to fix a broken air conditioner. SFX:[phone/truck/bag/fan] But we do. "That was fast." And if you need a new one pay as little as three dollars a day and make no monthly rental payments for 6 months Call on Reliance Your mom, your partner, your grandpa. Who are you walking for? Join the Alzheimer's Society for the ig Wealth Management. Walk for Alzheimer's and help support Manitoban Families living with dementia. Register now at What's behind the Blue Cow Logo? High Canadian Standards. Which means we meet strict requirements. ...Working with a team of experts and working towards a sustainable future. That's what this logo certifies. We're behind the Blue Cow logo. Don't pay to haul awayyour old working fridge or freezer. Efficiency Manitoba will pick up recycle, and pay you 30 dollars for it. Book your pick up at today I can't believeall this was five bucks.I can't believe you brought mehere ( ) Right now,get a Chicken McMuffin with a hash brown and a small premium roastcoffee for five bucks. Canada has one of the best backyards in the world. Don't let allergies prevent you from breathing it all in. (Sneeze, birds squawking) Get relief fast. Reactine acts fast to relieve allergy symptoms and lasts 24 hours. The next lotto 6/49 Gold Ball jackpot is a massive $54 million! Imagine the possibilities Plus, the Classic $5 million jackpot. Two chances tofind your possible. Don't pay to haul awayyour old working fridge or freezer. Efficiency Manitoba will pick up recycle, and pay you 30 dollars for it. Book your pick up at today (Announcer says words on screen) >> Gabrielle: changing the way they respond to calls. An inside look at the new system and how it is bringing folks to ease pressure

>>> More on the dozens of pups seized from a home. Last week. Some have given birth and some are ready for adoption. We will bring you that update. >> You're watching global winnipeg. This is global news morning. [ ] >> Gabrielle: good morning. Thanks for joining us on your friday as we made it to the end of the week. Just ahead of the weekend waking up to wet weather. We are under a rainfall warning for parts of southern manitoba. More on what you can do to protect your home later on. For now let's take a look at your top story. [ ] >> Gabrielle: the priority system for emergency calls to the winnipeg fire paramedic service is changing with a goal to get the right help to the right patients. We continue our exclusive look at the new system. The downtown community safety participate started responding to calls from on may 8th went straight to the roost -- radios easing the pressure at the detachment centre as communication operators match limited paramedic crews to calls. The system can identify the urgent calls. Operators ask a series of questions and look up their history meds hospital visits before sending them to paramedics or higher priority. >> It allows them to focus more within their scope rather than taking on calls that we can provide assistance to. >> We're at a point where we have to be watching our resource and is we can't send to every call. So we have to be very specific of holding them for the priority 1's which are the higher lights and sirens responses. >> Gabrielle: the system and the dcsp role is still being phased in.

>>> An update in the political world. The manitoba tories have announced their candidate for up coming tuxedo byelection. Family lawyer pinsky look to keep the tories in power in the riding after heather stefanson stepped down. Earlier this year. She has three decades of legal experience and looking to keep the seat blue. Which it has been since the inception in 1981. The ndp, liberals, and green party have announced their candidates. For the vote which goes june 18th. The pcs won the seat in last fall's election just 268 votes >>> The manitoba government is planning new rules for those landlords wanting to raise rents. A few conditions who want to raise rent above the provincial guideline which is tide to inflation. Currently they can apply it a director for higher rent increase and make their argument. That bill would limit such applications to cases where landlords face sharp rise in taxes utilities and security cost or where they invest in capital projects like plum and go heating. It would give the director to order rent increases to be phased in over a number of years instead of taking affect immediately. >>> Three in five canadians think federal employees should be in the office more according to a data. The feds announced that starting in september federal employees will need to be in the office at least three days a week rather than the two that is currently required. After asking more than 1,700 people 59% of people support the move while 28% are against it. 13% are not sure. Those in public sector unions are largely split according to to the poll with 47% in support, 41% owe posing it. Retired canadians and men over 55 support the change more than anyone with 79% of both groups agreeing with the increase.

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